Rebel Millionaire

Hello, hello, hello, I might be a little shaky. I'm in my post surgery at home bed, at home hospital bed. Oh fuck a duck, do you think that my internet went out? I think my internet went out last night. That's annoying. Let's see if I can connect to my phone.

I feel like my voice isn't going to work you guys, I'm all shaky. It's not even from this, I think I'm shaky about live streaming with my new situation here. I think it's making me feel self conscious. I feel nervous. I feel like I'm doing a reveal. There's nothing to even show. I'm quite tempted to just lift up my top and show you. Do you think that would be super inappropriate? Probably? Should I do that or no?

There's nothing to see anyway, it's so fucking taped up. Do you want to see? I don't even care. There you go. Taped as fuck. Hello sister. I just lift and flashed my boobs as my sister jumps on the livestream. Okay nobody like my real life has even seen it and I'm just like, there you go. Can you see what's going on there? I have no idea. I can't tell. This view that I have right now on my own camera is the best view that I've had, because I'm like looking down.

I do, hang on let me just share this over. I've got to share it. There you go, you guys got to see the boobies before even most of my best friends. My nurse Tigan Jade is downstairs on a walk, she probably can tell me off of live streaming when she comes back. I was getting too bored sitting in bed.

"Hey boobies," who's flagged in on my profile? Who is that, and just commented, "Hey boobies,"? I don't know who's looked in my profile, but I'm going to just share this straight on to my timeline, because I didn't let anyone know that I was going live. Let me tell you more in a second, let me just share this into the Daily Ask Cookery group, boobies reveal, I should have said boobies reveal. I said, "Millionaire Mastermind sneak preview," and I didn't say, "Boobies reveal," but there you go.

If you just jumped on live, here's another sneak peek. I'm fascinated. I don't know what's happening under there. It's so freaking tight, that it feels like there's an elephant on my chest. Check this out, here's a bag of blood, here's a bag of my own blood that I'm carrying around. Would you like to see? I'm sure you would. I'm nothing if not polite with the show and tell. Oh my God, it's happening in here. There you go. Oh my God, look at all that blood that's come out of me overnight. Holy shit.

Okay, one of the boobs clearly has a lot more to, because look, so they've each got their own tubes. There's a tube and there's a tube, one coming from each. Too late I had already showed. Well you don't have to watch if I'm grossing you out, deal with it. There's two tubes with a lot of blood running through them.

Mayana, hi Mayana. Mayana I need to book Nathan in for tomorrow morning. Do you think it's stupid of me to go to the gym tomorrow morning when I have my boobs done yesterday? Of course not, I'm just going to walk on the treadmill. One boob had let out all this blood, I think I'll get shut down from Facebook for showing inappropriate things. Why does the other one not have anything to give do you think? What's happening? Do you think the mechanism is not working properly? I just noticed that, I didn't look at it before, and dear is not grossed out.

Well if anyone's grossed out, they can just turn away. It's not that bad. We'll all seen a bit of blood and plasma as somebody just said. It was freaking annoying all night long every time I wanted to move, having to like rotate myself around this bag of blood and shit. I'm pretty bored, because I didn't get up in the morning. Oh that's you Jess, oh that's fine. I'm bored because it's 8:29 AM and like I've woken up in my own bed, with no, we've all see titties before, well you still haven't seen these ones properly. I'm so going to the gym tomorrow, because I'll go crazy. I'll just do some cardio or something.

Then I'm going to go back to Mui Tai on Friday morning, I don't even care, but we'll just be careful. I'll do lower body stuff. I won't do anything stupid, nobody needs to try and school me. I'll probably go on a walk after this, because I'm kind of so, it's so weird for me to wake up in the morning and then not going anywhere, because I'm supposed to be resting obviously. I've rested like a good girl. I've been awake for only an hour. Tigan my amazing friend, who stayed with me last night to look after me when he brought me a nice coffee. She's gone on a walk now, which is how I've sneakily got away with going live, because she probably would have said no to.

She brought me ribs last night, what an amazing friend. Kelly Ronnie picked me up and took me home. I kept passing out at first when she came to the hospital, so she had to wait for a bit. Then we had to go to like three different chemists, because apparently no pharmacies stock freaking painkillers, and they were all out of painkillers, we're like, it's not ideal really. We had to drive all around town to get the medications, then we got back here. Then Tigan and Kelly were like, "Are you all right? You kind of like look as though as like super hyped up and talking at a million miles an hour and having the best time ever." They're like, "You seem oddly fine." I'm like, "I feel fine. I feel great."

It's not painful. Okay there you go again if you just jumped on late. They're double D, but it's not as big as it sounds, because I've got shoulders you know. I'm athletic. When we put like the smaller tester ones in, you know when you go there and they put the ones in your bra to have a look, if we went a bit smaller than that, it was kind of like what's the point even. One of them got for 460, this one, and this one got 480.

There you go, now I've shown you, but obviously it's taped up as fuck. Tomorrow we'll untape it, tomorrow we'll go to the doctor and untape it. By the way, check out my bedroom view, there's the ocean right there, how good is it? I always wish I could livestream where you could see the ocean behind me, but then I wouldn't be as comfortable. Yes, double D and I guess they'll sit like that for a few months probably, right? Then they'll start to drop down, but right now it feels like I've got cleavage up to my chin, I'm like what's happening here. I don't know what to do with this whole situation.

I'm going to have to do so much shopping. Who wants like 17000 teeny-tiny size, extra small Lululemon sports bars and tops? I have them and I'm not going to be able to wear them, and I've got like a million cool as fuck body suits and stuff as well, which I won't be able to wear. I should have a Facebook marketplace pre boobies' sale.

No, it doesn't really hurt. It just feels fucking tight. I feel like there's a small baby elephant who's a little bit angry, who's sitting on my chest and who's just like, "I'm just going to keep reminding you that I'm here." The shapes going to be amazing, I do need a rotating bed, no but Jesse, if I face the other way, then the lights not on my face and it won't look as good. Don't think, India says, "I don't think I'm ready for you with double D, they'll be car auctions again every time you go live." Do you think I'm going to make more money with bigger boobs? It's not why I do that, but I don't see why I wouldn't. I think it's logical. I don't know, there's no actual logic to that except that if you believed it then it's true, so that's what's logical.

Taken to a nude beach. I have no problems with nudity. I would happily walk down the street naked. I have nobody shame as far as, yeah, body shame. I've plenty of shame that I've still got to release around others, but don't you think after you have a kid, you're like, whatever, who cares, everybody can say whatever the fuck they want. Yeah, it doesn't hurt, it just feels crazy tight, and it's hard to tell if that's from the skin being stretched or it's from the taping that's so, the tape is so tired. He told me to loosen off a bit later this morning, because it might give me like skin blisters from how tight it is. I'll do that, and I get to unplug my bag of blood later this morning as well, which I get to do myself, maybe I'll get Tigan to do it for me. Then tomorrow I get to go into the surgeon and be untaped and have a reveal, but I'm probably not going to just lift my shirt up to show the actual boobs. Like I said with the brown, I got to go bra shopping. I need to go shopping. I should just wake up and go shopping right now.

Yeah, I'm getting, like I'm just getting a little bit restless sitting in bed, because it's so weird for me to wake up and then not get out of the bed and going anywhere. I wake up, my friend brought me a coffee, then I actually just messaged a bunch of friends back and forth for a while and had a fabulous conversation about magnetising and hypnotising people's minds with one of my awesome male entrepreneur friends, that was interesting.

Then I was like, well, I already wrote a blog late last night in my somewhat drugged up state. It was very good, make sure you go read it if you didn't already. I don't really feel like writing, I'm like, I can't just freaking sit in bed all morning. What do people do when they're in post surgery recovery? You can't just sit around in bed, it's so boring, I get so restless. I feel like I need to get up and do 20 jump squats, but it's probably a bad idea.

Here we are. What do you want to talk about? Something that I was talking about, ask me any questions you want. I don't think there's any more questions to ask about the boobies, so I just want to see them, you know, I just want to be able to have a look at them. I hope they're not like too hard for the first few months, but it is what it is. It's worth the first few months, and then they'll go down again.

"Your writing will be fire, get a personal shopper to bring new bras to you." Yes. Yes, I do hate shopping so much. Should I do, I know where I want to go down to what's it called, Honey Birdette. I like their stuff a lot. I've got probably like $2000 worth of Honey Birdette lingerie, all the fancy [inaudible 00:10:45] somewhat dominatrix stuff. I know it's not going to fit me. Well I guess the bottoms will anyway, it's fine, it's just an additional expense to getting boobies, isn't it?

It's going to be quite full on I think when I start really showing them off about town, and by about town I mean Facebook. I guess the real town as well. In fact the boobies are going to go for their first night on the town on Friday night this week. Jess says, Jessica is my sister, Jess Lewis is my sister for those who don't know you are in the presence of my sister, send her a love heart shower. "You should come over and hang out with me later. Can't believe it was day surgery, thought before for sure it was an overnight thing before you did it." I know, it's funny, isn't it? It's like let's just have a quick boob job before lunch.

I went in at 10 AM. I got there at 9:30 or something. I was super fucking nervous. I was so nervous. Actually Sam just jumped on. Hi Sam, who's on my team as well and I was messaging Sam. Sam messaged me and put my mind to ease a lot actually. I really appreciated that message, because I just think you freak out about going under and being a mom, and then I was like maybe this is the wrong decision. I felt like I was going to cry.

My friend Kelly was going to drive me, but I knew she had our kid, so I was like, "Don't worry, I'll just get an Uber," and then she came down later and picked me up and everything. I got an Uber to the hospital and I just felt in the Uber like I'm going to cry. I felt like, is this wrong? I'm like chopping up my body, but it was the first time that I doubted it, right, I 100% knew that I wanted this. I think it was just those pre-surgery nerves and I messaged a few friends and they helped me out.

Then when I got there though, as soon as I got to registration at the hospital, I just instantly knew that this is the right thing to do. I felt sure of myself, but then you still feel nervous. Then when I got changed in the changing room, like pre-op, I took a bunch of nude selfies. For those of my team members who get my photos, when I take a photo on my phone, it automatically streams to the entire team, those who have access to the photo stream, so that they can use it on social media. There's three pictures there of my boobs now for everybody, enjoy. I guess Jess can take them off the stream and put them somewhere for me, because I was like I better record these boobies before they disappear.

I sometimes take inappropriate photos or sometimes somebody might send me an inappropriate photo, and then I forget that it instantly gets uploaded to the stream and my whole team's getting it. I'm like well, I'm nothing if not completely transparent, there's nothing to hide. I did that. Hi Julian, and here's another peak for anybody who jumped on late, so that you don't have to watch the replay. There you go. I don't know how much you can tell from seeing it like that though, because they're so taped up.

I think they're going to be quite huge. I think they might be bigger than I even think. I think I'm going to love them. Yes, so I did that and then you sit in your gown with your fancy pink hat on and all that stuff. Okay, somebody called Peter Parker has requested to join the Daily [inaudible 00:13:47], do you think I should let him in? No, decline. I'm just like multitasking here.

"Always taking inappropriate photos then publish them." Why would you not, right? Why would you not? What I'm I up to in my story? Yeah, I had my chat with like the anaesthetist and the other person and the other person. They ask you the same question 40 million times to make sure that you're not under some kind of, being coerced by somebody. I think they just keep asking you again to making sure you're saying all the same answers.

Then we go into the surgery room and then I just woke up. They're like, "Oh you're awake, you're done." I was like, "I can't be, nobody ever asked me to count backwards from 10," that was the first thing I said when I woke up. I was like liars, it's not possible that the surgery happened yet, because I never got asked to count backwards from 10. I was just waiting and then now I'm awake.

I feel a little bit ripped off by that, I would have preferred to have been asked to count backwards from 10, which is what happened last time when I was, about nearly 10 years ago I had a lump in my breast that I had removed. That's the only other time in my life I've been under, and they did ask me to count backwards from 10, then which I feel is polite.

No, they're not silicon. I don't know. Don't ask me detail questions, because I don't remember. I didn't pay that much attention to the details. I'll find out tomorrow, but they're like the newest, latest, greatest and the surgeon's amazing. I had to wait months to get in with him. I mean like I've been waiting since the start of the yeah.

Yeah, and so then you just, it was like 11:30 and it was already done, and then I just kept passing out though. I got clumsy and sick and nauseous and weak and faint, and so I stayed for a while and then Kelly came and got me. It's so funny how quickly it's done. It's just like, oh boom, okay. Now I just feel 100% certain that it was the right thing to do, and I feel super excited. We're going out for a girls' night out on the town on Friday night, which actually I was going to message you about Jess.

Jessica, would you like to come to dinner on Friday night and then out after that? There you go, I just conducted my personal business here on livestream. A bunch of us girls here on the coast are going to go heated up, and so the boobies get their first night out on the town. Do you think I'm going to need some kind of protective guard around them though? I don't think anybody should be allowed to touch them, that's for sure. When I posted in the daily asking [inaudible 00:16:02] about it yesterday, Philip, was like, "I can't wait to touch them." I'm like, comment of the year award.

I'm a little happy, I'm quite happy, I'm quite happy with myself. Let me tell you about the topic. I feel like people, I feel like maybe you should be resting, well this is resting. This is how entrepreneurs rest, right? Somebody posted on my Daily Ask Katrina post yesterday rest up or whatever, and I said, of course, by rest up posts you mean write some blogs, do some livestream and maybe launch a small programme, while I'm sitting here in bed. What the fuck do people do if they just have to sit in bed you guys? What do they do? Do they read? Do they read magazines? I would claw my eyes out with a spoon if I had to do that.

Last night I told Tigan I was going to bed at 8 PM, Tigan my friend who stayed over with me. Then I came up here and wrote a letter to somebody and then wrote a blog, and then answered all my client boxes and then did a bunch of stuff for my business. Then checked in on some website and app development, cleared all my emails. It was really quite a rest for evening and then I finally went to sleep. Now I'm resting, because I'm actually healing myself right now from being live.

Oh magazines, I picked up one once, it was the worst day of my life honestly, just having to even engage in that energy for a moment. Actually here's a great quote for you, I was at the hair salon last week, he said to me, he's like a new stylist that was doing a blowout for me. I go the same place always, but I hadn't met this guy before. He's like, "Would you like some trash to read?" I'm like, "No, I've gone there, it sounds really appealing to the way you said it, like would you like some trash to read." He's going, "Of course not honey, you are the trash aren't you?" I was like, "Well, that's the most oddly worded compliment that I've ever heard before," but I was taking it fully as a compliment. I was like, "That's right, I am the trash. I should be in the magazine."

Going to bring me a playgirl? What the fuck is a playgirl? Is that like a nudity magazine about with men in it? I can lift all, okay, I was going to say, I can lift my arms all the way out, but I can lift them till there. I could definitely do some lateral raises, but maybe not the full [inaudible 00:18:18]. I can go like that. It doesn't feel ideal to straighten them yet.

You know what, it's all in your head. I'm actually healing myself right now, from live streaming, because this is for real though, right, this is a topic we should talk about, get serious this time for purpose church. This is a topic we should talk about, because when you do the things that uplift and expand you, you elevate your flow zone, I've ever said flow zone before, but it just came out, flow zone.

You elevated your flow zone, you elevate into super flow, right? When you do the things that expand you, like your art, you're messaging, you're unleashing, you're hanging out with cool bad ass people, then you do the things, then you're expanding yourself. You're going into a greater level of creativity, and well super flow obviously, flow zone, whatever the fuck it is, your vibe is. Therefore, you're activating the good healing cells. What is it called? Tell me something medical somebody, but you're definitely allowing your body, you're building your immune system up, you're, I don't know what I'm talking about, but I know exactly what I'm talking about. You guys know that I know what I'm talking about. I just can't figure out the right words right now.

You're definitely releasing healing powers from inside of you, raising your vibe to pure light, that's the medical way to say it exactly right. Getting challenged on mind versus physical watching post surgery. I'm as high as anything and not on medication, that's, well I was yesterday, maybe a little bit. Harnessing your chi, exactly, exactly, you're putting yourself into a healing state.

I am putting myself into a healing state by sitting in bed live streaming, rather than buying into some sort of bullshit story that, because I had surgery and they said to rest that that means lie here. Even I was only awake for an hour before I went live, and I was already getting so bored. I'd had some fabulous conversations, which was nice, but then they were kind of petering out. Then I was like, well, if I sat, stayed in the bed and just like read or watched a movie or something, if I felt like doing that I'd do that obviously. If I did that when I feel like I desire to livestream and talk, then that would be a great way of slowing down my healing, right, because I'd be lowering my vibe and be more in a, it's kind of a scarcity mindset to say that I can't livestream if felt like live-streaming. I mean it's only fucking [inaudible 00:20:43]. Okay, sorry. Hello.

Okay, I feel like I should have another special reveal for Jen Scarlett, because she just jumped on. There you go Jen, check it out, double D. Hang on. Hang on, my tripod's gone wonky as fuck. Do you know what I mean? You've got to give in to being you at all times. I know for sure that I'm going to have miraculous healing and that they're going to be like, "Holy shit, you recovered fast." Why is this tripod leaning forward so much do you think? I need to put another book under. Stick my journal under it.

You should see the things that are written in this journal. Okay, what is happening? Hang on, I don't know why tripod's suddenly become really wonky. No? Who just shit themselves? Why? Or did you see crotch, sorry, it's covered though. I don't have any underwear on, but I've got boxer shorts on. Okay, it's magnetised to the boobies. I think I'm going to have the fastest recovery in the world and my doctor and everybody's going to be like, "How the fuck did she recover so fast?" I always have super fast recovery from the tattoos, my tattoo artist is always like, "How is this even possible? It's like three days and it's fully healed." I said to him, "Well, honestly I think the more you have a fast metabolism and you're very healthy, then that's very logical, you'll recover faster, because metabolism is the act, metabolism doesn't just mean weight loss right, it's the running of your body. It's the effectiveness and the function of this whole system and machine here. I have a very high metabolism and I'm very healthy, and my body processes and digest this really quickly, because I take such good care of myself. That means that everything is sped up, including detoxification and recovery.

I'm quite certain I'll have a really fast recovery. I'm quite certain I'll, yeah, before my surgeon said I can go back to the gym in two days. I wasn't joking when I said I'm going to go to the gym tomorrow, why would I not? "I'm doing the same," says Natalie, "Miraculous healing. Broke my foot three weeks ago, on day 3 I was already dancing, on day 16 I took off my cast and I walked." Exactly, why would we not just believe in miracles?

Okay, I have to have another review, because Maria just got on. There you go. That's all you can see and if you're going to see the boobs, then you should be required to see the bag of blood as well, right, it's only fair. My healings going to be amazing and I'm going to go to new levels of super flow. I'm going to triple my income and I'm going to have even more fun and adventure than are I already do. I'm going to love myself even more deeply, but I could do all that stuff with or without the boobs, right, well except for the healing bit, because that wouldn't be required.

It's all just a choice, but I choose to believe in miracles. I choose to believe in expansion and I choose to freaking believe that they are the right thing for me to do when I'm in recovery, is obviously do the things that elevate me and elevate my vibe and that I enjoy to do, because then I feel happy. Then I feel free and then I feel like me and so then I recover even faster, because when you say yes to your soul, life says yes to you. That's the reality. Then maybe I have a little nap later. It's a whole story really.

The Millionaire Mastermind is going to launch Saturday morning at 9 AM my time, which is 7 PM Eastern Standard Time on Friday evening. I really don't have much to tell you about it, but should I tell you quickly about it? Then I want to talk about this topic about not admitting. Do you not admit what you really, really want with maybe your business, the kind of business you want, the kind of money you want to make, what about love and relationships, or your body right, or how people see you or accept to you or how much happiness and fun you get time in your life? Do you sometimes not admit what you really want, because there's a fear there that if you acknowledge that, that's how much you want, you want this amazing freaking thing that's this good, if you acknowledged and admitted it, then you basically make yourself so vulnerable. Then if it didn't happen, it's like you got rejected by the universe itself. That's kind of the thing that I wanted to talk about and kick your ass around.

I'm going to tell you for sure, that if you don't admit that you really want something and you don't admit all of it. Then you don't claim it and have the courage and the daily wherewithal to claim it and stand in that power and truth, even though it feels like terrifying or even though it feels like this can never happen or maybe I'm not good enough for this or are not worthy, or my life couldn't be that good. You've got to be courageous enough to keep claiming it every day anyway even, and especially when it seems like it's not working or you're not getting what you want. Thank you Maria.

Otherwise, you're simply never going to fucking get it and I want to talk more about that in a moment. I feel very passionately about how many people out there are just pretending to be okay with their version of, like their second best life basically or third best or freaking 20th best. You should have gone to my surgeon, my surgeon's a legend. He's like the best surgeon here obviously like who else would I choose, right? That's why I had to wait a while for his waiting list.

Then, there's even more to love now. I am launching something that is, that does not exist on the internet and it is going to blow minds. Okay, it's a little hard to move though, it is going to blow minds left, right and centre, left, right and venter. Just tell Ashley to email out this livestream too. "Can I PM his name?" Yes, just PM me and then I'll reply to you. I won't remember otherwise, I have a memory like a old fish. Well that's not even true. I have a short-term memory like a gold fish, but I remember all important things.

Like if somebody said something meaningful to me for example, in January one of 2017, I'll remember exactly what it fucking is. What was I up to? What was I up to? Oh the Millionaire Mastermind. Okay if you jumped in late, you missed the whole booby review, you're going to have to watch the replay.

I've lost my train of thought. Okay, I've got it. This definitely doesn't exist in the internet in the world, anywhere. It is going to blow your beautiful mind. What about grains? What about the grains? I should have some of those chocolate grains. I'm getting a little out of breath. Bag of blood. I am launching on Saturday morning at 9 AM Brisbane time, which is 7 PM New York Eastern Standard Time. Katrina Ruth's high vibe as fuck Millionaire Mastermind, that is exactly what it's called.

We had some argument about it within the team. Well when my team were like, "You can't call it the high vibe as fuck Millionaire Mastermind, because you can't put that on a Facebook" I'm like, "Fuck Facebook ads," but true, so we'll have a duplicate page where we have like a lame ass version, where we call it like high vibe AF Millionaire Mastermind for the Facebook ads. The real name is Katrina Ruth's high vibe as fuck Millionaire Mastermind.

The number one membership programme in the world, in the world you guys. Vampire? I'm not going to drink the blood, I'm just going to carry it around with me when I go out to a coffee shop like a weirdo and freak everybody out. Yes, the number one membership programme in the world for driven entrepreneurs and creators who just want more, which I presume is you or you really shouldn't be here on the livestream, right? If you don't want more, what the fuck do you want? You want less? You want the same? You want nothing? Leave, just leave.

If you're a driven creator and entrepreneur who just wants more, send me a love heart shower now. Go, I'm going to wait for it, so that I know who's here. Here come the love hearts. In about 2009, 2010, I love the love hearts thank you guys. In about 2010, I launched probably like my second official blog and it was called Woman Incredible. Who has, comment if you have followed me since Woman Incredible.

I was so proud of it. I am still so proud of it. I think I'm still cached on the domain name, so nobody can take it, so The tagline was fitness, nutrition and fat loss for driven women who just want more, right? To me that felt perfect and it was like everything, but then a business mentor at the time that I hired, came along. Remembering that this was a time in my life before I fully knew that it was always, always, always, okay and even essential to do whatever the fuck I want and nothing else, and that there are no rules, I wasn't at that point yet of my journey and awareness.

He said to me, "You can't just say for driven women who just want more, because what do they want more of?" He said, it's an unfinished sentence on the tagline, you can't just say driven women who just want more. What do they want more of? I was like, "Everything," like stupid question. What else would they want more of?

I still listened to him though you guys. I have compassion for the younger cal, that's fine. I listen to him and I think I then added something to it like who just want more, I don't even know what I said, probably something bullshit like fitness or who knows, right? Now I just look back and I'm like, oh that's fine, like that was just part of my story and my journey.

Now I'm back too, but that's my audience. Like when I think about who are my tribe, who you are you, well there's a million things I could call you and probably will and do and have. One of them is, you're a driven bad ass who just wants more more. More what? More everything, like anyone who doesn't understand that shouldn't be here and should leave. If you don't understand it then leave.

My Millionaire Mastermind, my high vibe as fuck Millionaire Mastermind is the number one membership programme in the world. In fact, the only membership programme in the world. I've got to change that a little bit, for driven entrepreneurs and creators who just want more. This has been coming actually for a few months, very unlike me to hold something back for a few months, but it's been quite a lot logistically to set up. You're going to be blown away by what we're doing here.

The reason I know it's completely unique and different is that, this is not about doing a mastermind with me, of course it is, but let me explain more. It's a membership programme right, so it's a monthly subscription, you'll be able to pay month to month. I don't look people in for contracts ever right, if you want to leave, you leave, why would I want you there? You're going to stay, because it's going to be so fucking good and then you're going to refer all your friends and then I'll send you a gift. You can send me a gift, because you love me and it will just keep going back and forth basically. PO BOX 861 [inaudible 00:31:42] Paradise 4217 for all gifts or new bras, that's what I'm going to need. Gift vouchers, I'll take gift vouchers for Honey Birdette and for Lululemon. Fortunately I have a friend that works at Lululemon.

Okay, anyway, or I'll take one, I'll definitely take one, I'll take ribs, but probably don't send them to the PO BOX, you can just bring them straight up and then we can do a livestream together. Okay, where I'm I up to? Have a quick ocean break while I think about what I'm up to. All right, done. It's a membership programme. It is where I'm actually giving you my entire team.

This is going to be so next, next, next, next, next level as fucked that you won't even know what's happening. My entire team is going to be at your fingertips, at your fingertips? Yes. You're going to have, we're going to have in-house tech support for you, Facebook advertising support, funnel and marketing support, social media support.

Like you know I've got, well I wouldn't say it's a big town team. I think I have 10 employees total or a couple that are contractors and then the rest are employees. It's pretty big doh for an online entrepreneur, and so they do many ninja like things in the business of course they do. These are all things that I did myself for years though before I had the time when I was building the business, I had to learn how to do all that stuff myself obviously and I did. I still know how to do most of those things, but of course I choose not to, because I'm just too into freaking entertainment, performance show for you and have fun doing whatever I want.

If you're in a stage of your business now where you need or desire knowledge and information around the marketing side of things, like all the strategy of everything that we do in our business right? Like how my whole business runs and operates, or it could be that you get access for your staff to learn from my staff. I feel like I'm not explaining this in a really good way.

Basically what the Millionaire Mastermind is, it's this bad ass as fuck membership programme, where my team will be running the trainings and teachings as well as me. Literally every different thing that is done in my business, you'll have my actual team in there guiding you and supporting you, that's what makes it so unique, because so many people have membership programmes and I have a current membership programme, the have I Mastermind and the have I as fuck millionaire mastermind is the next level, the evolution of the have I mastermind, right. It's like 2.0 or whatever, because I'm like, it's just, there's so much more that I could be sharing if I brought my team in on that.

I did a programme, Million Dollar funnels a couple months ago, where my team taught a lot of the programme. Like I only did maybe 20% of that programme and Ash and Brahman did the rest between them. Ash' my brother slash chief operating officer in my business slash marketing person. Does all my funnels, Brahman does all the Facebook and other forms of advertising and people who did the Million Dollar funnel programme loved it so much, to receive training and access to support from Ash and Brahman as well as me. They're the ones who do those things in my business.

Each month in the Millionaire Mastermind we'll be teaching like the exact freaking stuff that we do and doing a lot of it live. We'll also be like, okay, this is what we're working on this exact month. This is what we're doing this month in our automated income, in our funnels, he's the one who campaign, take it, swipe it, use it. Here's only marketing. Here's what we're doing in our advertising right now, here's how we're doing social media right now.

Then what I will do in there, is just show up like a fucking rock star and do whatever the fuck I want, in terms of I'll be in there with the mindset, the alignment, the purpose, obviously bringing you back to core into you. This is an ongoing programme that you get to be part of. We've got so many cool trainings and like way that it's going to run and everything, you'll get to see when I actually launch it. That's going to launch Saturday morning at 9 AM, Brisbane time, Friday evening 7 PM New York time, and you'll learn more about then.

It's, the founding members offer is strictly limited. It is oh my fucking God amazing, you are going to be shocked, your jaw will be on the floor and then you'll be magnetised as fuck by the how yes of it all. Then you will indeed sign up so I'll see you there. That's about that.

It's a little hard to breathe all the way in. Let me have some Batman juice. Okay, so what's else? Then the other thing was, do you know that when I moved into this apartment, I came up and I stood in the bedroom, in my bedroom where I am now, and I stood like roughly right here where the tripod is. I stood there and this was [inaudible 00:36:18] 13 months, so just every year. This is a beautiful subtend house apartment on two levels, with seven balconies and ocean view from all of them, right? Often if you see me live streaming, I'm in my studio downstairs. The studio's actually directly under the bedroom.

When I moved in here, I didn't actually do the move, my nanny did the move. My nanny such housekeeper Sarafina who did the move for me while I was in, oh yeah hell, I even forgot I even talked about it in there. Oh my God, that was so long ago now. It just was like a lot for us to get ready, because the membership platform has so much content in and all these different stuff and everything and because the whole team is teaching not just me.

Right Lily, great memory. Sarafina did the move for me. I was in Bali of course, where I'm pretty much always at, and she moved from my old apartment. My old apartment was in this building on a different floor, so I had a two bedroom apartment in this building, so I decided to move in the same building, but still it's like moving all your stuff.

I came back from Bali on a 5 AM landing I think and then came back here and got the keys and walked in and it was all like set up. Like my wardrobe, everything just set up beautifully, like I just got to walk straight in. I stood here, right there where I just showed you and I said to myself, "Wow, I wrote this into reality, like this is literally the exact vision and the exact dream that I wanted." I pictured it in my mind and then I started to give myself permission that I would be able to live in such an amazing place. Then I started to claim it boldly in my journaling and I probably talked about it as well I'm sure, right? It just became a thing in my mindset working, in the internal me where it was like of course that's going to happen, because I decide.d I gave myself permission to want what I really wanted and to be a diva.

Or like I don't need an apartment that is so big, that when you're in it you think you're in a house right, why would I need that? Or also the cost was pretty high. I gave myself permission to won't want what I really wanted and then I decided that it would happen. I'm telling you manifestation process right now, right, so pay attention. I gave myself permission to want what I really wanted, number one. If I say it tomorrow, I'll probably say it in a different way, but always pick permission first.

Well, to give you some permission to want what you really want, you've got to first be able to see it. Funnily enough, seeing it fully like seeing it in your mind's eye fully, in some ways comes after and/or with the, maybe back and forth with the commission side of it. At first when you desire something, it's just kind of like a feeling, right? Like you have that feeling speaking to you, where it's like, I just really feel like I want to live in like a fucking bad ass place in the most luxurious high rise on the Gold Coast. I want all the ocean views and I want my own studio, and I want a master bedroom where I wake up and I look out over the ocean each day and so on and so forth.

The vision comes to life through and with the permission giving process. I gave myself permission. I allowed myself to see the vision and then through giving permission, I allowed myself to see more of it. Then number two, thank you I so knew somebody would start typing this up, thank you Lily. I just manifested that. I was like I need somebody to type this up as I talk and then I see that Lily did.

Number two, I decided right? A lot of people miss deciding in the manifestation process. A lot of people skip the deciding step. You might have, like you might allow yourself to see what you want. You might even give yourself permission in a way, but really I feel like if you give me permission then you would be deciding as well, but yeah, we'll just play it out like this. You might even journal about it every day. You might even do your fucking affirmations and like call it in and maybe even take practical action as well.

Then you're like, "Why isn't it happening? Why don't I have it yet?" Then oftentimes when people ask me that, I'm like, "Have you actually decided? Have you decided that this gets to be done? Or are you just talking about it, wanting it and wishing for it and wondering why it's not fucking done," because that's not deciding. Have you decided? Have you made a decision that this is going to happen, this is not up for negotiation, this is how it will be and it's done and I don't even fucking care how?

When you're in a true state of decision, like think back to when you decided something had to happen in your life. Maybe a boob job, maybe whatever else right, maybe you're losing weight, maybe you're making a set amount of money, maybe being in a relationship with that person or whatever it was.

When you really freaking decided things in your life, look back. Did it matter how? Did you then have to go out to look for how and find a strategy? No, you surpassed that, you went so far past the how, that it just, there never was a fucking how. How didn't matter, you're like, what the fuck ever, this is freaking happening bitch, because I decided it, right? We've all done that.

Even it could be something as simple as getting like the amazing handbag that you wanted. It's not always the bigger, well that sounds like a pretty big deal I think for a woman the first time you get like the most beautiful handbag that you've been craving and desiring. That you've said you should spend the money on or you don't have the money for it. Or maybe you're not good enough to carry that sort of purse or whatever right? I think that is a good example.

We've all done this, that's how manifestation works. There is no how in the manifestation process, there just isn't. As soon as you start to go into, if I like, I want this sort of apartment, as soon as I'm like well how do I get this, because apartments like this rarely ever come up in this building? What if, you know it's too expensive and should I really have it? Like if you go into how, then you're not actually focusing on the outcome, you're focusing on the how and that's why you don't get it, right.

I want to come back to the permission step a bit with the clarity, because that's kind of more what I was referring to in the title of this livestream. What I notice is, so many amazing entrepreneurs and just people that I talk with, whether it's clients or friends or comments that I see on Facebook, groups and stuff every day, I feel that people aren't admitting.

Okay, so let's add in admitting as a step, just chuck in, it's like step zero. Step zero before number one is admitting, admitting what you actually fucking want. That's step zero. We can reorder the steps later, because what a lot of people do, is they don't need me what they really want. They don't admit exactly what they want with their business, exactly how they want to make money. They don't admit what they really want romantically or with love. They don't admit what they really want with their body. They don't admit how much support they really want. They don't admit how they just want to be able to click their fingers and have everything done. They don't admit things for lots of reasons and you probably don't admit things for lots of reasons.

I've certainly done this as well and I continue to catch myself and seek not to do that, because I know that if I just admit what I fucking want and then I go through this process that we're talking through, like permission, creating more clarity, more permission then deciding and then I'll get after that in a moment, right, then it just happens. I could never have walked into this apartment and stood here and just felt like, "Wow, I wrote this into reality," if I hadn't first given myself permission that I get to live like this. That's so true with every element of my business and my life and you know that.

I mean part of why or how back on the boobs' thing for so long, I guess it just wasn't fully a how yes for me. Where I like, when it became a how yes is when I booked it and I've thought about it for 10 years. Though I always knew I would have it like even my ex-husband yesterday, I only told him yesterday in the morning, I guess I felt nervous to tell him, but he was like, "I always knew you would," right?

I always knew I would, I'd spoken about it plenty. Everyone who knows me knew I would, but I realise that part of the reason I was probably holding back on it was, I felt like then it's too much, then I'm too much. Like I already have this incredibly successful business, I already carry on like the Queen of the fucking internet, well because I am so who the hell else should I carry on as right? I'm already like so out there and just so owning my own awesome and bad ass all the time. I know it's confronting for people and then I'm like, I'm 38. I'm in shape, I travel all the time. Like I have I guess what could be considered an enviable lifestyle if people desired that sort of lifestyle, I think it's inspiring as well obviously and it shows it's possible.

I feel like sometimes maybe I'm too much. Like should I get to have boobs on top of all of that, right, do you know what I mean? That was my mindset, which is a very ego driven thing of me to think. I'm basically saying like, "Oh well, I don't want to be like too good, because then I'm going to make other people feel like they're not good." Instead of being like, I just get to own who I am and they get to own who they are. Don't make it into a big deal.

Do I desire to have bigger breasts? Yes or no, simple, right? I definitely thought about it. I felt like then it's like I'm even more, I'm not only this [inaudible 00:45:10], carry on bad ass person on the internet, with freaking half my body inked up and then sitting on a fucking throne when I'm in my studio and living my life in a certain way, where I only do what I want and I don't give a fuck and so on and so forth. Then on top of it I'm going to have boobs, it just felt like I'm putting myself out there too much. Like I'm trying to be too much getting attention or something like that.

That was definitely part of my process that I had to work through and choose to release. Since to me like, and I'm going to give myself permission to want what I want anyway. Why? Because I want it, that's it, period, the end. I get to want it because I want it, it doesn't need to be justified, explained, excused. If we own our desires and that causes somebody, either someone who you personally know in your life or people online or whatever it is, to think that you are whatever and then they don't want to follow, well then obviously they don't want to be friends with you or whatever, or cross your relationship, then obviously that's freaking perfect, because it's about being all that you are.

I think with a lot of things as well, like let's take the way my business operates. You know my business makes millions of dollars each year and I literally only do what I want. I'm not like sitting here slaving over my laptop doing shit I don't want to do in order to create that sort of income. I wake up I do exactly what I fucking want all day long. All I do is play and laugh and have fun. Like somebody said once, "How much time do you spend working?" I'm kind of like, "I guess the whole time." They're like, "How much time do you spend playing or having fun or being social or whatever?" I'm like, "The whole time." Like what is work, right? like this does not feel like work to me. This was literally as I said at the start of livestream, this is what I wanted to do.

I'm like, I'm fucking sitting here in bed recovering like it's too boring. I'm going to have some fun. I want to talk to people. I want to talk to people. I messaged someone that I have an appointment with later to see if he could talk earlier. Well he didn't get back to me, so I guess not. Then I was like, "Well, I can't talk to him, so I'm going to talk to you guys." I just felt the need and the desire to talk.

That's all, everything, like writing my blog that I wrote late last night when I was sitting in bed, definitely a little drugged up and off my head. That was because that's what I needed to do. Like the message was coming through me, it wasn't like I better write a fucking blog, because I was in hospital today and I didn't write a blog earlier. Nothing that I do, nothing comes from obligation or duty. I get to do what I want every day. I make money doing what I love. I make money from my purpose work and literally any time I would notice myself starting to engage in an activity that's not coming from solid desire and what I want to do, I would immediately stop and I would hand it over to my team. Or I would just not do it.

Like I know, that when I say yes to my soul, is when everything flows and works. It's actually a discipline and a choice to not do shit that I don't want to do. The point that I'm trying to get to here is, have you given yourself permission for it to be that easy? Have you given yourself permission? We already spoke about permission, but I'm just explaining it in a different way, because I know that what a lot of people do, is they don't admit that they really want that. Like they don't name and claim and admit.

Emma, you get a special reveal, there you go. I talked a lot about the boobies at the start, but we can't see them properly yet. They'll get untaped tomorrow. Double D. I wonder if anybody asked if I just flash the newly done taped boobies on a livestream straight away the next day after having it. I'm sure probably somebody's live-streamed the surgery before.

Have you given yourself, like are you admitting what you really want right, because maybe you think that would be too much. That would be too much, that would make me too much of a diva. Or you think you don't deserve to have life be that good, it couldn't be that good, it couldn't be that easy, it couldn't be that flow based. You like numb down or you dumb down, sorry, what it is you really want to desire and you pretend that you want something less than, because if you admitted what you really wanted, and then you didn't get it, then it will be like the universe itself or God himself bitch slapped you and said that you're not good enough. It's safer to not admit all that you really want, right, who's done that? Admit it. Allow it to be easy.

Well the allowing it to be easy is a daily decision as well. Actually everything that I'm saying here is a daily decision and practise, so it's not like, oh yeah, I did that one time. It's every day you decide. I love the concept that in a relationship with somebody whether it's in a romantic or a child or a friend or even client of course well, we choose each other daily. I choose my clients daily. When I see a message from my inner circle clients, I'm choosing again daily that, yes, I'm so excited and honoured to mentor you and I love you and I love mentoring you. It's not like I decided at the start of the relationship to have a relationship with that person and then never decide again. You just kind of automatically choosing every day.

In a romantic relationship, if you're not actively choosing that person daily in some way shape or form, then you're going to just drift apart and shit will start happening and you'll probably end up falling apart. With all the things that we desire in life, it's a daily practise and a daily decision.

Like fitness, health and fitness, you choose that shit, fucking daily. If you go and do like some 12 week challenge, you get your ass into awesome shape and then you're like, "Sweet, I'm hot as fuck now, I'm done, I'm not going to do that any more," how long is it going to take before that shit gets undone? Not very long at all, right, it will take like three ays and you already start to feel a little bit like not quite as tight and toned.

Fitness and health, we understand that, that's a daily practise and a choice. It's very obvious I think to anybody, saying we're showing up in a business. Like I can be the most powerful messenger on the internet and I think that I'm definitely up there, but if I just stopped, if I just stopped showing up right now as of today, I mean at first people will be like, "Hi, Where are you? What's going on? We miss you." If I just continue to not show up, eventually guys would just be like, "Well, she left, she gave up, she stopped," and you'd have to go somewhere else, because I wouldn't be there right?

I choose daily to show up for my business. I choose daily to show up for every part of my life. The things that we're talking about here, deciding that life gets to be that good, deciding that I get to have it all, deciding that I get to have the business, the money, the body, the love, the romance, the sex or whatever, like all of it, it's all a daily decision and a choice.

No, it doesn't necessarily mean that I write all of those things down every single day, because I don't. I do journal a lot of it every day, like quite a lot. Over the course of the week, every different area would definitely be covered multiple times. I'm not like trying to think about what I should write or not write. Okay, I don't understand that comment at all.

If you feel like you have decided before that you want to have that sort of business, that sort of life, that sort of body, that sort of romantic relationship, whatever it might be. Then you're like, well it's maybe because you don't have it, well, did you actually fucking decide. Are you actually wanting what you really want or are you trying to ask for some second best grey scale version of it, because if you're asking for less than what you actually really fucking want and desire, you're probably going to end up with very little at all. Like nothing, because you're not asking for what's truly in your soul and God slash your higher self, slash the universe is going to be like, "Please, this is not what you really want, so I'm just going to leave this in there, I'm going to leave it in there until you figure it the fuck out." Except a lot of people live their whole life that way, right?

It's not only that yes, you are allowed to have what you really want and you're allowed to have it all. It's that if you pretend that you don't want what you really want, and you pretend you're fine with something that's like less than that, then you're going to leave in a cycle of frustration and of never feeling like you've got, well of course you don't fucking have what you want, because you're not asking for what you want. You probably even won't really get the second best thing that you're asking for. You might get it, but you'll find it'll be really hard work.

Here's the secret about manifestation, about having it all and about having your true like deepest most bad ass desires. This might seem counterintuitive or it's kind of what a lot of people probably believe, but actually it's easier to get the real fucking things that you want. Like the really proper full on picture, than what it is to get something that's like 80% it's good or 90% is good or whatever. You might think it's more reasonable and more achievable to ask for like a slightly less than version of what you desire. Actually you're choosing the hard way.

Not only are you not going to get what you really want, because you're not asking for it and choosing it, but you're going to push really fucking hard. Like when I was running my business where I wasn't fully in alignment and I wasn't teaching my full message and I wasn't allowing myself to be all that me. I was telling myself I've got to do it this way or it was not going to work, I'm not going to make money, that was so fucking hard. I worked my ass off. I was sorry tired all the time. I slept like three hours a night for years, like for years.

Now I'm super proud of that period of my journey. I certainly I'm disciplined like a motherfucker. I certainly know how to do the work, but I look back now and I'm like, that was like 100 times harder than what I do now. When I decided to give in to doing what I really want to do and to only ever doing what I love, is when it got easier.

100% of my clients say the same. Like my clients who have gone past 100K a month and now are doing above 100K a month consistently or in some cases even above 200K a month, 100% of them will tell you, it got easier the more money they're making. Not just because I guess you know we know more now about online marketing or whatever. No, the reason it got easier is because they stopped doing all shit that they didn't want to do. They admitted what they really wanted and they gave themselves permission to let it be easier to have their true vision.

When you give into your true vision and you allow it and you decide and you choose it and you keep doing all that daily, then of course it's fucking easy because that's your soul work. That's what you were born to do. The easiest thing to do in the world is to be you. The easiest thing for me to do in the world is to speak, like this and to show up and to perform. Like some days I'm being like silly and funny and other days I'm like super serious and other days I'm really introspective or whatever and like I'm just being myself. The easiest thing to do in the world is to be myself. Me being me is this. This is what I desired to do this morning, this is just me allowing myself permission to be me, as I sit here and have my day in bed or whatever I'm doing.

I don't think about what I'm going to say. I don't worry about is this going to be a good way to like pre-launch the Millionaire Mastermind or something silly like that. I'm just being fully me. I have no idea in my head that there's anything I have to do to make money. You can start to see how important it is to give yourself permission to own all that you want.

Body stuff it's the same, like oftentimes people say that they want to get down to whatever size or lose X amount of weight, because that would be good, but they are also achieving something that feels like more realistic. Well, what do you really want? What do you really want? [inaudible 00:55:46] sitting with a big bag of blood exactly.

What do you really want though with your body? Don't be fucking reasonable, be fucking unreasonable. How do you want to feel when you get up in the morning? Maybe you're like, "Oh well, I can't have the energy that I had when I was in my 20s." Why the fuck not? "I can't look that way I've had kids." Why the fuck not, right? "I can't have high energy all throughout the day. I can't expect my skin to still be good after all these years in the sun or whatever." Why the fuck not?

I talk a lot about reverse ageing, because it's what I do. I age backwards, because I decided to and because I don't feel that my age or my, things that have happened in my life or like anything has anything to do with anything. I have the energy, the body, the health, the fitness, the physicality, all just because I give myself permission and I own what I really want. I be fucking unreasonable with my goals.

Okay, so that makes it easy. Like I was just saying before, because I mean me the true thing I want, it's easier to get the true thing than to try and get some grey scale version of it. What about the love and romance areas? Well this has been the hardest area for me to give myself permission around. I really struggled with myself worth. I felt like I'm not good enough, I'm not worthy. I had relationship that were hard as you know and then after I came out of that, after I left my marriage, it was like self discovery and exploration and learning in this area. It really has taken like a lot of dedicated applications to my inner work, which I have applied myself to, to finally have got to where I'm like, of cause I get to have like my freaking ideal hell yes, perfect fantasy relationships, because I'm not monogamous. That's why I said relationships. I'm still exploring that and I'm learning and deciding.

I'm still seeing the being vision brought to life in that area, like I'm still creating the vision. I'm still daily giving myself permission and daily getting more clarity around it as well. I give it a lot of attention. I give it a lot of energy, but certainly when I feel a desire for next level communication let's say, or next level sex or next level whatever, I'm not like oh well, that's unrealistic. How it is now is pretty good and it's really good or whatever. I'm like, no, I get to have like the true vision always.

I'll speak up about it, whether it's to me or somebody else or the whole fucking internet or whatever it needs to be. I'm not going to pretend that I don't want what I really want. I'm not going to pretend to myself and I'm not going to pretend to anyone else. I'm going to give myself permission to boldly claim what I desire and to state what I desire, and to choose to trust and believe that if the desire is there inside of me, that means I'm allowed to have it. Rather than playing the game that most people play, which is like, oh well, that would be too much. I'm not going to ask or if I ask for that and then I don't get it, then it somehow proves that I'm not good enough. Be bold enough to ask.

This is all a conversation about courage. We went through allowing yourself to see. I don't even remember what I said step zero was. Now like permission obviously deciding, hang on. I definitely say this a different way each time, but deciding is a daily thing. Then after that, so we've done choosing, seeing it, permission, allowance, deciding.

Remember all these things just cycle through again and again and again and they never stop. The next one that we could put next in line is going to be surrender and detach. Now detachment is an interesting thing. It's a very popular concept in the manifestation world and I talk about it a lot like oh I'm not attached. It's totally fine. Like I desire what I desire, I freaking know it's coming, I know it's available and it's possible. I know it's going to come to life. I'm unavailable for anything less than that, and at the same time, which sounds contradictory but it works, I detach from it and I surrender. Meaning that, I know full well if that doesn't come to life, then it's like this or something better right, so let's have a really clear picture of what I want in my relationships. Then it doesn't come to life even though I really do need it to work and I really show up for it and I really believe and I really claim it and I give myself permission and I decide it daily and I take away the action, which I haven't got to yet et cetera. Then let's say it didn't come to life, then the detachment and the surrender part of it, is reminding yourself that you're totally okay either way.

That if something that you sort inside of you didn't come to life, because it means that there was a better thing. It's like that was more like a stepping stone or something like that, so that's detachment. Detachment is knowing that you don't need it, that you're not going to be complete or whole by having that money, that body, that business, that relationship et cetera. That you're good enough, you are enough and you have enough just as you are.

That's detachment and surrender and it's a critical part of the manifestation process, which a lot of people leave out. Again, it's a daily practise, but then at the same time, and I wrote about this sort of in my blog last night. I think sometimes we get so fucking, like we're like so fuck involved, I'm just detached from everything. I don't need anything. I'm so conscious, I'm so woke. It's like, yeah, I think you seem to be kind of attached to the idea that you're not attached to anything. You're really fucking attached to that idea.

I was saying that to myself yesterday, because it's contradictory still in my head. I feel like I'm still figuring this out, but I know for sure like in the relationship area, I have needs and desires and I will call it a need. I'll call it a need. I'll call it a need. I'll call it a requirement. This is what I need. I need this level of communication. I need to feel this way. I need to know where I stand, stuff like that. I can definitely at the same time say, "Well of course I'm fine without it, because if somebody wasn't available to give that to me, then it would be, okay, this is not obviously going to continue to grow together, because these are my needs and these are my requirements.

It is a need and it is a requirement, and in that sense I'm attached, right? Then bigger picture says I'm not attached and surrender and I'm fine without it, because I know that if I was unable to receive that from another person, then that just simply shows that this is not allowed to be together. It's perfect right, so everything is always perfect, everything is always fine. There's nothing you ever need, but at the same time you can be like and this is what I need, so it's super contradictory, but it's a reality of life. There's lots of contradictions in business and life.

It's kind of like these detached dis attachment. I also say like contented discontentedness, like kind of being, well of course I'm totally fine I have everything I need already. At the same time I want so much fucking more and I'm going to get it. Okay, and so then the final step and I for sure could probably add all these in, but this is like a quick version.

The final thing is aligned action, taking aligned action in the moment right. You only ever need to take my magic boobies, you only ever need to take aligned action in the moment. What that means is, let's say I desire to be famous everywhere, right and to have people watching my show all around the world, like millions of viewers. Then I could sit down from a normal person's standpoint and you go, okay, let's make a plan of how I'm going to grow like my YouTube, how I'm going to grow my Facebook, how I'm going to grow my Instagram, how to create viral content all that sort of stuff.

Sometimes I still fall into that pattern and then I get so fucking bored that I fall asleep right there on the table and so it never works, because I just freaking hate it and I won't do it. Also because on a fundamental level, I don't believe in how. None of the success I've created in my life has come from a strategy or a plan. It's come from me being me, so I know for sure that my fame blowing up even bigger than what it already is, like I'm famous in this industry, but I get to be famous everywhere. Yes, when I film with my videographer for example like I think about what sort of cool content we're going to make today. I've started creating skits with him, I haven't published them yet, but they're really funny. I want to do skits and I want skits to go viral, and I want to do like super inspiring edited up really well created cut together videos as well and I want them to go viral. I do think about it when he's there and when we're there at the time.

I'm not like trying to plan it in advance and create like a formula to go viral, because it's just not how I choose to believe. I know for sure, like I've journaled and I've channelled and downloaded on this many times, I know that my next level fame will come from me being me. Just like you can't predict falling in love, like you can't plan to meet your soulmate or you can't plan to fall in love, it just kind of hits you in the face, you're like, what the fuck, that just happened, right?

The same thing with something like going famous, I think I can plan, create viral content that's going to exhaust the fuck out of me and I don't enjoy it. Or I can allow myself to be in flow and some days it hits bigger than others, some days it gets a big feedback, some days it doesn't and so what, I just keep being me. My whole business has been built from just being me and from taking aligned action in the moment.

Same with fitness, same with relationships all of it. It's not what is my plan in advance for tomorrow, it's what do I feel like doing right now? What I'm I called to do right now? Right now I'm called to do this fucking livestream, so that's what I do. Then after that I'm called to do whatever I'm going to do.

A huge part of this and one more point that we can add in is trust. For all of this to work you must be in trust, you must be in a state of trust and coming from faith and coming from I choose to believe that when I'm just being me, is when things work all right. I'm going to go. I'm I've come here to say.

Watch the replay. Millionaire Mastermind is going to be freaking amazing. I can't wait to share it all with you. I feel like we've brought some good fire today. Send me a shower of love heart if you loved it. Holy shit, I can't do my arm thing out quite as violently as I usually do. Yes, I love you. Thank you for being part of this community, thank you for live-ing with me from my post surgery bed this morning. I will reveal more when I can. Have an amazing rest of the today. Leave me a comment if you didn't already. I do read the comments later and do not forget, life is now, press play.