Rebel Millionaire

Speaker 1: I did that thing just then. I totally did that thing just then.

Speaker 1: I'm very happy to be here, and live streaming, but I definitely still did the thing. I'm gonna admit it. Not the hair adjustment thing. I mean, I did the hair adjustment thing, obviously. I always adjust my hair. It's only professional. Hey, hey. Hey to everybody. Say hi if you're jumping on. Make sure I know you're there. Doesn't always tell me you there, you know.

Speaker 1: I don't really care for chilled red wine. I find it a little bit low-key, low vibe, or something, but ... That's interesting. But if you don't put it in the fridge in Bali, you're kind of screwed.

Speaker 1: So, the thing I did was, I really just sat here. I don't know if you do this on a live stream. Who live streams? Who even live streams? Tell me if you're a live streamer. Are you a live streamer?

Speaker 1: By the way, if you live streamed once in 2017, I don't know if you technically would desire to call yourself a live streamer. I mean, you can call yourself whatever you want.

Speaker 1: Tell me if you live stream. Put your hands up. Don't do that. I won't be able to see you. Send ... Do it if you like. Don't let me tell you what to do. I saw a great meme the other day that said, "I hate to be told what to do unless I'm naked, and then it's fine." I was like, "Well, technically ... " I mean, depending on the situation.

Speaker 1: Anyway, the thing that I did, that I'm vaguely getting to, was I really just sat here. And I was like, "I really don't have anything to say. I really don't think that I've got anything to say. I've got 33 minutes before I've gotta call with fabulous Haley." 31 minutes now. Set your timers up, they're ready, and let's see what we can achieve in 31 minutes. I think it's gonna be amazing.

Speaker 1: Hey Mandy Holland. Hi to everybody whose name I didn't say. So far, Mandy's the only one. Sometimes it goes like that. I'm sorry. Sometimes I say everybody's name, sometimes nobody's name, sometimes randomly one person gets me overly excited.

Speaker 1: I'm always excited by Mandy because there's such a cool story. I'm always excited by everyone in different ways for different stories, but you'll love the story of Mandy Holland, in particular, because one time I was here in Bali. This one time at band camp in Bali, and I came out from the gym, and Mandy was sitting there, well, I didn't know she was Mandy yet, so we'll call her woman. Woman was sitting there with my ... Oh, there she is. There's Haley. I just announced her, and she just appeared. I manifest people. I said I've got 31 minutes before my call with the fabulous Haley, but now she's here on the live stream. I just manifest people, bitches. Write that down.

Speaker 1: So, anyway, I came out and Mandy, who I didn't know was Mandy, so we'll refer to her as woman, was sitting in the kiddie pool at the hotel that we were at, and her children were there, and my children were there, and she was having a conversation with [Enzo 00:03:31]. I was on holiday with [Enzo 00:03:33] the father of my children, but we were already separated, but we looked, for all intents and purposes, like a regular, normal family. I remember thinking, like I felt self-conscious ... no, it was ... some sort of self-consciousness, probably, because I often do, whether or not I have a justifiable reason for it.

Speaker 1: Hello, introvert insecurities. That kind of mixed with, I felt like, slightly disgruntled, at the idea that this woman, who I didn't know yet, would assume that I had this happy nuclear marriage and family because, obviously, she was having a nice conversation with the person who appeared, for all intents and purposes, to be my husband. I kind of felt that need where I needed to make an announcement, and be like, "Just so everybody's clear of their roles here ... "

Speaker 1: This sounds bad, right, but this is how I felt like I need to say, "This is not what it appears to be. We're not a couple. We're not happily married. I don't even know where to roughly go with this." But then, anyway, I could see that he wanted to sort of introduce me, and I'm gonna be brutally honest here, and it's not gonna paint me in the best possible light, but I was kind of like, "Please don't introduce me," 'cause I really hate to talk to random people that I've never met before.

Speaker 1: Mandy-boo, what's up? Mandy's are everywhere. In Bali, in particular. So, I was kind of like, "Please don't introduce me. I don't wanna end up sitting here in the pool making small talk to some random mother at the pool." I sound like an asshole, but I feel like people can relate. Tell me if you can relate, so that I don't feel quite as asshole-ish. Mandy said she felt the same way about me. She hated me on first sight. Okay, she didn't say that. I'm just paraphrasing.

Speaker 1: She probably felt the same way because now we know what sort of people we both are, we both understand each other, but I'm sure she was like, "Oh, god. Now I'm gonna have to talk to this dude's wife. Really?" Anyway, so we made slight chitchat, and I think I was still ... no. Was I breastfeeding? I feel like I was breastfeeding on those daybeds that sit in the pool, in that kiddie pool, but I'm probably remembering that from all the times I've been at that hotel and have breastfed on those daybeds. 'Cause I don't think I was breastfeeding in June last year, which is roughly when it was. No. I wasn't.

Speaker 1: Alright. Anyway, I'm just inventing bits into the story. It's what I do. But I was sitting on the daybeds, and I was kind of playing with the kids, and then you know we did that thing where you're being totally polite and friendly, but hoping that you don't have to speak to each other, so little bits of conversation ... And then, I don't know what it was that Mandy said, but something about purpose, or something about something like that, right? You tell me if you remember. Not everybody else because you guys, I'm talking to Amanda Holland right now.

Speaker 1: I just remember, I can remember the feeling. I remember that moment of kind of like, "Oh," an awareness, right, or a recognition, a soul recognition, like "Oh, shit. This is one of my people." I was like, "Wow. Out on the lease in the real world." One who I didn't already know from the internet exists in human space and time. It's relatively unheard of, I think you'll agree.

Speaker 1: So I got super overexcited. Then, I don't know, we just launched into an amazing, incredible purpose-driven conversation. It was actually ... Okay 'cause this is gonna sound extra weird now, but early on this evening, I was thinking of that moment when you meet somebody in a romantic sense, who is "oh my god," and that moment of soul recognition, where you're like, "Oh, shit. There you are." It was like that, but in a non-romantic way, right. Well, it was very romantic 'cause it was Bali, and it's always romantic, but in a friendship sort of way. It was like, "Oh my god, this woman is like me. She's like us."

Speaker 1: You said, "I don't wanna do life the way you have been ... " She said, "I don't wanna do life the way I have been anymore." Right. And then we just blew up to this conversation, and it was just like, as you can imagine, like, " ... ," but then, get this, then the relationship stuff came out, and we were both in like basically the same sort of parallel situation where we were both there with our families that were not actually what they necessarily appeared to be from the outside looking in, and both of us had been thinking the same thing. It was mind expanding, you guys. Mind expanding.

Speaker 1: I try not to say mind blowing because it means you can't take anymore information into your mind. Your mind is beautiful, and should get to have more information, so mind expanding. Right, we were both there with our children, but with our ex-husbands, looking like happy families, both of us feeling like, "Well, I kind of want people to know that this is not what it ... " Why do you need people to know, but you do. Right. So, then, obviously, we connected on Facebook. I think I just gave my Facebook details, and then, they were leaving off for the airport.

Speaker 1: Mandy was leaving for the airport, so obviously checked me out later, and now here she is, nearly a year later, but has participated in several of my programmes. We talk all the time on messenger. Part of the freaking online tribe, but when we first connected, we had no mutual friends in common. Now let's just go, just for the purposes of obviously everybody needs to know, let's see how many mutual friends we do now have in common. I just find it the best story ever. I just think it's the most incredible story ever. I mean, anybody can make friends on the internet, but what kind of person goes around meeting people in real life? It's unheard of. It's unheard of. So, anyway, that was a rather long winded way of describing why I got so excited when I saw Amanda Holland come on the live stream. 20 mutual friends. I feel like we could increase that. I feel that could definitely go up, probably as a result of this live streaming [inaudible 00:09:08] Everybody go and follow Mandy. She's very beautiful, and very inspiring. It's true. Powerful messenger.

Speaker 1: Alright, let's talk about faith, or something. Hello to everybody else who I love and adore dearly, but who I did not in fact meet in a pool in Bali, and so therefore don't have quite such the romantic story about. Okay, what was my topic. Faith mode activated. Activated, and for some reason that's know only to my subconscious mind, and maybe even not that. I chose to put a little ... what is that thing? Is it a bomb? Is it a landmine? What is that emoji that's there? I don't know what it is, but it felt explosive and powerful.

Speaker 1: Here's the thing about faith mode, I'm gonna tell you some things about some things. I have no idea what they'll be, but I trust that they'll be fabulous. The thing about faith mode is, it's so cool. This is so cool. You're gonna get so excited when you hear what I have to say. You're gonna realise that everything you've been worrying about is not remotely relevant. Not relevant at all. It is a bomb. Do you think that's good, or not good?

Speaker 1: We're gonna go with good because I already put it there, and I'm planning on changing it. It means blowing shit up in a good way, I suppose. You can't say "blowing shit up" on the internet, you know. I tried to put it in a blog post title once, and Facebook wouldn't even let me post it. So apparently you can use an emoji though.

Speaker 1: Alright. You're gonna get very excited when I tell you what I have to say. The reason the you're gonna get very excited about it is it's gonna give you tremendous reassurance and peace of mind. Tremendous reassurance and peace of mind. Hello Rashida. Okay, we've already acknowledged two people so far on this live stream, but she did directly say, "Hey, Cat."

Speaker 1: Okay, [inaudible 00:10:55] earlier on. Alright. I can just kind of enter some sort of networking event momentarily. What if we did networking, but we did it in a really cool, badass way? What do you think that would look like? I think it would look roughly like the comments in my live stream, so feel free to talk amongst yourselves. That happens all the time anyway. I'm never quite certain whether that's a good reflection on me, or a not so good reflection on me, when I see people chatting amongst themselves in the comments while I'm live streaming.

Speaker 1: And I'll tell you something that's potentially not the best reflection on me, but maybe it is. One of my inner circle clients, Ashley O'Donnell, she won't mind if we talk about her. Hey, hey. Hey people who are jumping on. Let's tag in Ashley O'Donnell. Let's see if Facebook let's me tag her in. Does it not want to? What? What's happening? Alright. Somebody tag Ashley O'Donnell in, and tell her I'm talking about her 'cause it won't let me tag her, motherfucker.

Speaker 1: Anyway, so I was on the phone to her last night, she's one of my private clients, and she said how the night before she was so happy to be talking to me one-on-one, yesterday because we did our inner circle weekly hot seat call that we do, and how she jumped on to listen to the inner circle hot seat call, and then promptly fell asleep, and it put her to sleep. So she just didn't know whether it was any good or not, and I was like, "Well, I feel like this is probably about the fourth time that you've told me that being on a hot seat call in inner circle has made you fall asleep." I mean, I do do them quite often late at night, Australia time, but I'm like, "I'm not so sure if that's a good thing that I could be advertising about the inner circle, that I will indeed help with your sleep problems, or ... It doesn't necessarily sound ideal."

Speaker 1: But there must be something about my soothing, shouty tones that, for people who know me very well, that it just lulls them off in a bedtime sort of fashion. Because, really, we speak about incredibly outrageous, and soul shifting transforming, things.

Speaker 1: Alright, but I'm gonna come back to the topic, the topic, the topic. Here's where I'm ... Here's how I'm gonna reassure you. I'm gonna remind you of things you already know. Anyway, I've got nothing to tell you at all that you don't already know. Why would I want to?

Speaker 1: You know when you worry? You know when you worry? You know when you worry about are you ever gonna get that thing that you really want, or the business, obviously? It's a good obvious one. Or the money, or I think more like fulfilment, and living your life purposefully, and being on path, and feeling that you're doing what you're fucking meant to be doing. You know, when you start to get into maybe some sort of a fear, or a doubt mindset, or a yeah, like even a deep sadness can come up, like "Well, but what if I don't? What if where I am now ... "

Speaker 1: Let's say you feel stuck now, or you feel like you're not where you wanna be. Maybe you feel frustrated, or angry, or just like hardened, or whatever it is, right. All the emotions all mixed together. Then, something starts to come over you, and starts to get you a bit, and you start to feel like, "What if this is as good as it's gonna get? What if actually my fears are true and this is where I'm gonna end up?"

Speaker 1: I used the word "activated" today on a message to somebody, and said, "You're activated," 'cause it's a thing that I think all the time, like "You've been activated." Then I thought, "Well, it's an important topic to talk about because the concept of being activated, well nobody else can activate you. Maybe somebody else can play a part. They can ignite a spark, or a fire, maybe I get to be that person for you in some way, shape, or form, which is super cool, and I'm excited if so.

Speaker 1: But, nobody else can activate you. You're the one who chooses to activate yourself. What it means is, that you already chose out of the other life, right. The other school of life. The other way of doing it. The normal people way of doing it, or whatever we wanna call it when we're having fun and games, and you know, talking about being normal or not normal. It's doesn't mean, though, that you're supposed to already have it all figured out, or be perfect.

Speaker 1: I think that, when you've chosen this life, as an entrepreneur, as a person who's actively designing, creating their life, that it's actually a huge trap. It's a huge trap, and it's a bondage, to get caught up in "where am I supposed to be that I'm not yet? Maybe I'm gonna get stuck here, or maybe I'm gonna somehow screw it up, and maybe I'm never gonna figure out what I really wanna do," and all these really normal thoughts that we all have.

Speaker 1: But what if you knew for sure that everything that you want and desire inside of you is not only available, available for you, available now, or you wouldn't see it and feel it inside of you, but also that it's a done fucking deal? Because here's what I believe, and this is where I wanna just speak about this, I believe that you either believe, or you don't. I believe that belief is finite. There's no half believing. People might say they believe to whatever degree, but that just means they don't believe.

Speaker 1: I think that your results, and what you create into your life, is in direct response to the level of your faith, and the level of your belief, and you finitely believe to whatever point you finitely believe, right. So, if you think about it ... And if you've jumped on now, I'm sorry, but you missed all the entertainment side of things. You missed the shenanigans. We're just straight into the sermon now.

Speaker 1: One other thing I will mention to you is, I'm flaking like a ... What's the thing that's not a snake, but it flakes and it loses it's skin? Is it a salamander? I feel like I made that word up. Is that even a real word? I'm shedding my skin. What things shed their skin? Yesterday night, last night, I went to dinner with my amazing badass client, Mandy Perry, who I think is here on this live stream, or she was [inaudible 00:16:48] I came back from the bathroom, and I was like, "What is all this shit that's all over the place? It was all over the bathroom. Did I walk through a forest?" And they were like, "It's your skin." It's all the new tattoos down my back. They're flaking everywhere. It's itching me like crazy, that's why I'm just feeling myself up on the side here. I need to know what that word is. What is that beast, or animal, or little thing that flakes? Let's look it up. Then we can continue uninterrupted with the ...

Speaker 1: What flakes? I don't think that's gonna get ... Okay, that does not help me. When you type into Google "what flakes". Yeah, it is from the tattoo. That's what I meant. It is a real word, and I think there's a salamander emoji. But do salamanders flake? Okay, if you type "what flakes" into Google, and you're thinking of something that sheds your skin, you're not gonna get an answer. I already figured that out for everybody.

Speaker 1: What sheds its skin? I need to know what this word is. Exoskeleton. Snake. What type of animal sheds its skin? What the fuck? Chameleon, tarantula, mangrove. No, there was a way cooler animal that I was thinking of. I've got all the band-aids and all the oils on me, but I'm just on that like day four situation. Alright, I'll try to get back on hand. I will try because I know nobody really wants to hear about my flaky skin, and if you do, it's slightly odd, to be perfectly honest with you, but I appreciate the interest none the less.

Speaker 1: So, belief is finite, right. This is what I have to remind myself of all the time because I go into the craziest of crazy shit inside of my head. Crazy. Next level crazy. I get into freak out, panic [inaudible 00:18:29] mode about certain things. Not too much with business stuff, but it still happens from time to time, but other areas of my life. It used to happen all the time with business.

Speaker 1: You go down that spiral, and that thing of, "Oh my god, but what if what I feel inside me is not real, and what if I do never bring it to life, and what if I get continually caught up spinning my wheels in this old situation where I'm kind of feeling frustrated, or I'm feeling like I'm not doing what I'm meant to be really doing, or why are other people getting ahead and I'm not," or whatever. Then I remind myself, "Hello. Hang on. Either I believe, or I don't believe." That's it. Period. The end. It sounds so simple, but the simple things are always the most powerful truths. I think that's true.

Speaker 1: So, if I believe then when I'm freaking the fuck out, or when you're freaking the fucking out, then all that is required is for you to emotionally kind of put that aside, and then come back to "Yes, but do I believe?" So, from that place, generally, there's some sort of sense of calm that comes over you. It's a reminder. It's a reminder from your soul. It's like, "Okay, yes, I actually do believe." Nothing fucking matters anymore because you just know. You've connected to your soul and what you know. One thing that my closest friends and I say, repeatedly ... My closest several friends, which is like a small group of my inner circle friends and then my inner circle clients as well. One thing my clients, and my friends and I, say over and over again is probably a saying that I either say myself every single day, 10, 15, 20 times, or that I hear my clients or friends say over and over again is "Your soul always knows."

Speaker 1: Even today I've seen several clients post something that's included that exact saying. I've had several conversations over audio where that saying is being expressed to me, or I've expressed it to somebody. So, I feel that we all just kind of keep reminding ourselves of this, back and forth, depending on who kind of needs to hear it. This is me reminding you right now. You're soul always knows. You do know. You just fucking know what you're destiny is, and what's gonna happen, and what's meant to happen. Exactly. Doris says it's calm certainty. That's the perfect way to describe it.

Speaker 1: But in order for that to happen, in order for you to get to that place of calm certainty, thank you Doris, of knowing and feeling that just peace, and that "of course," of course I can drop the drama. Of course I can drop the sorrow. Of course I can come back to, "Okay, cool. Well, what action am I gonna take? What feels good for me to do?" In order to do that, there's really only one thing you need to do. It's that you need to decide to believe. You know, I feel like a lot of people think that belief is something that happens upon you at a certain stage in your journey, like at a certain point in time you're gonna start to be a believer. At a certain point in time, you'll maybe gather enough evidence, or enough proof, or enough validation, or feedback, or something, to where you can then say, "Oh no. Now I do believe because this and this and this and this and this happened. Statistically and logically, it's gonna mean this and this and this will continue on."

Speaker 1: That's not how belief works. I feel really grateful that I grew up in a Christian household, which was a positive experience for me, and that I was indoctrinated into faith and belief, and I feel that ... well, I know. I don't feel, I freaking know, and most people who know me well know, that many of the things that I teach and preach online have some sort of brutal foundation things that I learned from church, even though I'm not teaching them church sense, but teaching about faith, and about purpose, and about enlightenment, and certainly connection back to God, as well, at the same time.

Speaker 1: What I learned about faith growing up, and what I learned about belief, is that it's in the unknown to whatever degree, or in the mystical, or ... Faith is not based on, it's not supposed to be predicated on, here's a list of things, or a sack of things, that I can put together, and if I've got these certain things in place, and I've proven such and such, then that means that I can have faith, or that I can believe. No, it's actually just the motherfucking choice. Maybe it's based on more things for some people than for other people, right. Maybe some people take longer, and they feel like, "Well, I need proof, and I need to know this and this and this, and I need 29,000 fraking case studies, and then I will consider believing in your thing."

Speaker 1: If you're that potential person, as a client, mosey on along. Mosey over there. Mosey. Snake mess. Okay, just popped on my personal page, and I see Amanda Perry has sent snake mess. Oh, that's right. We had a snake mess everywhere at dinner last night, didn't we? It was quite ... Well, I feel like it was beautiful for everybody. I don't know if you guys appreciated it as much as me. It was kind of gross.

Speaker 1: Alright. You know that you don't know, and you'd be okay with that. That's exactly right. Fiona? I don't know. Fiona? Fina? Fiona? I'm going with Fiona. Correct me, though, if you like.

Speaker 1: The whole damn point is that you choose to believe. "So, faith is knowing without the knowing how," says Mandy. Yes. Put in your descriptions of faith people. I'd like to see them.

Speaker 1: Well, some people wanna have a whole list of case studies and examples and reasons to where they can finally decide that they will tentatively and cautiously choose to be a believer. That's not fun for anybody. I don't think that's fun for the person who does it. I don't know. I did say perfectly, good. I don't think it's fun for the person who does it. I don't know 'cause I'm not that person, but it sounds kind of exhausting to be perfectly honest with you. It's definitely not fun for the people who have to put up with that person as a mentor, or a coach. Like, if you've experienced this, which I have in years gone by, it's exhausting and painful and frustrating to have a client who can continually wants evidence in advance of every fucking move that they make, and it's also counter ... it's counterproductive. It's set up to fail. It's not possible, for me personally, to help somebody who feel that that is the approach because it's not my approach. I can't help anybody who wants to go based on ... like they need 79,000 fucking research papers before they make a move 'cause I never did that.

Speaker 1: I went from intuition and faith and flow, and in fact, any time I went against that, it didn't fucking work, so my role as a mentor is to help people access what's already inside of them. No, not to tell them some fucking thing that I could put on a pdf and give away as an option on the internet. They can go download that shit somewhere else.

Speaker 1: The answers are always inside, but in order to access that, you have to make a decision. In order to access it, and in order to live according to that, and to create the results, you've gotta live a faith based life. I live a faith based life, in all areas, as best as I can, and it's a continual process, obviously, of checking in, tuning in, connecting back to soul, connecting back to purpose, connecting back to higher power, connecting into what is actually true and real. What would I be doing, or saying? What action would I be taking this moment, if I was coming from faith.

Speaker 1: So, it's not always just like, boom, boom, boom, automatic. Sometimes it is. Sometimes it's not. Either way, that's the place that I choose to create my life from. That all started with whatever point in time, or I'm gonna say multiple points in time along the journey, where I activated faith. It was not that I got to a certain point in my business, or with money, where I then felt safe to live in faith. Alright? This is the distinction. This is where you gotta flick that switch, or flip to the other side of the coin, or whatever analogy you want to use to explain this. It seems to me, when I notice, or pay attention to, how people are going about doing things ... which I do in a kind of removed fashion where I just kind of absorb it from the collective fucking pain body that's out there in the entrepreneur world.

Speaker 1: If I tune into that, not that I'm like looking individually at what people are up to, unless they're speaking to me, generally, so I kind of just tune in to the collective energy of the entrepreneur space, which I'm gonna say is largely a collective pain body for most of them out there. Not us necessarily. That's what I feel. That's what I notice. That people are out there looking to get to a certain point where they can then feel safe to believe. It's not gonna work. It's not gonna work. I did that, though. I did it for whatever period of time. I did it very poorly because, like I said, I never did the whole "let me get evidence and proof and research papers in advance before I make a move." It was more that I kind of thought that I should do that, but I never did it because I was just lazy as fuck, I guess, or more so that my inner self knew that that wasn't the answer, so I was protective as fuck.

Speaker 1: Alright. Yet people are still out there looking to get to a certain point where they can prove to themselves, or prove by observing other, or prove whatever, that it's safe to believe. You can't look for safe to believe. It's a decision and a choice. That's all it is, plain and simple. You can make it right here in this moment, if you've not made it before, which is, "I'm gonna activate faith mode. I'm gonna activated my own inner power. I'm gonna activate purpose." However you wanna say it. I like to say, "Living by faith" because that, to me, encompasses soul, and connection to higher power, connection to God, connection to what's inside of me. I could also say, "Living upon my soul, or from my soul." That faith is a huge part of it because it is about "I'm gonna step forward in faith. I'm gonna take action, even without being able to see the ground in front of me." That's what it means.

Speaker 1: So for me, how I got to that place was quite honestly I just got fed up. I just got fed up with not backing myself and what I believe in. Actually, one of my good friends messaged me today, and he said ... He actually asked, "What shifted you to an aggressive Cat, or why do you feel your soul moved that way?" The reason he said aggressive Cat is I'd referenced him in a pervious conversation to do with, "Can you swear on amazon?" I said, "Well, my earlier books didn't really have curse words in them because I think that that was pre-aggressive Cat." Then he's kind of randomly come back to that conversation today and said, "What shifted you to aggressive Cat, or why do you feel your soul moved that way?" I said, "Because I got fed up with not living for what was inside of me. I had a fuck this shit moment." That's my reply right here in front of me on WhatsApp.

Speaker 1: That was really what it came down to. I was trying so hard, and maybe you're doing this, I was trying so hard to join the dots properly, and to draw it right, and to build a business, and to make money, and all that stuff, and I just got fed up with it. I just got burned out, and tired, and I just felt like, "I'm done with this. I just don't even care if this is the way to $1,000,000. You can take it." I said that. I said that out loud to my partner at the time, and I meant it. I said, "You know what? I'm gonna start writing what I really wanna write, saying what I really wanna say. I'm gonna go all in with what I believe I'm meant to be doing, and if it doesn't make any money in three months, I'll go back to being a personal trainer." That's what I said. [inaudible 00:30:25] manifested me like a motherfucker.

Speaker 1: Congratulations. Everybody send love hearts to Devay, or I never would have been here 'cause she manifested me, even though she just came along then. She claimed it, so it's her trophy to claim. I meant it, and I just decided to go with faith. That was it. I just thought, "Fuck this shit," and ... I backed it up, though. I followed through. From that day, I fully owned, as best as you can 'cause always checking and tuning your [inaudible 00:30:56] , but as best as I could, I fully owned my message from that day forward. And I fully started to share what was inside of me. I had no clue how it was gonna make me money 'cause what I was talking about had nothing to do with anything, or that's how it felt anyway. Now I see how it all connects together.

Speaker 1: So, it was a decision to live in faith. I activated faith mode, and even though I was scared, and I felt like I have no idea how this will build me the empire and the vision of the life I see inside of me, there was a knowing. There was a knowing-ness, there was a certainty, as Doris said earlier. It was such a great way to describe it. It's exactly how it feels. There was a calm certainty there that this is what I am meant to be doing, and this what's gonna get you there. But I also understood that I had to be willing, and courageous, enough to step forward without getting any results at all for whatever foreseeable amount of future. Not only is it a decision to back yourself up, and to honour your decision to live in faith, but it was also a decision to surrender the outcome, which is a key point that a lot of people seem to miss. To surrender the outcome, and to let yourself go, and to trust, and that's faith.

Speaker 1: It does not mean that when you say yes to faith that the skies and heaven will open and abundance will rain down from everywhere. Well, it's already there. It doesn't need to rain at all, but it doesn't mean that you'll necessarily access it. You're gonna go through whatever journey you need to go through. That's the reality. You get to go through whatever journey you are required to go through, and that's a blessing. It's not a fucking punishment. Claire is sending a million hearts and Michelle says, "My granddad says God gives man a certain knowing." Exactly, and this is exactly what my friends and I say day-in and day-out, "Your soul knows." Your soul knows.

Speaker 1: So I'm gonna perhaps irreverently cut myself off wide in that moment because I have a client call with an amazing emperess client. I'm gonna leave you with your sore nose. We all know I could continue to say many things, but I've kind of made my point, right? So, what does your soul fucking know? Are you willing to activate faith mode? And then, what would you be doing if that was the case?

Speaker 1: By the way, yo, yo, yo, Rich Hot Empire starts next week, working with me six weeks one-on-one to build your soulmate cult tribe, create a [inaudible 00:33:24] seven figures and beyond, just like I've done, and like I help my clients to do all the time, completely based on soul flow, and doing what you love. This is absolutely the best way to get started with me as your private mentor, if that's something that has been speaking with you. Message me now over on my personal page. I'll give you the link for that now, and I will be online for the next several hours.

Speaker 1: I'm gonna jump on a phone call right now, but after that I'll check and I'll respond to your message. I will have a conversation about whether this is for you. I will give you all the details so that you can look through, and watch some cool videos, and understand exactly what Rich Hot Empire is all about. Then, we'll go from there. But this is absolutely the best way to get started working with me, if that's something that has been speaking to you. Send me a message. Six weeks start next week. It is a fucking amazing thing that we do there. Absolute soul shifts in money making, and honestly, you're gonna get more done in six weeks from the inside out than what most people do in two years. So, I'll leave you with that. Here is the link to my personal page right there. I will see you in my inbox, and I'll see you in freaking faith. Have an amazing rest of the day. Do not forget life is now, press play.

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