Rebel Millionaire

Nailed it. Nailed it. Yo, hello people of the internet. Hang on. I thought I freaking nailed it. Where is my best siding at? Maybe that's it. Maybe that's it. Hang on. All right, that looks terrible. What if we sat on the grass? How do you feel about that? Where's my best siding? What if we put the light on? That did ... No, nothing at all. I already did this whole 360 before I pressed Go Live. That's super dark. That's a little bit lighter. That's a breezy. I really wanted to livestream of the beach.

I feel certain that if I went and sit on the grass over there, I'm gonna look more fabulous. So we're gonna do that. Currently I'm sitting on top of the table. I'm on a pick-nick table. This is how I do. There seems to be some mushrooms growing over there. I'm not sure if they're edible or not. Side note. So I had my hair done. So it seems like it would be selfish to not livestream afterwards. Because I feel confident to show my face to the internet again. My hair was looking max level skanky. I didn't get it done for like seven weeks from travelling so much.

Okay, we can sit on the ground. Well, now I'm more ... That's not working either, is it? This is a dilemma, you guys. Oh, was that the moment right there? I'm gonna tell you how to let it be so fucking easy, that you'll be wondering what the hell you are even thinking or doing with your life previously. Okay, there's literally nowhere where I have good lighting. I'm just sitting on the ... Oh, maybe that's it. I'm just on the grass doing circles on my bottom like a toddler wearing a diaper just spinning around.

I'm spinning around. Get out of my way. I know you're feeling it 'cause you like it like this. Not like that. I'm breaking it down. That's it. Okay. It was a team effort. We did it together. Thank you, everybody. Now we just have one more small problem, which is that now we have a leaning tower of tripod situation. What do you think we need? Should we build a small canoe with some bark? I'm crafty as fuck, you guys.

I didn't like the dark roots, It was looking brassy. What just happened? I just nailed the lighting, and now it's gone. Jana, you're the sweetest. And thank you for using the dancing emojis. Do you know that I had a small moment of panic when I went to Go Live just now. Because the dancing emojis which everybody knows is my favoritest emoji of all the emojis, they were not even in my ... You know your little panel that you've got of your most frequently used emojis?

And so do you know what that means? That means I've been absolutely flaking out on proper emoji use. Maybe I'll go back to that table over there where I was before. I'm gonna tell you something that's embarrassing for me. And it's gonna make you shake your head at me in despair, although perhaps you'll understand. I was over at this table over here earlier, and I was ready to livestream. And I'd felt that I'd nailed the lighting situation. And then I saw that there was a chick sitting on the grass not far away, and I was like, "Well, then I'm gonna filter myself a bit, 'cause she's gonna hear me carrying on and waving my arms in the air like a crazy person."

And I thought I'll end up being self-conscious and not livestream properly. So on the one hand you could say what a wuss I am. But on the other hand you could say that I'm certainly considerate of her, 'cause maybe she wanted to have a nice nap on the grass and not listen to me carrying on. Okay. This could be it. Now the thing is, I refuse to sit ... This is a pick-nick table. There's no fucking way I'm sitting on the chair when I could sit on the table. I just feel better when I'm above other people. You know, table sense, not necessarily anything else.

Okay. Are we ready now? Do you think we can settle in? Got grass all over me now. Hope you guys appreciate it. So the beach is right there though, if you don't know the Gold Coast. If you do know the Gold Coast, you'll know where I am and you'll probably come to hang out with me. Don't, 'cause I'm gonna livestream and then go and do many important things. Tell me before you come down and hang out with me. Don't creep up on me.

Anyway, the beach is like 20 metres or maybe 50 yards. I don't know what a yard. I'm just making up shit that sounds good. It's very fucking close. I wanted to go and sit on the beach for you all, because I thought it would be a beautiful background for you. And I'm super kinda that way. But it was so freaking windy that I probably would've been blown to Kansas if I would've sat there. And it would've ruined my hair. And you wouldn't have been able to hear me either.

Okay. I don't know why I just got my laptop out like I was about to present a slideshow. But that's what I just did. I have just been at the hair salon for four hours, or however fucking long it takes to achieve this level of fabulousness, which is roughly 38 years and four hours. Because really the fabulousness comes from my energy. Mt energy. It just come on out of me. It just splays on out. I don't know about, "Splays." It sounds kinda gross.

Anyway, I do nothing at all to make the money I make. I just open my mouth and things pop out of it. And I put no preparation time into anything even if I do an entire three day event, I just show up and see what pops out. But then on the other hand, i prepared for 38 fucking years to show up this badass. How long have you been preparing for? Just a reminder? You've got all that knowledge and power inside of you already.

So what I did though whilst I was at the hair salon was firstly fucked around for a bit on Facebook and Instagram, because that's basically a rule of life, and I'd already done my journaling and my blogging and that sort of thing for the day. But then, then I did something very interesting, [Jamie Jod 00:06:15], very interesting. And everybody else too. I just point out Jamie, 'cause she's the most recent one to comment.

Okay. You know when you take a drink of your water and you're like, "I think I've been reusing the same water bottle for too long," because I can smell something that smells like, I guess, my own saliva, is the truth of the matter. 'cause they get the [inaudible 00:06:39] bit. And then I have a $6000 dollar fucking water filter at home that is God's gift to the Earth apparently. And so I refill the bottles. Is my skin fabulous from all the water? Or is it from the yoga? Or is it from the journaling? Or is it because I chose to age backward? Who knows. But the water people will say for sure that it's the water.

But it's getting that funny sort of smell. I think we're gonna have to throw it out after this. Somebody remind me. Keep accountable, 'cause it's quite disgusting otherwise. I just realised I made my life so fucking easy that it's actually a little bit scary. It is nasty. Yeah. How embarrassing. I shouldn't admit this stuff on the internet. I should maintain a professional visage at all times. I'm actually a little bit ... I feel destabilised by how easy I just made my life. I feel a little worried.

I feel like a kite that's been snapped free in the breeze. And I haven't even lived into what I just did yet. But I thought I should share it with. I can't stop touching my hair, because it's so silky. Look how silky it is. If you were here, you would be stroking it like a kitten, depending on who you are might be nice for everybody. And yes, I will tell you about the easy thing. I feel like I could build it up into quite a story, but there's nothing come out of me to do that. So I might just get to the point and tell you, and then we'll see what else happens after that.

So I keep lists, and I feel embarrassed to admit it. I'm Katrina Ruth and I have lists of things that I never action. I have always been a list making type of person since I was a kid. I would ... This is embarrassing. I would come home from school when I was about seven or eight years old, and I would make a list of everything that I had to do that afternoon after school, like whatever homework, maybe a chore or something that my mum had given me. And then I would even put on the list kind of like fun or creative things that I wanted to do just for myself.

I always had a side hustle. I mean as a child, you should always have a side hustle. So my side hustle as a child typically selling shit to people. I used to take all my broken old toys and also just random bits of half eaten candy, I'm not even kidding, that I would smuggle away from parties or something. And I would take them to school and I would sell them on the school yard. And then I got shut down. The store of Katrina Ruth got shut down. It was a black market operation from the get-go.

And the principle of the school shut me down. And I'm pretty sure I got reported to my mother. And yes, that was the end of that until I did it again and then got caught again. And that cycle basically perpetuated itself until like I say, I stopped going to school. Interestingly though, I was such a good girl. I was such a rule follower. I really was. Except for when it didn't suit me. Which is roughly how I play life these days. I'm actually the most obedient civilised, well-conditioned member of society that you could ever care to encounter, except for when it doesn't suit me. And then I do what I fucking want.

But from the outside looking in, if you were to encounter me in the normal day-to-day operations of your life, you would think, "What a well-behaved lady about town." I'm sure you would. You would probably label me as gentile. Particularly if I had long sleeves on and you couldn't see. I guess the tattoos add a level of rebelliousness. But I tend to think ... I tend to feel like nobody can notice the tattoos anyway, 'cause to me they look very normal. I don't feel like it at all stands out. So probably nobody's even aware of it.

I'm very proper is what I'm trying to say, except for when it's not proper to be proper, and then I'm supremely improper. But nobody notices, because I've always been exceptionally good at selling to people. And one of the things that maybe you didn't realise about being a fantastic sales person is that you can convince people that you're anything, because you almost believe it yourself. Or you do believe it yourself. You become the thing.

So people believe that I'm an upstanding, well-about town gentile type of a lady. I am upstanding. I [inaudible 00:10:49]. And I'm upstanding as far as the morals and laws of society anyhow, just not I guess other areas. But I've always been very good at ... I don't know. I don't do it on purpose. I'm not trying to manipulate or trick people. But I'm thinking back to when my teachers always thought I was just the best most obedient, subservient, good student. Because I kinda was. And I always got the top available mark on everything academically, because manifestation.

I never studied for it. I just ... Well, I have like a really high IQ. I do, it's true. But it runs in my family. And it's also just how it was in my family. So my parents were just like, "Well, of course you'll be the top of the class. That's just how it is as. It's who we are." So then as a kid, you're kinda like, "Oh, okay." And you just expect to get the top grades, and so then you do. And so then because you kind of on the surface of it, you appear to be this very subservient, well-behaved child about town. I supposed I wasn't a lady about town back then.

Then what happens is, you build up a perception of yourself. You build up a reputation. I built my reputation from an early age of being a good girl, a square. And I am a good girl. I'm not trying to say I'm not. I'm very good when it suits me. So basically, I'm getting there. And I'm gonna tell you about the easy thing, and I'm gonna. I thought I was gonna spit it out in tow minutes, but it's turned into a fabulous story, so I'm happy about that.

Okay, send more of the cat stickers. If you see where on the right-hand side of your screen is the little emojis. And then just to the inside left of your little emojis, you've got some cat stickers. You can hit that sticker button, and you can choose some cool shit to send at me that's, "1% [inaudible 00:12:36]. She'll press play. Sure it's about me." It really smells gross, but I'm very thirsty.

There it is. There's the Press Play signs. They're so cool, aren't they? Where's my banner by the way? I had the freaking Katrina Ruth Show banner on this, and now it's disappeared I just noticed. Whatever. Yeah, so you build up a reputation. And I feel like once people see you as a certain ... Once people have labelled you, and they see you as a certain type of a thing, then it's maybe difficult, or it could be potentially difficult ... Oh, it is there, is it? The banner? Cool. Thanks [Brittany 00:13:11].

It's potentially difficult ... You'll only get the emojis if you're on your cellphone. Potentially difficult to change that. I guess you would have to consciously do that. But the point is, even though I broke min rules from an early age at school, such as continually selling on the school yard, I did get told off and shut down for it. But then I would always get away with it again. Because overall the way that I was categorised as far as the academic people were concerned was, "Good girl," at school, "Square."

And then even in later years since schooling, like my final two years of school. And I just rocked out all my grades and all my classes. And I came like top three point something percent in the country. But I barely went to class at all, and I'd continually broke all the rules. But it was like nobody noticed. It was like they were all blind to it, because I had so effectively created my persona. All right? So I don't know what you wanna take from that. But be a badass and people will think you're a badass, because you then created yourself into a badass. But are you really a badass or not? Who really knows. And it doesn't matter. It's all perception.

So that was one of the side hustles as an eight year old. And then my other side hustle was, I had membership clubs, which I would charge people $5 to join my member. It was a one-time fee. It was the best fucking deal offer ever. There was no repeating monthly fee, I should've thought about. It was very non-entrepreneurial of me to only charge a one-time fee of $5 I suppose. But I guess nobody else was selling memberships at that age. And people couldn't just get the $5 from their parents though. They had to present to me a list of how they'd earned the $5 by doing chores.

The rules were ... I mean, I wouldn't follow the rules myself. But I will make them up for other people no problem. The rules were, you could do one task that gave you a full dollar, like washing a car. You were allowed to get a dollar for washing a whole car. But you couldn't go around washing five cars. You had to prove your metal. So one task I would allow them to do where they got a dollar. And then the rest had to be 10 and 20 cent tasks such as unstacking the dishwasher, or whatever it was. And then I would peruse the list. And basically decide if this person had the work ethic to be in my club.

It's pretty much exactly how I take inner-circle subscriptions to this day. All right. I just want to know if people have different moral and ethical compass that I have around the hustle. So that's how I made my money. That was my side hustle. Well, that was several of them. I was also selling my own drawings door-to-door, and daffodils, and oranges and lemons. But that was since I was three years old. And then by the time I was 11, I was an Avon lady and I was making a $1000 a week. When it's in the blood, it's in the blood.

But my point is that I would come home from school and I would make a list of all the things that I had to do that afternoon that I wanted to do and chose to do for my hustle as well as my homework, et cetera. But I would make the list and I would include like 20 things on the list that I'd already done. I would just make shit up and put on it on the list and cross it off straight away. And I still do that. I still make lists, and I'll add like a whole bunch of random shit onto the list like, "Sit in park and do a livestream." I'm like, "Oh, well I did that already. Tick." And I'll just add it on for the fun of it.

But then the things that I put on the lists that I haven't already done ... Who does this? Who makes lists at all? Am I the only person in this sad world ... No. Am I the only sad person in this amazing world who's still addicted to making lists? Because for me, the things that I put on the list that have not already been done, it's taken me many years to finally acknowledge this. Like 30 fucking years plus. I never do them.

I just never do them. [Rache 00:16:45], would you do the things on your lists though? I repeatedly make lists. I like to organise my lists. I'm a fantastic list organiser. I will write and rewrite the thing till kingdom come. And I will merrily continue on my life path without referring back to the list, or doing a single item from the list, except for when I refer back to the list in order to reorganise the list. And then I feel really good about myself, 'cause for that one moment in time I'm like, "Maybe I am an organised person who plans things."

I don't know why I even wanna be. I don't actually even wanna be an organised person who plans things. I am full conscious of the fact that I built a multi million dollar empire online by being chaotic as fuck, and surrendering to that. So why would I wanna be organised? But I think it's like an emotional detoxification when I write the list. Okay, what's that person doing behind me? Julian says, "Just so you know, when in horizontal view, the banner is completely covered by the comment box." Is it bottom-right? We're trying to figure out where we wanted this banner to be. We're just moving the banner all around the screen from every livestream to livestream. So thank you for that, and I'll check it out later.

Well, there's my confession for you. And then here's the problem though, like on the one hand I'm like, well it's good to get it out of head so I'm not carrying it around in my head, so I write, get that shit down like an emotional detoxification like I said. But then on the other hand, I've got to admit to you, it feels like it's hanging over me a little bit, right? It feels like I'm never fully maybe relaxed into my flow.

Well, that's not true. When I'm in Super Flow, I couldn't give a fuck whether the world is turning or not. I'm just creating content and doing stuff. Or even like when I'm working out, or when I'm hanging out with my badass clients or friends, I'm not aware or conscious of anything. But it's more so on a day like today, where I'm in the hair salon for four hours. And like hello, I don't think I need to say this, but clearly I'm not sitting in the hair salon reading fucking magazines. Clearly I'm sitting there with my laptop like a normal human person making money. Hello to everybody who I was messaging and going back forth with about Rich Hot Empire over the last few hours.

[Mim 00:18:50], if you're watching, you can pop that Rich Hot Empire comment in right now. Rich Hot Empire, six weeks 101 with me started yesterday. Our live call is tonight my time. You can still join. It's the final chance to work with me in Rich Hot Empire until well until the end of this year. Six weeks unlimited one-on-one with me. After this closes in the next few days, then the only way to work with me one-on-one will be in the inner-circle. So Rich Hot Empire is fucking amazing. The money results, the alignment results, the dream, life and business creation results that my clients consistently get with this programme every time I run it are beyond. Check out what [00:19:25] just put in the pinned comment.

I don't know exactly what it says, but it will say something like, "Rich Hot Empire. Work with me for six weeks one-on-one so we can build your soulmate [inaudible 00:19:33]. Create your low right through to high-end empire to build your multi seven figure and beyond online business doing what you love, just like I've done, just like all my clients do." And you literally get unlimited access to me when you're working with me at the private client level. So message me now on my personal Katrina Ruth page if you wanna get in before the doors close. Like I said, final chance to work with me in this sort of short-term intensive, rapid result way. After this closes, it's only gonna be inner-circle, which is a $72,000 investment currently.

And at some stage of course I'll do something shorter again, but no current plans to. I'm shutting it down after this and focusing on existing clients and inner-circle growth as well. So you can message me about that after this, 'cause I wanna get back to this conversation and talk about the list thing, and how I just did like a big release of everything. And who that's freed me up creatively to make a fuck-load more money and content.

So anyway, yeah, on a day like today I'm at the hairdresser and I'm like ... I kind of already did ... I'm very good at ignoring lists, which is an important trait to cultivate in yourself, by the way. Because I consistently ignore all my tasks and the things that I think I should be doing, or have previously told myself I should be doing. Because I consistently ignore shit that I put on to list, I have instead created literally thousands of pieces of content on the internet, launched over 300 products and programmes online. I drafted in badass high-level [inaudible 00:20:56] client.

I just posted today's testimonial from a Rich Hot Empire client, Jessica who did the January run of Rich Hot Empire, did 30K in January, 43K in February, 45 in March, and has just hit her first $100,000 mark in April. That's the sort of results clients are getting from their Rich Hot Empire. And of course, she's gone into the inner-circle because of that after Rich Hot Empire.

So anyway, those sort of clients though, they come into my life and become part of the norm for me, in large part because I've spent the past decade plus ignoring shit that I put on the list, and instead showing up for my content, showing up for my purpose work, showing up for my own inner-work, showing for my own flow, taking care of myself, whatever I need to do to be in that super flow state. And to unleash my message and to speak into your soul. That is my number task and job every single day is to be in my soul, to be in my super flow, and to let what's inside of me out for you, right?

Not to freaking work my way through a list. So just a little reminder there, if you feel like undisciplined, or you're undisciplined, or disorganised, or you're not getting your shit done. Just step back for a moment and be like, "Okay, but what are the big things that are gonna move the needle?" Because I know for me and for my clients it's typically inner-work, messaging, sales activity and your own self-care and getting yourself into flow. If you did those four things every day and nothing else, you're gonna build a freaking empire. That's how I do it, that's how my clients do it.

Yet still, I've had all this shit on the list. And like well, some of it might be to do with P.S. stuff, getting my name out there in a bigger way, random things that maybe I want to improve on my social media, or on my website, different cool ideas that I have to leverage existing platforms. Sometimes when clients tell me awesome results, I just kind of note it down on the list like a little reminder for later, "Oh, we should do a little testimonial piece about that," and then it just goes on the list. Or like personal errands or whatever.

But I have probably 50 random things there all together. And I just consistently don't fucking do them, because I'm just not a person that works by sitting down and working my way through a checklist. It's not who I desire to be. And fundamentally, I don't believe that it's how it needs to be. However for whatever reason, I'd still been telling myself this story that if I don't write this stuff down and kinda keep it somewhere, then I'm gonna forget important things, and it's kind of like a fear mentality, right? Kind of telling myself that I might miss out on something that's gonna make a difference in my business or life.

So today I just thought, "Fuck this shit." I was thinking about the fact ... Gross water. Gross water break. I was thinking about the fact that there's like these two or three things creatively that I've consistently not been quite getting around to doing. Like I would do them, but I'm inconsistent with it. I'm motherfucking consistent with the things that I just said, right? Like I do my daily Ass-Kickery blog, 365 days a year. Zero exceptions. I've done it for decades.

I typically write two or three blogs a day. Sometimes I post them all, sometimes not. I do my sales activity every day, I do my inner-work every day, I do my fitness and self-care every day. It's all just so automated. Where I wanna step up further is around creating videos as opposed to Facebook Live. Specific short videos created into kind of like ... I don't know, really engaging, either entertaining or inspiring pieces that could be shared and re-shared and that sort of thing for YouTube and Facebook. That's one of my projects that I really give more time and attention to.

And then the other one is publishing more books. I'm already writing all the content for the books, but it's kind of just being collected in my Dropbox, just endless reams of articles, poems, mantras, affirmation, stuff that's not being collated. And so I noticed today I was like, it feels like ... And tell me if you've ever felt this way. It feels like I can't get to that shit yet, because I've got all this stuff hanging over me that I've been telling myself I need to do. Even though fundamentally, I do not believe that success comes from a list. And I logically actually legitimately know that I don't need to do it. But yet, because I've been carrying it around so to speak. Like lugging it around on a list, it's kinda weighing me down, or detracting from me energetically.

And finally today, and I must admit I've done this before, and I've had the list then creep up again. It's kind of like when you do a Spring cleaning at home or ... Or I wouldn't do that. I'd pay somebody to do it. But when you do something like that, and then the clutter kinda creeps up again. But today I was just like, "Fuck this shit. I'm getting rid of all of that." And I spent probably 90 minutes, and I worked my way through every single item on the list, and either sent it straight off to a team member. So [00:25:18], you now understand why you're getting gajillions of small emails from me today with random comments and little memories. And like, "You should do this." And, "There's this happening. Let's do this."

So I either like sent it off to team members. Or for things that weren't really ... Like for that, that were more to do with me. Or that just felt like, "Uh, it's not actually relevant right now." I popped it into my Google Calendar as a reminder, like decide when that would get to be action, put it into my Google Calendar as a reminder. So that that way it will send me an email notification on the day that I chose for it to do that. And got down to nothing. I've got my list down to absolutely deleted. Completely stripped off the list.

And then I sat there, and this was just now. I currently just come out of the hair salon before I started this. Hair salon's right there. Beach there. Hair salon there. My house over there. Now you're fully orientated. So I jumped out of the salon, drove down here we are. And so that was only less than an hour ago. But I just sat there for a moment before I finished up and paid, and left. And I was like, "Huh, interesting."

What I noticed is there's no more excuses left for why I don't have time to make these cool videos I wanna make, or to bring my books to life in a bigger way. Well actually, the book thing's been fully actioned now, because part of what I did just now as go back and forth with Cat Ninja Mim, who's in charge of collating, putting all my written content together into some sort of sequential order for my different poetry volumes, affirmation books, and my actual real books and that sort of thing.

So fully passed over all my thoughts and ideas to her that I had sort of had on a list still, 'cause I was like, "Oh, I'll talk to Mim about this once we get past the initial phase that we're working on." I was like, "No, I'll just send it all through to her." So that's done. The book side of it's done. The only thing I still need right now to continue my book business the way I wanted to is I only gotta find a new cover designer, 'cause my cover designer had a change of freaking purpose and stopped designing books covers, which sucked 'cause he's amazing. But good for him in his purpose work.

And that's it. And so it was this feeling of, "Oh shit, I just made it so easy." Like I literally stripped my whole list down to nothing, meaning that now as of this moment right here, there is nothing I have to do. I have nothing on my life list. Yes, I have upcoming things in my calendar, like reminders or well, appointments. I have very minimal appointments in my life in general. But I have upcoming reminders, like I know I popped in the calendar for later this week, "Book in for a dental checkup." That sort of shit. And a few little reminders for things to do with stuff I do wanna change in my business. But there's nothing that's a list.

There's nothing that's like, when I go into my day ... When I continue on with my day now or go into my day tomorrow, you know that feeling that you carry around, fears of like, "Fuck, I've got all this shit that I've gotta do." And then I'm like, "Done," or then I can relax, or then I can be fully present. Or then I can have time for my purpose work. There's nothing there. It's just me and the freaking air around me, right?

Now I'm gonna give myself massive credit here to say, like I did say before that I've been fucking amazing at consistently creating my purpose work into the world day in and day out for many years now. Even while having an idea in my head that there's other things that I've gotta do. I've been really good at putting first thing first. It's probably one of the best life lessons I ever received. And if you haven't kind of figured that life less out, figure it out right here right now.

I learned it from Stephen Covey. I think learned it even earlier than that. But I religiously read Seven Habits of Highly Effective People over and over again when I was about 22. I think I read it for the first time when I was like 12. So 26 years ago. But I remember religiously reading his book Seven Habits, as well as his other book, First thing's First when I was 22. I was supposed to ... This is another example. I was supposed to be doing fitness management, but I hacked the job and figured out how to do the 38 hour job in like three hours a week.

And since then I was reading and journaling. Much like back in the school days with getting the top grades. And I really just implemented that, and I have ever since. I've been really good at first thing's first. And I just don't react. I don't react to other people, even clients and friends. I don't react to a list. I don't react to anything until I do my sole work in the morning, I do my journaling work, I do my blog, I do whatever writing's coming through me. Even now, right? There's other things potentially I could be doing rather than this livestream. Well not really, since I just deleted them all.

But there's a few little things that I know that I will do today. But I'm doing the livestream first, because that's content, right? So that's been probably one of my most effective success habits that I really suggest you fucking think about. Like if you do one thing, then make it that you learn to freaking prioritise and do first thing's first in your business and in your life. Because the big rocks, if you leave them till the end of the day, there's no space for them. You filled your whole life up with little rocks and pebbles and things that are relatively meaningless, and just responding to other people.

And then ultimately your life gets cratered from that. Whereas when you do first thing's first and you go, "Okay, what is like the one big thing in my business where if I did it every day, I would create the business that I dream of even if I just did that one thing and nothing else?" Then you make that your first thing, your highest priority. And then, "What is the next thing after that, and what is the one big thing in my fitness, or the one big thing as a mother, or the one bug thing for my own sanity?" Or whatever it might be, right?

That has seriously been ... Like I'm so grateful for wherever that knowledge and awareness first came from, whether it was through Stephen Covey or even before that through my dad, who I first got those books from, or whatever different sources. But I know for sure that I would not have the business that I have, the multi seven figure online empire. Nevermind like the term and the lifestyle freedom, and the incredible way that I get to live. But also my physical results in my health and my body. And even how much time I get to spend with my friends and my children, and that sort of thing.

All of that really stems from the fact that I freaking learnt to put first thing's first. And it is a discipline, because I'm the same as anyone. I wake up in the morning and I'm like, "Maybe I'll just quickly check my messages." No. I just don't. I just don't fucking allow myself to. Sometimes I break the rule for sure. But extraordinarily rarely. I would break that rule literally 1% of the time. And 99% of the time I'm laser focused. The world does not get a piece of me until my soul got everything that it needs, right? Think about that. Because I'm pretty certain that most people are the other way around. 99% of the time, the world gets all of them, and nothing's left for their soul.

And then you think, "Oh, I'll do it later in the day." No, you fucking won't. You burn out, and you're also energetically depleted from giving your life for the wrong thing. How do we get on to this little piece of sermonising? Let me come back to it. Okay, okay, okay. So I was like, giving myself props, right? Because yeah, I just cleared my list. And I'm like, "Okay, I've got nothing to do. I've got no more excuses." I just made my life so easy there's literally nothing on my list. There's nothing there at all.

"Oh my God, what do I do?" Well, all right, I was already putting first thing's first. But what I would love to do, and what I have now chosen to do, and what I just went through today was making space to do that. What my choice is, is to now add to the foundation that I've already created of putting first thing's first. Now I love the concept of there's never anything you need to do in order to manifest anything you desire and have it all.

There's nothing you ever need to do, but there's always ... Always magic. There is always magic. There's always action to take. It's one of my favourite philosophies and concepts. And what it means though is to not have a freaking list or a plan, right? But yet you're always taking action. So I have nothing on my list. Like I just said, I have nothing I need to do at all in any area of my life. I'm completely free as a bird. However, do you think that means I'm gonna be sitting around twiddling my thumbs, and sunning myself on the grass? Well, maybe if I could turn it into content.

And maybe sometimes anyway, for sure. But what I'm going to be doing is being the person who automatically lives a certain way and creates certain results into their business and life. And currently for years now, the vast majority of how my time is spent, is me just being me. So I say frequently, I ... Like I'll often say to a client or a friend, "Oh my God, I did nothing today. I had the laziest day ever. I did nothing." And clients say this to me as well. And then we always laugh, 'cause I'm like ... When a client will say this to me ... Like actually my friend Linda who's staying with me at the moment. So hopefully we'll do a livestream together in the next day or two.

She said this to me the other day, she's like, "Oh my God, I had the laziest day ever. I did noting." She's like, "I just wrote a blog, and then this, and then this, and then this, and then ... " And I was like, "So let's just clarify, you did nothing. You wrote a blog post of 1500 words. That'd take most people a month, if not a lifetime firstly. You did a great workout. You did a live training with client. So you met a client for the first time in-person who's like a private client, or whatever. And created content together, and that turned into sales action at the end of the livestream, and in the blog post. And then whatever other different things as well."

Like literally her doing nothing was more than most people would do in a week or even a month, and that's for real. And so whenever I say, "Oh my God, I did nothing. I had the lazies day ever," then when I actually reverse-engineer it, I'm like, "Well, technically not nothing, because studied and did like ... Study and meditation." In the morning I just do it automatically every morning. To me that's like ... I'm being a little tongue-in-cheek to say this, but not really. But to me doing my morning spiritual study is the same as brushing my teeth or putting my clothes on.

You wouldn't go around being like, "I put my clothes on today, and I brushed my teeth." It's not really something that needs to be talked about. I know that it's not that. But that's how it feels to me, and this is the big point that I'm trying to make. I'm like, "Well, of course I did my study in the morning." I always read something that inspires and uplifts me, and feeds my soul in the morning. It's hardly something to report home about.

But at the same time, it very much impacts who I am as a person. I'm continually growing, right? Of course I did my morning journaling and my mindset work, and my inner-work, 'cause I just always do. I don't think about, "Am I gonna do it again?" It just kinda happens. So well, I didn't feel like I did anything. And then well, of course I wrote a freaking blog and a powerful message to the world after I did my journaling, 'cause that's a natural thing, right? After you do journaling, don't you wanna tell the world the things that have bubbled up inside of you?

Isn't it logical that you wanna tell people? Even if you weren't publishing it on the internet, if you're reading or learning something inspiring, or having like an, "Ah-ha," moment in your life, don't you then as a normal human person, legitimately, not being a smartass now, you go and tell someone, right? Just look at anyone who's ever happened upon the latest fad diet. Is it or is it not true that they're sermonising about it to everybody that they encounter, because they're so passionate about it and they're excited about it.

Well, that's all I'm doing when I let my blog come out at the end of my journaling, so that's not doing anything. Okay, but because I write like a 1500 to 2000 plus word daily Ass-Kickery blog post, every fucking day for years now, that's really like the cornerstone of how I've built this empire. The content, why do people wanna [mentiod 00:36:37] me? Because of what I've said, because of my words. Maybe livestreams is about also. But blog posts, huge part of it, right?

To me the ... That's not doing anything. That's not like work, right? I don't even feel like I do anything if I write a freaking blog post. That's for my own soul and my own sanity. I get super antsy and don't feel connected to my self if I haven't unleashed my message, so I love to do that. And on the days when it doesn't happen for whatever reason, I feel that kind of restlessness. Like I just gotta get away from the world for 20 minutes and just be here and create something for my soul.

And sure yeah, I'll chuck it on Facebook. And then yeah, you know what? People pay me tens of thousands of fucking dollars collectively or individually as a result of that. Sales activity, it's like an automatic thing that happens. Of course if I write a blog I'm gonna put a call to action at the end of a blog. I'm not stupid, right? So I don't feel like I did anything though. I just chucked a little P.S. on the end of a blog post like, "Hey, buy my thing." And then I could keep going all day, right?

This doesn't feel like I'm doing work. I'm like, "What else would I wanna do after sitting in a hair salon for four hours, looking largely as spreadsheets," 'cause I was doing all my ... Counting all my monies, which I do calculate my net worth and check in on my payments. And make sure that I know which payments are coming up, and manifest more money. I did all that. And then I was deleting things, slashing them left, right and centre off my list and sending them off to other people. That was fun.

And now I'm like, "Well, of course I wanna come and talk about it. What else would I do?" That's not work, right? But yet, I'm creating content that you now get stripped off Facebook, put onto YouTube. I already did a sales call to action about Rich Hot Empire. Make sure you read that pinned comment. Literally final few days to work with me one-on-one at this amazing price point. Six intensive weeks unlimited access to me. And then it's closing, and then it's inner-circle only for one-on-one work for the foreseeable, right?

So okay, sounds like too many [inaudible 00:38:26]. That's not a big deal. And you see my point. So on the days when I do nothing, I could add up all the different things I've done, and there's a million other things I've done today that I haven't even listed. But all of it felt so just like ... Well, of course I respond to people's messages. I haven't checked in on my clients yet, but I'll do that. That probably is the next thing I'll do just while I'm going on a walk on the beach or something, I'll probably listen to [voxxes 00:38:46] from my high-level clients. And that's me mentoring ... Well, that's one aspect of my mentoring of my high-level clients is ...

Well, what else would I wanna do? I mean, I'm there. Sometimes I like to listen to music while I walk or drive. But pretty freaking cool to get to listen to my high-level clients checking in, asking me stuff, or sharing their massive wins. So if we bring it back to the point that I'm trying to make here for you, my point that I'm sure you can feel this and see it already is, let it be easy by making it into part of who you are. Any thing that is in your life that feels disconnected from who you are, just think about this right now.

Anything that feels like, "This is something I've gotta do that kind of goes against my nature in some way, or I don't really wanna do." Or, "It feels like it's separate from me, or outside of me." Or it's more like a chore. It's kinda like, "Yeah okay, I gotta go do such and such thing," right? Those are the things to seriously consider deleting, delegating, or just freaking get it done really quickly. You know that old saying, "Delete, delegate or do." Or just realise that maybe actually, this is a big thing I've learned over the years, that if you just did the big rock stuff, like the messaging, the showing up, the letting people see and hear you, connecting and communicating, then all these other freaking shit that you think you need to do to make money, wouldn't even be necessary.

Because you could do a 100 things on a list of internet market to-do's, but if you're not doing this in some way, shape, or form, communicating, connecting, sharing message. None of that shit's gonna fucking matter. Nobody cares if you have a perfect funnel and website if they don't know you. So you're over here like, "I gotta do this, and this, and this. And then the world will see me as a very important person." No, they're gonna see straight through that.

They're gonna see smoke and mirrors, and no substance. And they're not gonna feel your soul. If you want people to follow and buy from you, you need to reach in and grab them by the soul. And by the way, that is not gonna happen if you're not connected to your own soul. It's not possible. So the more that you get rid of anything that takes you away from soul and super flow, and just focus on what your soul needs, what you desire. And focus on integrating anything that would be a great habit into being part of who you are, the more it becomes so easy. It becomes like money tap that you can't turn off.

I know that's a controversial statement that might trigger or annoy some people, but that is how I feel about how I make money. I'm like, every day I get a little report from one of my assistants, Kelly that says I pulled this much ... She transfers the money out of PayPal every day and puts it into my bank account. So she'll go, I pulled out whatever it was. I think yesterday, $20,700 out of PayPal. And she just tells me the number. And that's every fucking day, right?

And I'm like, "Cool." Like, "Awesome. Of course. I expect that." Or whatever. I'm appreciative and grateful. But I'm not like, "Oh, I don't really know where it came from. I guess I could technically figure it out and break it down." But my actions have got nothing to do with that. That's how I see it. The money comes in because I turned on a freaking money tap by living life purposely. And by claiming and stating, and my journaling, and in my mind and my heart, and my soul what it is I wanna receive. And just choosing to believe that that's how it gets to be.

What I'm doing, I'm never doing shit with the intention like, "If I do this, then I make that money." No way. No way. That's totally separate. I'm only doing what my soul grants be to do, which is the job of being myself. So when I go through my list of shit that I got rid of, if there was anything on there which was there literally like two things, which is the two things that I said earlier, like the videos and the books, that I want that stuff to be a day-in, day-out habit. Because I know that when it becomes a small thing that gets attended to every day for a small period of time, that's how you build epic fucking results.

That's how I have my fitness results, that's how I have my business results. Results in all areas. Just a very small amount of time each day for all these different sections. And it's all effortless, and I feel like I do nothing, because I've made it part of who I am. So for those things that I'm like, "Okay, these are things I wanna implement into my routine and into being part of who I am." Those are the only things that I will give concerted daily attention to now.

All the rest of it is like well, it doesn't actually matter. Here I have some cool ideas on that list of things that could improve my social media presence in different way. So I just sent if off to my team and they can do whatever with it. But I will focus only on, and have focused only on up until point to get these results, becoming more of who I'm meant to be, right? And making it so easy by just making it into who I am. So I feel that I do nothing, and yet I create a very impressive ... What's the word? Prolific amount of content each day.

I probably be content creator. And I'm continually immersing myself in growth work and mindset work, which then feeds on into what I'm creating and how I get to make the money I make, I guess. 'Cause people wanna learn from me. And it all feels so effortless, because I just made it who I am, right? So literally my laziest day where I'm like, "I honestly did nothing," is still mad insane awesome mindset work, even if I wasn't journaling, it's still going through my mind all the time. Or it's just how I converse with my friends and people that I care about in my life and my clients, plus content creation in some form 'cause it just kinda bubbles out because of all that I'm putting in. Plus sales activities, just is automatic, right?

So my suggestion to you is, I'm not here obviously to go on and on about how awesome my habits are, and yay for me. But my suggestion to you is, what do you need to make into part of who you are? Like if you think even now about what is an area of your life where you already have epic results, whether it's something in your business, or your health and fitness, or potentially it could be even how you keep an amazing beautiful home or something like that, whatever it is or whatever comes to mind for you, isn't it true that you just made it a habit? It's just part of who you are. Like you automatically attend to that area of your life, and you do it even without thinking, right?

There's some ... I know for sure there's some people that really struggle to cook and prepare healthy food. It feels like a chore, and then I don't really wanna do it. Well, when I grew, my mum would automatically prepare a home made from scratch healthy dinner every single night. I don't know if she loved doing it or not. I think sometimes yes, sometimes no, right? But either way, it was definitely habitual. Like it just fucking happened every day. It wasn't like, "How do you do this?" It was a habitual thing. Same as the way she kept house and other ... Even same as the way she parented us as far as always coming up with cool creative games.

We always did cool creative games after school. So it was just like a habit. For me, the cooking thing is semi-habitual. I definitely always wanna eat a healthy great meal. But I won't necessarily cook it every time. I'll go out and get it sometimes. "What is better to do? 10 Day Wake Up or Die? Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life?" Probably Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life is deeper and more powerful. But honestly, they're both fucking amazing programmes. Really, those are two of the best mindset programmes I've ever created. The 10 Day Wake Up or Die audio goal setting course is just in your face and it gets you straight to the point.

And Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life I created straight after that. It was kind of a lead on. They really work together. So yeah, you've already done this in different areas of your life. Right? You've already created habits, you've already become the person who automatically does whatever it is. And guaranteed, that's the stuff where other people look at you and they're like, "How do you get such great results in that?" And they maybe think that it takes you a lot of effort, or a lot of planning, or a lot of energy. And you're like, "I don't do anything. What do you mean? Like it's easy."

That's how I feel about fitness, it's how I feel about blogging and messaging and creating content for my business. It's how I feel about selling. It's how I feel about inner-work. It's how I feel about various other things also. And I know that for me to go to my next level, and to become the next version of the content creator that I wanna be, and do the different styles of content that I haven't quite stepped into yet, it's the same fucking thing.

It's not set aside a weekend to do it all in a weekend. It's not, plan out the different elements and bits and pieces of it on a list. It's literally just make it part of who I am. Make it something that gets a little bit of attention every day. And I'm talking like 20 to 25 minutes. All those things that I just listed, usually like 25 minutes. Sometimes a bit more, sometimes less. But none of those different building blocks of my success, none of them are taking me hours a day or even a full hour. I'm doing like 15 to 20 minutes of mindset work in the morning, and then it feeds into the rest of my day. I mean, every fucking conversation I have is mindset work at this point as well.

I do usually probably 30 to 40 minutes workout, but it's not uncommon for me to do a 20 or 25 minute workout. I do 20 to 25 minutes writing my blog post each day. And collectively if you added it all up to the days, probably 20 to 25 minutes of sales activity. So we are not talking something that's out of reach for any person here. We're just talking having some Goddamn consistency, and creating a habit out of the things that are gonna change your business and your life.

All right. I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go. So read the comment, pinned comment. Rich Hot Empire. Six weeks one-on-one with me. Build your soulmate culture. Create your own low right through to high-end empire top multi seven figure and beyond, doing what you love, doing your purpose work in the world with me as mentor, one-on-one. It's a six week structure programme with content that you get to keep access of, for life. I show you everything behind the scenes of how we do all the different elements of strategy and putting things together, and launching, and selling, and coming up with your ideas, clarifying your message. Anything you could imagine where you're like, "But I'm not sure about my message yet," or, "I don't know what I'm gonna sell yet." Or, "What about high-ticket, how do you sell that?" Like everything. I teach you everything in there.

We also do live hot seat mastermind calls each week with our other private clients. And it's one-on-one you and me as well. So we'd be talking pretty much daily through my client private channel. So I do audios and messages with my clients day to day. As well as obviously one-on-one calls. There's a whole bunch other stuff I can tell you about Rich Hot Empire, the very best thing to do if it's speaking to you, is message me over on my Katrina Ruth personal page. I'll give you a fully overview, as well as a couple of videos that you can watch that explain more about this.

It gets amazing results. I get amazing results from my clients doing this work. And it's for clients at all stages. I've had clients who are typically in each Rich Hot Empire intake. There's like 30 to 40% of people are total startup. And then there's people who are already making as much as 30, 40, 50K. Or I have even had a couple clients do Rich Hot Empire who are already doing over a million dollars when they came through. So it's not about where you're at now. Depending on where you're at now, you may need more or less support on different areas.

There might be things where you need more support and hand-holding around structural stuff and strategy stuff. You will get that, not just from me, but from my team as well. But what does join all my clients together is not whether you're in a business, it's who you are as a person. And it's being that 1% within the 1% revolutionary fucking leader who knows that they were born for more. And is willing to now do what it takes no matter what it takes to bring that purpose work to life. You should message me now about this. It is the final few days to join after this intake closes, which it will do in a couple of days at the latest.

There will be no more way to work with me outside of my high-end inner circle 12 month mentoring until way later on in the year. And I'm sure I'll do something at some point again. But I'm really locking it down for this point in time after this intake. So send me a massage. I'll give you all details in the overview. If it's for you, we can get you onboard. And if not, that's totally fine as well. Have an amazing rest of the day. Think about who you need to step in to becoming, to let it be so damn easy that all you've gotta do each day is wake up, be you, and then create everything that's inside of you. Have an amazing rest of the day. Like I said, don't forget, life is now. Press play.

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