Rebel Millionaire

Katrina Ruth: Give them a chance to get on.

Patrick Grabbs: Okay. I'm ignoring you then.

Katrina Ruth: Usually, what I do when I go on is pretend that I'm doing something. But, I'm not really doing. I'm just pretending that I'm doing something.

Patrick Grabbs: What's that?

Katrina Ruth: So, I just ... I don't know, I just fuck around. Well, usually when I go live, I start then sharing it. Hey, can I share from a group to another group? Can I share it from this into my member's programme?

Patrick Grabbs: I think you can try.

Katrina Ruth: No.

Patrick Grabbs: Oh, no, you definitely can't. That's the thing about a group.

Katrina Ruth: You can. Here's how you would do that. Do this for... [inaudible 00:00:36]. Do that one... oh, hello person! Hey! You go live and people just jump on.

Patrick Grabbs: Hey, person!

Katrina Ruth: They assume that you're gonna be interesting, we have no idea.

Patrick Grabbs: I'm not interesting. No, I am. I am interesting.

Katrina Ruth: We're always interesting.

Patrick Grabbs: Interesting person.

Katrina Ruth: We're interesting without the camera on, so we should be interesting with the camera on as well. Hi, Michelle! Oh my god, I'm so excited you're there. Michelle, why have we not met in person yet? It's actually starting to upset me at this point in time. Okay, so come on down. So basically what happened was we were doing that thing that you do where you're selfishly having a conversation and not broadcasting it to the world.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah. We were actually pretending like we didn't know y'all were here. But now we do...

Katrina Ruth: No, I mean before when they actually weren't here, when we were just literally actually talking and then you were like, we should live-

Patrick Grabbs: Oh, yeah, we should livestream. I was like, because the good stuff was coming out-

Katrina Ruth: We were getting into flurried conversation.

Patrick Grabbs: Yes.

Katrina Ruth: And you know when you're having an amazing conversation and then basically you're like, it's kind of rude to the world that we're not letting everybody listen to this?

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah.

Katrina Ruth: Which I think happens every time we talk, actually.

Patrick Grabbs: I was thinking more like you're saying really good shit, and I was thinking some really good shit, and I was like, dude, you got to post it.

Katrina Ruth: Yes.

Patrick Grabbs: Another thing I thought too was, I was also like, I know you also wanted to do a livestream. I could just tell that you wanted to do one.

Katrina Ruth: I think you're using that as an excuse, because you're the one who's brought it up like three times. I think everyone knows that I want to livestream all the time.

Patrick Grabbs: That was her. I can tell by the look` in her eye that she wanted to livestream.

Katrina Ruth: But I always want to livestream.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah [inaudible 00:02:23].

Katrina Ruth: You're basically never gonna get that wrong. No matter who you are, you're never gonna get it wrong. Just assume that I want to livestream.

Patrick Grabbs: I got it right. I got it right. I knew she wanted to do it.

Katrina Ruth: Unless maybe, I'm trying to think of a situation where I wouldn't want to livestream.

Patrick Grabbs: I can think of a couple.

Katrina Ruth: I don't think I've ... yeah.

Patrick Grabbs: You don't want to take it to the bathroom. Have you ever live streamed in the bathroom?

Katrina Ruth: Definitely from the bathtub.

Patrick Grabbs: From the tub?

Katrina Ruth: Yeah.

Patrick Grabbs: Okay. What about from the...

Katrina Ruth: I put up a bikini top on.

Patrick Grabbs: What about from the [inaudible 00:02:49], from the john, as y'all say in Australia.

Katrina Ruth: I've been tempted, but no, I haven't live streamed from the bathroom.

Patrick Grabbs: In Australia do the toilets go around the other way or do they go around the right way?

Katrina Ruth: Who is freaking looking? What do you mean who's this guy? Who's this guy? I just bring random people into livestream.

Patrick Grabbs: I'm what they call a rand-o.

Katrina Ruth: Well, he's tagged into the livestream. This is Patrick.

Patrick Grabbs: What's up?

Katrina Ruth: Everybody this is Patrick. He's gonna tell you some very important things about ... I guess we'll get to that when we get to it. You're gonna have to wait and see.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah. When we get back, I want to get into the flow of things.

Katrina Ruth: Yeah.

Patrick Grabbs: Why is it ... When the thing, when the camera comes on, you kinda...

Katrina Ruth: The spirit takes over.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah. For me it's kinda like now, I don't know the camera's on and I'm like already trying to gear back into what we were talking about almost, or how do we ...

Katrina Ruth: Okay.

Patrick Grabbs: I feel like I was pulled out.

Katrina Ruth: Yeah. Okay. Let's go back. This is what I posted. I said come on over to the Daily Ask [inaudible 00:03:48]. I said we're gonna talk about stage fright and feeling like, do I have anything to say? Cause you were like I wanna go live. I'm starting to want to go live all the time, but then I don't have a topic or something.

Patrick Grabbs: Right.

Katrina Ruth: Or, I don't have anything to say. And then gave me kind of like a slightly, I'm gonna call it a ... what's that word called? Sheepish look?. Like he knew that you were talking bullshit. Like a slightly sheepish look. No, you knew that the real reason you weren't just jumping in and going live is more like an uncertainty or a fear that what if I don't think of enough interesting stuff.

Patrick Grabbs: Well even as soon as you said it, it like snapped at me, I was like oh shit, obviously, you can just talk about that. You know, you can just get on there and talk about that. I was telling you about whenever I ... Now, my decision is to do more live videos than I have been doing, and you're gonna see a lot more of it, and I have totally immersed myself in that for the past while. For the past few years I have kind of been ... I've been tied up with another business so I haven't really been ... I've been focusing 100 percent on myself, and the content that I put out there, in which occasionally I'll drop some things on Instagram. I'll drop some things on Facebook. Facebook is like real crazy.

Katrina Ruth: You message a different person on your Instagram stories.

Patrick Grabbs: Really?

Katrina Ruth: You go into powerful badass there and then you hide more on Facebook.

Patrick Grabbs: Really?

Katrina Ruth: Are we gonna turn it into an expose on you? I feel like this is now gonna be the show about ...

Patrick Grabbs: So you like my Instagram stuff more than my Facebook stuff?

Katrina Ruth: Cause you said to me something about how you knew you weren't sure. I think we have to introduce you to people because I think we're basically just ...

Patrick Grabbs: By the way. Cheers.

Katrina Ruth: We're drinking some very impressive French wine.

Patrick Grabbs: And my impressive French china.

Katrina Ruth: Appropriate Texan china. I think it's Texan.

Patrick Grabbs: This is from France. This might be China.

Katrina Ruth: It's from China.

Patrick Grabbs: Okay.

Katrina Ruth: It's not china, but it's from China.

Patrick Grabbs: It's fine china.

Katrina Ruth: I think at some point we should introduce you, because we're both just operating under the assumption that everybody here knows who you are.

Patrick Grabbs: That's you. I was thinking this from the get go. I'm like, you might want to introduce your guest on your link. Now you come to my group, I'm going to introduce you first, here's Kat.

Katrina Ruth: I'm a lot less formal than that.

Patrick Grabbs: I'm gonna introduce you real quick.

Katrina Ruth: Oh okay.

Patrick Grabbs: Alright on your own livestream. Everybody this is the one and the only Katrina Ruth. She is a 100 times bestseller, I believe, right? Yes, you have like 1,000 books if you go to her page, you'll see a 1,000 books, I tried to scroll through one day and I was like I got bored and I was like fuck this I'm gonna scroll through all these books. There's a 1,000 books here. She has a 1,000 books, and she's world famous, world renowned for changing people's mindsets and getting them in a better situation totally. Completely will change your fucking mind about life, about business, about power, about everything.

Patrick Grabbs: You must listen to her. Ladies and gentlemen Katrina Ruth. Give her a nice warm smiley face or a heart.

Katrina Ruth: A heart explosion.

Patrick Grabbs: A heart explosion yes. See hearts exploding right now.

Katrina Ruth: I feel a bit shy now. That was quite an impressive introduction. Oh my god.

Patrick Grabbs: We were just talking about that. I don't believe you're shy.

Katrina Ruth: Actually we're gonna tell that story in a minute.

Patrick Grabbs: Okay. Alright cool. I gotta remember that.

Katrina Ruth: Okay. We'll come back...

Patrick Grabbs: Like we're gonna remember that shit.

Katrina Ruth: Remind us to tell ... just no need to drop, you know, too much like you were just doing before, but the story of how I ... yeah.

Patrick Grabbs: Don't drop you into a what?

Katrina Ruth: I don't know what you were doing, like a little impression of me.

Patrick Grabbs: That's happened. That's definitely happened to me, because I do the best impression of you, you know that.

Katrina Ruth: This is Patrick. The one and only Patrick Grabbs. Actually, if you go to his page today, and why would you not, cause it is today. You're gonna read a really powerful story.

Katrina Ruth: This man is probably what I would call the most secret mystery messenger on Facebook, because he has one of the most powerful messages that I've ever encountered in my life, but has really been keeping it predominantly to himself, and maybe me and a few other people, and not sharing it with the world. He's just as of ... is today officially day one?

Patrick Grabbs: Yesterday was ... what's today? Friday. Today Friday?

Katrina Ruth: Yeah.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah it's Friday.

Katrina Ruth: Friday is day one.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, yesterday was day one. Bet no better time than yesterday.

Katrina Ruth: So yesterday is day one of going fully into his own business, own freedom lifestyle. This is something that's been coming well over since we've known each other, which is a couple years now, and it's huge, and I'm like maybe ... I feel like I might even be almost more excited than you, because for as long as we've known each other, I've been like you're so fucking powerful, your message is so powerful. Any teeny little offering that you ever put out to the internet is so powerful, but then, mainly just not been saying it and now basically the world is about to be lit up with a new powerful messenger and leader on mindset, on transformation.

Katrina Ruth: This is one of the very few people in the world who actually kinda calls me on my bullshit and makes me question some of my own beliefs and thoughts. That's extremely rare, mainly cause people, particularly men, are typically scared to confront me. That doesn't happen here, and so I think that if you connect to Patrick and follow him, you're gonna get some really good stuff coming through that's gonna get you thinking. Probably, I don't know some inappropriate or irreverent shit as well I would say.

Patrick Grabbs: I try. I'm trying to just be purely inspirational, but you know, I talk shit too.

Katrina Ruth: You have to, because otherwise ... did you read my blog today?

Patrick Grabbs: Which one? I'm pretty sure I did.

Katrina Ruth: "Your Tribe Needs You." The one about ... you got to read it. It think it was one of the best blogs I've ever done.

Patrick Grabbs: Damn, now I have to stop and read it. I'll talk to you guys in a little bit.

Katrina Ruth: We're gonna go to commercial break. We're gonna read the blog together, and then we're gonna come back. It's called "Your Tribe Needs You Now More Than Ever. Are You Prepared? Now More Than Ever Your Tribe Needs you to Step Up".

Katrina Ruth: But it's all about what it means to be a real leader.

Patrick Grabbs: Really?

Katrina Ruth: You got to read this blog. You'll love that blog.

Patrick Grabbs: I'm feeling like this is maybe for me here. I'm feeling like this might be for me.

Katrina Ruth: It's for everyone.

Patrick Grabbs: I feel ... I'm selfish, I feel like it's for me.

Katrina Ruth: Hang on, what was I saying? If you're gonna be a leader and a messenger, you've gotta bring the random, silly, entertaining, crazy side of things as well, right?

Patrick Grabbs: Playfulness, right.

Katrina Ruth: The same you, you are off camera should show up on camera.

Patrick Grabbs: I often get ... I'm one of the worst, because I like to push, and this is a big thing for me is that ... I know the reason that I really don't message as much as I know I should is because I'm one of those people that has always liked to push the envelope, and push boundaries of what people think as cool or what they think is appropriate. I'm talking like a lot a lot, like further than people normally ... I like to talk politics. I like to talk religion. I like to talk any of that shit, and I'll call people out. I don't feel like anybody could say anything to me that would sway ... People could say, definitely, I'm open for people to change my mind, and I've had my mind changed plenty of times.

Patrick Grabbs: I've got a lot of friends that would ... Even people that you would think we don't get along, right. I'm a conservative guy to a point. I'm more like a libertarian, and I have definitely some really far out there left wing friends, but we still get along, and we talk shit, and people would think that I wouldn't get along with them, but they've changed my mind on multiple occasions, but I just think occasionally I'm gonna just drop something out of my mouth, and it's gonna be the world just stops and oh shit.

Katrina Ruth: But I've done that, you've seen me do that.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, you have.

Katrina Ruth: The Trump thing. Debra remembers. Debra was pretty angry at me about that. Debra just ... You know when I said, "You're one of the few people that confronts me." Debra commented and said, I'm not scared to confront you. I'm like that's true. We've definitely had ... We've butted heads a few times. I think if you're going to be authentic as a messenger, there's occasionally gonna be times where you say something, and you're like fuck. I kind of really wish I didn't say that. That just kind of popped out.

Katrina Ruth: You can't have it both ways. You're either committed to being authentic, and committed to showing up or not right?

Patrick Grabbs: I've actually got a story. So, behind that.

Patrick Grabbs: I was in the cab not to long ago. I got into the cab ... I got into a car, a cab, I just came out of the bar, and I was a little bit drunk, and I got into the cab. Fortunately, this lady was kind enough to take me home. My Uber wasn't downloading or uploading or whatever. I got into the car, and she started to talk to me, and we were talking about everything. She was a Muslim lady. We got into a very, very heated argument about all sorts of stuff. About guns. She didn't like guns, and I was very passionate about that, and we back and forth, back and forth, right?

Patrick Grabbs: Probably not a normal conversation that I would have. It wasn't an Uber, it was actually a cab. The next day, I was just beating myself up about this, because I'm also thinking maybe she just ... What if she recorded me, and I was saying this stuff, because I'm telling her, "This is America, you should adapt to our culture, if you're gonna be here." There is definitely other countries you can go fucking live in, instead of this place. If you don't have ... if you're not with our values, you know what I'm saying, if you don't like the way that this place is set up, there's certainly other places to go. This is gun ... the second amendment is firmly into this culture, and I thought to myself, I really went off. She was heated back at me, don't get me wrong, this wasn't a one way street. She was yelling back at me. She was a badass bitch. She's not gonna just sit down and not tell you, she's like, I don't believe in that. I just don't believe in it.

Katrina Ruth: She's serving it back to you.

Patrick Grabbs: She's serving me back, and we got in a real heated argument, and the next day, I'm like oh my god, I'm gonna end up being-

Katrina Ruth: You're gonna be on the news.

Patrick Grabbs: For a week, and y'all can ask some people, for like a week I was-

Katrina Ruth: Aggressive cab passenger.

Patrick Grabbs: I was looking for myself on those ... I was on Twitter all day long. I was looking for this racist rant. You know what I'm saying. I was looking for my face on the racist rant goes crazy. This redneck going crazy on this lady, and it never came up. She was cool, she was just ... then I thought about it though. The next day I thought about it, and I thought to myself, you know, I was speaking my mind though. Regardless of what I think, what she would post up there, regardless of how anybody would try to spin that. It was the absolute fucking truth. The absolute what I believed in, and I just let it out. She let me have what she believed, and I let her have what I believed, and I took it, and I received what she was saying, and then I interpreted it back to her, you know?

Patrick Grabbs: My arguments were obviously better, but I just thought in this world, you know, there are so many things that are trying to, there's people that are trying to silence your voice, and at the end of the day, after that, I just felt like, that it was meant to be. It was meant for me to say that to her.

Katrina Ruth: To express yourself as well.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah. Exactly.

Katrina Ruth: Yeah. There you go. So much for not having anything to talk about. Ryan says no wonder you're not returning his texts, and how come he's finding out on here from you? Well, hi, let's hang out tomorrow. I'm sorry.

Patrick Grabbs: We'll hang out tomorrow. We're hanging out tomorrow.

Katrina Ruth: Sorry I'm kind of quiet, until I tell people what I'm doing most of the time, isn't that true?

Patrick Grabbs: Ryan can just come over if he's... [crosstalk 00:15:37] maybe he changed his mind, and just wants to come over and hang out with us tonight, but Ryan, I messaged Ryan, you know, I talked to Ryan that day. He's my mentor. I totally went up to him and I'm like, "I'm so scared, I'm freaking out. I don't wanna end up on this racist rant thing." He's one of the first people I went, I always go to him whenever I do something fucking stupid. But that wasn't really, not a thing, I was not stupid ... I go Ryan and Ryan's like, "Dude, I went off. You can go look at my post, I went off of Muslims one time, dude. It's not big deal. Check it out."

Patrick Grabbs: It made me feel, it's whatever. Tensions run high, we argue, and we learn from each other.

Katrina Ruth: It's life.

Patrick Grabbs: It is what it is. Yeah, we do that.

Katrina Ruth: Alright. Tell the story though, tell the introverted story because I think this is actually an important one for people to hear. We were talking about, as you now begin your business fully by yourself, that one of the things you definitely are gonna is obviously share your own insecurities, and fears, and doubts, and the things that have held you back. And then I said, you know, it's kinda like the [inaudible 00:16:39] business. People love me and resonate with me because I bring it, and I bring the fire and the passion, and I have the results that are obviously aspirational, but also because I'm really real. And I said that my only problem is that I feel like a lot of the time, people don't believe me. I was saying this half an hour ago, I was like, if I try and tell people I'm really introverted by nature, they're like, "Okay, Kat."

Katrina Ruth: So, tell your story.

Patrick Grabbs: Well, for one, she's introverted as hell. One of the most introverted people I've ever met. Just to go into the story, so you know what happened, she came out one time, to come to Dallas, and come party, well not really party, right? I just said, "Let's go to a bar."

Patrick Grabbs: I'm always thinking of cool stuff to do-

Katrina Ruth: I think I came to keynote at an entrepreneur event, if you remember that event.

Katrina Ruth: This was like April last year, I didn't come to party.

Patrick Grabbs: We talked about that event. That's another story.

Katrina Ruth: Yeah, that's a whole thing. We went out for drinks.

Patrick Grabbs: We did went out for drinks.

Katrina Ruth: With Reagan.

Patrick Grabbs: Reagan was there, you were there. I was like, let's go to somewhere cool-

Katrina Ruth: Oh, and what's his name? Alex.

Patrick Grabbs: Who's that?

Katrina Ruth: Alex?

Patrick Grabbs: Alex?

Katrina Ruth: Alex Pace?

Patrick Grabbs: Alex Pace, yeah. Video guy was with us. We go down to Deep Ellum, this place in Deep Ellum that's kinda hip. I always like to do something cool when Kat's in town. I like to try to find something new and different-

Katrina Ruth: He does. He always takes me somewhere really interesting, new, and different. Always things a lot about, like you always think about doing something really cool.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, it comes though, it comes though. So, okay, if I was from Australia, and I was-

Katrina Ruth: You sounded British.

Patrick Grabbs: And I enjoyed Vegemite-

Katrina Ruth: You sound British.

Patrick Grabbs: Where would I go? Where would I want to go? That's what I think, and that's where I take her. I figure out a good spot.

Patrick Grabbs: So, anyways, I took her to one of the happening spots. Unfortunately, this time it was a bad decision. The last time I took her to a really cool lowdown-

Katrina Ruth: Dive bar.

Patrick Grabbs: It was a dive bar.

Katrina Ruth: Oh, the blues bar.

Patrick Grabbs: A blues bar.

Katrina Ruth: Yeah, that was so cool. See, that's more my vibe.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah. It's like laid back, people are chilling.

Katrina Ruth: It was really cool.

Patrick Grabbs: So, this time I took her and Reagan, cause I'm thinking, okay, two chicks, they're probably wanting to go hang out and have a little more high vibe, right, type of place.

Patrick Grabbs: So, we go over to Deep Ellum, and it's more of a ... It's this bar called Stir there, and it's kinda packed. It's one of the most happening spots you can go to, it's called Stir-

Katrina Ruth: Super cool.

Patrick Grabbs: Super cool. Super-

Katrina Ruth: Intimidatingly cool.

Patrick Grabbs: Intimidatingly cool.

Patrick Grabbs: It's like one little row of people standing by the bar, and it's kinda hard to work your way through. Anyways, when I got them up there, they kind of walked over to the end of the bar, and they just all of a sudden, it was the weirdest thing, when I took you over to the blues bar, you were like just jamming out and having a good time, I guess cause you had more room-

Katrina Ruth: Yeah, but I think you were giving me Jager shots as well.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, Jager shots. They claim to have created the first Jager Bomb, I don't know if it's a fact.

Katrina Ruth: The oldest blues bar in Dallas, or something.

Patrick Grabbs: It's the oldest blues bar, apparently, it's called The Goat. If you write it down, if you're ever in Dallas, check it out.

Patrick Grabbs: So, we go to Stir, and we go down to the end of the bar, and immediately, they just start huddling up like this. It was the craziest thing. Reagan, she has a cut like this, on the side.

Katrina Ruth: She looks badass.

Patrick Grabbs: Looking like a badass.

Katrina Ruth: She is badass, she's badass.

Patrick Grabbs: She is a badass, she's got like a Skrillex haircut thing going. You had the red hair at the time, so you're badass.

Katrina Ruth: Everybody knows I'm a badass. Technically, you know I'm a badass. Except that now you know me, so you know it's like one-

Patrick Grabbs: So, they just all of a sudden, went down like this, like shell. It seemed like they were attracting people to like spill drinks on them, and to like throw elbows at them, and stuff like that.

Patrick Grabbs: I kind of had to shield them. But, I was like, "Oh my god."

Katrina Ruth: We were like Siamese twins together.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, Siamese twins. They were like joined at the hip.

Patrick Grabbs: From the looks of them, I thought they were gonna be like boom, like Coyote Ugly on the dance floor.

Katrina Ruth: This was ages ago. This was, I guess when you didn't know me as well.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, I thought that was what was gonna happen, and they were totally ... It was not that. But, you know, most of the time, I met you, I know you, I know Reagan, I know Ryan Stewman, he does the same kind of shit-

Katrina Ruth: [crosstalk 00:21:09] introverts.

Patrick Grabbs: The one's that are out there on the camera are introverts, for the most part, I think.

Katrina Ruth: That's true. It's bringing a piece of you out ... like, this is what I'm constantly trying to explain to people, even going live, like okay, I'm pretty freaking practised at going live, so I wouldn't say I have nerves about going live, but I still have insecurities, oftentimes I'll have an idea for a topic and I'm like, "Well, that's kind of lame," or "It's shit."

Katrina Ruth: Or sometimes, when I get started, god forbid, the flow doesn't take over me, which it now has, we're good, we're in flow-

Patrick Grabbs: Yes.

Katrina Ruth: But if that doesn't happen, then you're like, "Fuck." You feel like I'm out here freaking naked without a towel, and I've got nothing, and there's people here. That happens on occasion, and what do you do? You're not gonna be like, "Oh, well. I changed my mind." Let's finish and just leave. You've gotta bring it.

Katrina Ruth: Being a leader is about stepping into what you know is inside of you, and even like, you did a livestream the other day, and then, in your private group, [inaudible 00:22:08] download it and send it to me, and I looked at it. You said to me that you were nervous and everything, and then when I watched that live, if anybody would watch that, you were freaking dancing at the start, you had your tunes on, you were just like throwing it down, and then gave your message, and went into messaging and preaching. Nobody would remotely think for a second that you were unsure of yourself.

Patrick Grabbs: Right. Well, I mean, you never know when you watch it. I try not to watch the stuff again. Do you ever watch your stuff?

Katrina Ruth: Oh, yeah. I drop some good stuff.

Patrick Grabbs: Oh my god, that's fire. Fire! (laughter)

Katrina Ruth: I do. Okay, but I'll tell you why. Because when I'm on a livestream, and the flow takes over me, I have no fucking clue what I'm saying. I'm in preacher mode, I'm like downloading and channelling it, and so then, sometimes later if I'm driving, or-

Patrick Grabbs: Would you say you're almost like in ... You got the spirit inside you?

Katrina Ruth: Yeah.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah?

Katrina Ruth: Yeah. I'm filled with the message of truth.

Patrick Grabbs: The holy ghost.

Katrina Ruth: I was gonna say that, but I'm gonna go with message of truth. That was more like a [inaudible 00:23:13] that nearly came up out of me. And so, then I don't know what I said. And so then, if I'm driving along, or maybe at the gym, or on a walk or something, sometimes I'll listen to my livestream replays. And I'll watch them. Because I wanna see how many times people gave me funny emojis, and I get pretty shitty if I didn't get the laughing emojis. That's actually what I look for.

Patrick Grabbs: You would've laughed.

Katrina Ruth: I want people to laugh at me. I actually look for the laughing emojis more, I don't like at my sales you guys, I don't look for how many sales I made, I look for laughing emojis.

Patrick Grabbs: Does your audience know you're looking for the laughing emojis? Have you ever told them before?

Katrina Ruth: No, but why I would I need to tell them because I'm fucking hilarious. They already know that. They're gonna laugh automatically. But then I'm wanting the validation of seeing the laugh emojis on the replay.

Patrick Grabbs: Bonus points if you're laughing emojis. That's how you-

Katrina Ruth: But then, when I watch my replays, honestly, I'm often like, well this is fucking brilliant. Somebody should be making notes here, this is some powerful ... I should listen to this, is what I'm often thinking.

Patrick Grabbs: This is hot fire.

Katrina Ruth: I'm like, "Shit. I need to hear this."

Katrina Ruth: The way that you know you'll never run out of content is, you only are always saying what you need to hear for yourself.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah. You're talking to yourself.

Katrina Ruth: Right.

Patrick Grabbs: That's what I've been trying to do. I've been trying to like ... When I turn the camera on, and you told me this a long time ago, I'm trying to talk to myself. And actually, what I'm really trying to do is, and if I can get in the stick to doing this, then it'll be a lot better I think, but what I'm trying to do is, I'm trying to talk to myself. I'm trying to talk to myself ten years ago.

Katrina Ruth: Right.

Patrick Grabbs: When I first got out of prison. I'm trying to tell myself the things that would change my mind and make me accelerate the process of getting to where I'm at today.

Katrina Ruth: Maybe you should tell some of that story because you just kinda dropped that in there.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, I just dropped that-

Katrina Ruth: Just like, curve ball.

Patrick Grabbs: Just to do it quickly, well, I guess I don't have to do it quickly, but 2006, at the height of Myspace, you know, I had just gotten a Myspace account, but ...

Katrina Ruth: I love how that's a pivotal ... I'm like, what did you say?

Patrick Grabbs: Pivotal moment.

Katrina Ruth: Did you just say, "At the height of Myspace?"

Patrick Grabbs: Tom, you're my best friend.

Katrina Ruth: So, not referencing the global recession. Just so we know, the timing was, the height of Myspace.

Patrick Grabbs: This is a different time. This is a different time.

Katrina Ruth: So, we all understand the year now.

Patrick Grabbs: But, I do come from kind of a fucked up upbringing. Grew up in a trailer park, born in a trailer park. Poor, very poor family. Mom had three boys, took care of them by herself. Tornado bait, pretty much. I ended up hanging out with the wrong people obviously, because my mom was gone all the time. She was never home, so we ended up being bad kids. I have two brothers. Constantly doing bad shit. Eventually, hung out with gangs. Got into a gang and eventually ended up going to prison. Got hooked on Meth. For five years I was hooked on Meth. And went to prison for two years. It's been ten years since I got out. Stealing cars, burglary, all sorts of crazy stuff, just because I liked the adrenaline. That's the thing about Meth, you like the adrenaline. I was an adrenaline junkie at the time.

Patrick Grabbs: So, two years. Got out in 2008. Didn't go back. When I was in there, that's when I started getting into [inaudible 00:26:50]. I read Tony Robbins. My first Tony Robbins book I read was in there, and so, that kinda got my mind right. When I got out, I just had a plan not to go back. And I've always been into computers, so I just various things on the computer for years and years and years. And it took me just until three years ago, to really realise that you know, you need to higher a mentor, and befriend mentors, and constantly level up.

Patrick Grabbs: You have to invest in yourself, and that's the part that I didn't really understand. The investing in yourself part. I know that everybody's gonna be like, "Oh, fuck. You gonna talk about spending money all the time?"

Katrina Ruth: They're down with it.

Patrick Grabbs: They're down with it, yeah.

Katrina Ruth: They wanna hear-

Patrick Grabbs: Y'all are down.

Katrina Ruth: They wanna hear this. They're like, tell us how to spend our money.

Patrick Grabbs: I wouldn't spend a dollar on myself, but I was the smartest on the computer. Like, I did so much stuff. I've been doing League Generation for a long time, but I was always held back by one thing. That I wouldn't actually spend a dollar on myself, on my own education. I wouldn't do it. Just refused to because I was so smart, I would go on YouTube, and just look at all the videos on how to do this and that, and I was just too smart for my own good, and wouldn't do that.

Patrick Grabbs: Three years ago, met my biggest mentor of my life, Ryan Stewman, and he showed me how to really invest in myself, and showed me what that was all about. From there, it was just a trajectory, and here we are today.

Katrina Ruth: Growth pathway.

Patrick Grabbs: Yep.

Katrina Ruth: Which never ends.

Patrick Grabbs: To the next level, yep. So now, constantly spending money to level up on myself. It's not a problem. Yeah, here we are.

Patrick Grabbs: Started my first business [inaudible 00:28:34]. It helped, staying with Ryan for three years while I was training and building, and actually we took a business from, you know, I don't know what he was doing whenever I met him, probably like $30,000 a month. He's up to, I think, $5 million now.

Katrina Ruth: $5 million a month?

Patrick Grabbs: A year. (laughter)

Katrina Ruth: I was like, "Fuck. How come I don't know this?"

Patrick Grabbs: I think he's [crosstalk 00:28:51]. I don't know how much he does, yeah. I think it's a little more. Somewhere around that.

Katrina Ruth: A lot of you guys know Ryan because I speak about Ryan quite a lot, and Ryan's really a close friend of mine, and he's here in this group, and possibly on this livestream, but he probably already left.

Patrick Grabbs: He likes to hear himself talk.

Katrina Ruth: Yeah, he'd be on the livestream if he was on this side of the camera. He's like, "I'm not watching."

Patrick Grabbs: "I'm out!"

Katrina Ruth: I don't know, maybe he's there.

Patrick Grabbs: He's like, "Patrick, good luck. Have a good time, I'm out."

Katrina Ruth: Which is how met, through Ryan anyhow. But it's just that thing of going well, at some point you're gonna break free. I didn't even say that on purpose.

Patrick Grabbs: There you go.

Katrina Ruth: Break free and-

Patrick Grabbs: Shameless plug.

Katrina Ruth: Follow your own stuff, right?

Katrina Ruth: But then it's gonna come with all this stuff that comes with it. The fear stuff, and the am I good enough stuff, and also, I guess, what we were talking about in the car, earlier, from the airport about, what to spend your time on. Most people, when they're trying to build your business, are so conscious of all this shit that has to be done, and we were talking about how, no matter what all this stuff is that's going on, that you wanna do, or you gotta do, you gotta be doing the daily priorities, which my, like what I would stand by and swear by, is it's gonna be your own inner-working [inaudible 00:30:07], messaging and communication to your audience. And obviously, selling is part of that, right? And then everything else comes after that because if you be that voice, and you be that person who's showing up. What are we even talking about? This is a powerful livestream but all we did was turn the camera on on a conversation that we were having off camera, and then we created content. And we're creating value.

Katrina Ruth: That's all you do, every single day. You just create value. But most people won't do it because they don't get that this is what actually builds the business, and/or their insecurities beat them, and they feel like, yeah, but okay, right? I know people would think this, that, "Oh, but that's Kat," or that's whoever, or that's Ryan, or soon enough, it's gonna be, "That's Patrick," right? And like, I'm not this and I'm not that.

Katrina Ruth: The story about me hiding, covered up, like me and Reagan, like little koalas up against each other in the corner of the bar, while he had to basically protect us from the people.

Patrick Grabbs: Like a damn cocoon or something like that.

Katrina Ruth: We were like, "Get us out of here."

Patrick Grabbs: Eject, eject.

Katrina Ruth: Eject. (laughter)

Katrina Ruth: It just shows, it's me showing up everyday the way I do my business, and this is true for all my high-earning friends and clients as well, is it's a fucking choice. You know that that's inside of you and you feel that calling, you've had that calling since the day I met you. Every person here has that calling. I've had that calling since I can even remember. It's not about waiting til the point where one day you think you're gonna wake up, and you're gonna be like, "Sweet. Now I know I'm fucking amazing, and I'm ready to go, and everybody should listen to me." It's about taking what's inside of you and allowing that to be bigger than your insecurities and fears. Getting over your own self.

Katrina Ruth: Actually, I have this, I think we spoke about this on the phone the other night, but I speak about this with clients all the time, people worry that ... They think if I just start messaging and preaching to people all the time, doesn't that make me a bit full of myself, like I think I'm so good, and that it's an ego thing. Right?

Katrina Ruth: People are concerned that, kind of like, who am I to think that I should get to tell everyone to listen to me, or something like that. It's not egotistical to think that people should listen to your message. It's actually egotistical to not share your message, and the reason is, if you don't share your message, then what you're saying is, your own human, insecure self, is more important than the message inside of you that is meant to go out to the world. So, get the fuck over yourself. Don't make it about you, make it about the message.

Patrick Grabbs: Definitely. Definitely.

Patrick Grabbs: And yeah, I don't know what to add-

Katrina Ruth: I felt like you were gonna add something?

Patrick Grabbs: I was gonna add something now, I like it. I'm with it. Yeah.

Katrina Ruth: Debra said, "We all know Kat does nothing." Oh, this is amazing comment. I'm gonna screenshot that and use it for a testimonial. Debra says, "We all know Kat does nothing and everything all in the same moment." That is probably, I feel like Debra, I'm gonna give you a free place in my high ticket sales workshop. I'm gonna give you that because that is probably the single best way anybody's ever described what I actually do.

Patrick Grabbs: Nothing and everything all in the same moment.

Katrina Ruth: What do you think about that comment?

Patrick Grabbs: I think she's trying to say you're kind of like Jesus. Doesn't he do that?

Katrina Ruth: I don't want ... Does he?

Patrick Grabbs: You don't want the comparison. I got you.

Katrina Ruth: I don't want to be Jesus.

Patrick Grabbs: It's all good.

Katrina Ruth: I wanna be Katrina Fucking Ruth.

Patrick Grabbs: Oh, okay. Be Katrina Ruth. You can be Jesus. How about that, Jesus?

Katrina Ruth: I guess I have a somewhat spicy flair. (laughter) Not really, but I use the Spanish flamenco dancer emoji a lot, so close enough.

Katrina Ruth: That comment's everything. Because it's exactly what I was saying to you on the drive from the airport. I was like, "I kind of do nothing. I only do exactly what I want all the time. I feel like I do nothing." Oftentimes I'm like, this is almost like ... Somebody should report me for getting away with this because I feel like I'm just kind of fucking around all the time, and having the best time ever. And I just make shit up and I throw it at the internet, and I do whatever I want all day long. Most of the time, I feel like I do nothing.

Katrina Ruth: We were messaging about this yesterday, as well. You're like, I'm gonna do the flow and ease way, the way you do it, and the way ... You mentioned Amanda, one of my clients, Amanda's so cool, you've seen how Amanda does it. That's how we do it in this world. There's entrepreneurs out there who do it the hard way. You've seen I don't do that. I do it the flow and easy way and that's what many so-called clients do, and my friends as well.

Katrina Ruth: So, it feels like I do nothing. But then, technically, if you were to follow me around for a week and live my life, I don't feel ... I actually, really, logistically? Legitimately. Logistically also, I do move around a lot. But legitimately, I really don't feel most people would be able to keep up with it, they would just be like, "What in the actual fuck?" But I feel like I do nothing because it's all based on flow and ease. It's based on, I only do what I want.

Patrick Grabbs: You told me that though, too. I just know you, I've been hanging out with you for a long time, I guess a long time now, what I consider a long time, and so, I know how it's done. And then, to see your friend, she comes and does the same thing-

Katrina Ruth: Amanda, yeah.

Patrick Grabbs: And then I see other people doing it and everything like that. Of course, I know tonnes of people who do it the hard way. My good buddy, he does it the hard way.

Katrina Ruth: Most people are committed to the hard way.

Patrick Grabbs: They like to do it the hard way.

Katrina Ruth: It's like a badge of honour, do you think?

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah. It is, yeah for sure. Or, you feel like that you are going to be able to provide a better service to your clients by doing it the hard way, so that you have the experience.

Katrina Ruth: You proved yourself more, or it's more meaningful.

Patrick Grabbs: But, you've been doing it the hard way the whole time, you know what I mean?

Katrina Ruth: It's a really good point though, because back in the day, there were times when I would reschedule for example, a training or a client call, and I would've made up an excuse, which I know is what most people do. I would've said something like, traffic or such and such happened, or whatever. Whereas now, actually one of my good friends, well he's a mentor of a client actually, Dan Thomas, he put a post up a month or so ago. He put a screenshot of his conversation with a client, and I just thought it was hilarious cause this is how I do it now. You could see on the message thread, it said, "Sorry I was 15 minutes for our call. I was sitting on the toilet watching reruns of," I don't know, some show on Netflix.

Patrick Grabbs: Nice.

Katrina Ruth: Just straight up, right? It was so funny because he just was like, "I forgot that our call was on. I was on the toilet watching Netflix." And he said it.

Patrick Grabbs: He said that?

Katrina Ruth: Yeah, to his client.

Patrick Grabbs: That's good to say it.

Katrina Ruth: People don't do that, right? They'd be like, "Sorry I was late. A dramatic thing happened in my life. And you don't understand," and I'm the same as well now. I rescheduled the high vibe livestream, for those who [inaudible 00:37:18], it was on Sunday, I think it was, whenever I flew into New York, the first day. Because I flew in and I was like, I really wanna go to yoga. Like, I really fucking wanna go to yoga, but the high vibe livestream is right in the middle of class, so I just moved it by an hour, and then I said that. I was like, I wanted to go to yoga. And I'm teaching you guys flow and ease, and I'm teaching you that you always get to follow your souls desires. So, I'm going to tell you that my soul desired that I go to yoga and I choose to believe that it's always perfect. Everything's always okay. I don't have to follow the normal business or entrepreneur rules that say you must always be professional, and you must do it like this. With a friend, if you had plans with a friend, and then you really felt like, you know what, I really need some time for myself, I really wanna go workout, or I really wanna whatever-

Patrick Grabbs: Just do it.

Katrina Ruth: You would just tell your friend, "Hey, can we push it by an hour," right? Why do you wanna lie in your business, or why do wanna have a mask or a shield up? When you do that, you will not call in soulmate clients.

Patrick Grabbs: Bam. Yeah, you're out.

Katrina Ruth: You can't. You're only gonna have clients who are [inaudible 00:38:16], and they are high maintenance motherfuckers that you just don't really want to have to deal with.

Patrick Grabbs: Or, if you're trying to work around with their schedule, too. You won't be able to make it that far doing that anyways.

Katrina Ruth: Bowing down to your clients, and yeah, that's a fear. The only reason to do that would be like, fear and insecurity of not getting the business.

Patrick Grabbs: I found myself kind of getting [inaudible 00:38:37] because I'm not the only one who went on his own. One of my best friends actually did the same thing-

Katrina Ruth: You should tag him in. He's a nice guy.

Patrick Grabbs: Ryan Stewman, great guy. He bred two great entrepreneurs and put us out there, it's awesome. My buddy, so I'm now consulting him in his marketing business. He's just all over the place. Today, we were all over, he's like a hustler, so he's on the phone calling, calling, calling, calling. But he also hasn't been in this as long as I have, and hasn't watched all the things, hasn't spent as much time as I spend around people like Kat and people who think like this, with this very ease of life mentality. I'm very interested in it, and so I've always kind of watched every video I could find on it.

Patrick Grabbs: Today, this is the first day of our business, to be out here doing it. Each of our business, our brand new businesses. He's off to the races, and I'm just like, how can I do? What can I do? Like, he's running around the house like up here in the front, and I'm like, what can I do to ... I'm just sitting here thinking. Just letting my mind kind of just go, you know? What am I ... I can't remember what the top of my priority was to do. I'm like, my neck's kind of fucked up. I got in a wreck, so I've just been thinking about this neck. I wasn't really ... I'm not in a big rush because I just understand one thing. Money is gonna come.

Katrina Ruth: Yeah.

Patrick Grabbs: I made it happen too many times in my life. It's such a easy thing to do. Based on what I believe, and what I know from them, and they way that I choose to believe in it, and the way that I choose to believe my life, choose to live my life, is I know it's going to come.

Katrina Ruth: Faith.

Patrick Grabbs: It's just gonna come. Well, it's my reality. I've created this.

Katrina Ruth: Faith in your own reality and that you get to choose.

Patrick Grabbs: It is. I'm choosing this, and I choose to just ... If I wanna pussyfoot around in the house for a minute, and just wander around here aimlessly, not even thinking about shit. Like we were talking about-

Katrina Ruth: But that's often where the breakthroughs come from as well.

Patrick Grabbs: But I'm also thinking. I'm also thinking too, I'm like, I wanna see where this thoughts gonna go. What this-

Katrina Ruth: You're creating inside of you.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, I'm just walking around, just letting this go where it goes, where this thoughts go. I'm ironing all of that out. Matter of fact though, when I'm talking to certain clients and everything, when I've been picking up the phone and actually talking to them, it's been kind of a ... I don't know. It's just not there yet, you can tell they're not soulmate clients yet, you know? They're not quite there yet. It's something that I'm like, it's kind of one of those things I'm not really interested in totally touching yet.

Katrina Ruth: Yep.

Patrick Grabbs: I don't wanna start doing that right now. I just wanna let it go, and start finding out what the rest of ... Now, Kat's come in to town, we're gonna have some major breakthroughs and everything. So, I'm cool. This is what I'm trying to do, right here, you know?

Katrina Ruth: But this is also the real work. Us talking, livestreaming, even when your by yourself obviously. When you think you're not doing anything, it's about giving yourself some credit for the way that you live your fucking life. Your version, or my version, or a lot of people's here version, okay, I didn't say everyone here, so I guess you get to decide whether that's you or not. Our version of doing nothing is fucking growth all the time. You were saying earlier about how girls apparently feel about each other, which I do not agree with. He says to me, "Girls are all competitive with each other," and that he thinks that deep down women hate each other and I was like, "What. Not a chance, no."

Patrick Grabbs: No, [crosstalk 00:42:27]

Katrina Ruth: He's like, "Well, you're different." Obviously. I think we know that, but-

Patrick Grabbs: Your profile says, "Kicking the ass of the 1% of the 1%." That's a very small percentage of people. I think we can agree-

Katrina Ruth: It's actually the 1% of the 1% within the 1% ...

Patrick Grabbs: Like a micro-percent.

Katrina Ruth: Yep.

Patrick Grabbs: I think we can all agree that we know quite a few women who are very competitive and who hate each other. Alls I'm saying.

Katrina Ruth: We don't do that here.

Patrick Grabbs: Many. Not in the vibe, not in the kick ass-

Katrina Ruth: You know that that's not me. Yeah, we are not like that. We're different. I say all the time we're different from other entrepreneurs. All of us. We women are different from the other women. And part of that is, over time, for me and I know this is true for my clients ... Brandon Marshall, who the fuck is this guy?

Katrina Ruth: Over time, I guess I gradually grew into myself to where I'm like, I'm owning who I am. At the point in my life, I'm unapologetically who I am, and I know and trust that that's okay. Fuck off Brandon Marshall. Alright. The comments are starting to go out of control. Every time Brandon jumps on the livestream.

Patrick Grabbs: Brandon's my boy, though. I like Brandon. He's cool.

Katrina Ruth: Yeah, Brandon's like one of my favourite people in the world. But as soon as he comes on the livestream, it's all the Brandon fucking show instead of the Katrina Ruth show now.

Patrick Grabbs: Brandon's cutting in.

Katrina Ruth: He's always hilarious though.

Katrina Ruth: So, I gradually got to a point where I'm like, you know what, I actually spend a lot of time in my life trying really hard to be everybody else, and I think I'm just gonna be me now. And that's why I can be so ... The things I say, even stuff I've said to you, or to any friends, or to clients, I say shit that breaks the rules of what you're supposed to say. Whether it's in business, in life, personal life, anything right? I just say stuff and I can do it without attachment because I'm completely grounded ... completely is an interesting word because you're always evolving and growing, but I'm grounded in who I am. So I'm okay no matter the outcome. I don't have to worry what another person is doing. I know what I'm fucking doing.

Patrick Grabbs: I got to ask you a question though, because you just brought this to my mind, it's something I've been thinking about. How do you know, because I'm always thinking, okay, I'll say something and it's very simple but it's something that I've thought about, maybe a long time ago, and I've already registered it in my head-

Katrina Ruth: Okay.

Patrick Grabbs: And I've been holding a lot in, right? Obviously, over time.

Katrina Ruth: Yes, we've noticed.

Patrick Grabbs: So I've been like, I'm already thinking, you're already thinking on a super high level, right? So, you think at a super high level, you're totally different than anybody else, you're totally different than the 99 of the 99 of the 99% out there.

Katrina Ruth: Okay, we're gonna clip this bit out. We're gonna get captions on it, we're gonna put it all over Facebook.

Patrick Grabbs: Alright-

Katrina Ruth: Anyway, continue.

Patrick Grabbs: Okay. So, how do you figure out the stuff that you have to go back to because you think it's basic and you think it's rudimentary to you now, at this point in your life, do you ever have anything like you think that, or do you just let it run, or you're gonna go back and talk about some basics and bring those back up-

Katrina Ruth: Where I question myself, you mean?

Patrick Grabbs: No. Have you ever had some things that you think are very basic that people should already know? But they're actually not.

Katrina Ruth: Yes.

Patrick Grabbs: And do you go back and bring those things up? There's a lot of things that I've already considered-

Katrina Ruth: To tell to people?

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah. Yeah, exactly.

Katrina Ruth: Yeah. Yeah, I think so. Definitely. I don't even have an example that's coming up-

Patrick Grabbs: You just say whatever?

Katrina Ruth: Yeah. Well, with clients and even in public livestreams sometimes, or in member trainings, I'm definitely going back to basics a lot of the time. Because I have to go back to basics all the time anyway, right? And it depends, the level of groundedness, and I guess, me being unapologetically me ... Yes, exactly like that. It's very zen.

Patrick Grabbs: Way to be zen. Very zen-minded. Let's ground. We're grounding. You have to ground onto something.

Katrina Ruth: Ground onto the couch with your leg-

Patrick Grabbs: We don't have to ground ourselves. You were saying?

Katrina Ruth: So, the level of groundedness that I have in my business is pretty fucking on point, I really do feel ... I get shaken from time to time in the smallest way, but it's always an instant reframe and a lesson in to, "Oh, I see how I nearly went down this pathway of thinking such and such. Cool, got it." Like, it's a millisecond. Whereas, there's other areas of my life where it's more shaky and I have to think more. I have to actually pause before I say something or take an action, cause I'm like, wait, hang on. Am I acting from outside of myself? Am I following rules and conditioning, or am I following my soul? And actually Alexa Martinez is here. Do you know Alexa, are you friends with Alexa? Do you know who Alexa is?

Patrick Grabbs: Elixir?

Katrina Ruth: Well, not elixir. Alexa. Okay.

Patrick Grabbs: Elixir.

Katrina Ruth: I've never told you properly about Alexa-

Patrick Grabbs: If you ever want to be an Australian accent, I've nailed it down. If you ever want to take Australian accent classes-

Katrina Ruth: He does a terrible Australian accent.

Patrick Grabbs: All you have to do is an-

Katrina Ruth: You sound British when you do an Australian-

Patrick Grabbs: You have to add an -ER to everything. That's all you do.

Katrina Ruth: And by the way, you're not allowed to do an Australian accent if you refuse to eat Vegemite. Would you like to eat some Vegemite live on this livestream?

Patrick Grabbs: I will never eat that shit again. Ever. It's disgusting. It's horrible.

Katrina Ruth: It's the best.

Patrick Grabbs: It's disgusting.

Katrina Ruth: I've got Vegemite right here.

Patrick Grabbs: If you folks on this livestream-

Katrina Ruth: He tried to kick me out of his car earlier when he found out that I had Vegemite with me.

Patrick Grabbs: I don't want it anywhere near me. And in fact, I think it's illegal to have it in the United States. And I don't break the law anymore, so therefore, I can't have this disgusting drug. It's like something you'd put in an envelope and send to your worst enemy. Somebody would send it to Donald Trump, he'd probably die. (laughter)

Katrina Ruth: Everyone's like, "I'll get ten tubs."

Katrina Ruth: Hang on, what were we just saying?

Patrick Grabbs: I don't know.

Katrina Ruth: Oh, I'll tell you about Alexa afterwards. I think you're gonna wanna hear-

Patrick Grabbs: But anyways, if you wanna speak Australian, just add an -ER to everything. You know.

Katrina Ruth: But he does do a very good Ryan Stewman impression. It was actually so good that I looked over my shoulder to see if Ryan was hiding behind me in the car. We're gonna go to New Orleans and play with Alexa, she says.

Patrick Grabbs: Okay.

Katrina Ruth: Let's do a quick detour to New Orleans tomorrow.

Patrick Grabbs: Get on the Vegemite.

Katrina Ruth: Are you talking about tobacco?

Katrina Ruth: What were we saying? Okay. So, Alexa has been somebody who is very important in my life. Alexer.

Patrick Grabbs: Alexer. Wanna drink some winer?

Katrina Ruth: A massive source of support for me as a mentor and a friend. And actually, it's kind of hilarious though, because the things that Alexa has mentored me on ... Well, the reason I resonate with her so much as a coach, is because she teaches getting back to you, and trusting in your own self, and your own soul. But there's areas of my life where that's been really blurry and hard for me to do, and I'm like, I'm not sure. What's the right way to do something versus the wrong way? It's been this gradual process of me getting to where I'm like, "Oh my god. Oh my god. The right way is always the way that I'm feeling inside of me." I can remember a year ago, probably around about a year ago, having a conversation with Alexa where I was like, "I don't know what to do. Help me, help me." And she's like, "But what are you feeling? What do you want to do?" Right. Well, that's an evolutionary fucking concept. Maybe if I just went by what I was feeling. So, that's what I started to do.

Patrick Grabbs: You don't think you ever make, let's say, do you have any situations, because obviously I look through this with a logical and rational mind-

Katrina Ruth: But, logic comes from intuition, technically.

Patrick Grabbs: Okay.

Katrina Ruth: You know. Go ahead.

Patrick Grabbs: So, you had a fork in the road, of your thought process-

Katrina Ruth: She's being [inaudible 00:50:37] in the comments. Carry on.

Patrick Grabbs: You're at a fork in the road, and you have two choices. Have you ever made ... You know, you think about one choice, and you make it, you feel like they both could be the right choice, obviously everybody thinks that, right? They both might be the right choice, or do you just think that you know, or should you know that one of them is better than the other. What if they're both a hell yeah decision?

Katrina Ruth: Are we talking about relationships now?

Patrick Grabbs: We could be.

Katrina Ruth: We said we weren't gonna do that.

Katrina Ruth: Yeah, well why can't you have it all?

Patrick Grabbs: You could. You can have it all.

Katrina Ruth: Okay. So, it's either I get to have it all, regardless of the situation, and typically most mindsets in business life, or anything, would be like, you can't do that, breaking the rules. Well, alright. What if you got to make your own rules? So, it's either that you get to have it all or you just not being honest with yourself. Oftentimes, when you feel that you're at a crossroad, really what's going on is, for whatever reason, in resistance about the thing that you know is right and real. Either fear or uncertainty.

Patrick Grabbs: Not trusting yourself.

Katrina Ruth: Or self-sabotage.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah.

Katrina Ruth: I know I've done that many times, it's almost like you deliberately like, yeah, I see what's right for me, and what's aligned, and would actually serve me, but I'm just gonna go do this other thing over here because I wanna prove to the world and to the universe, that I don't have to be told what to do, even if it's by my own self, right?

Katrina Ruth: So, it could be that, or it could be that you've got an idea in your head-

Patrick Grabbs: That's powerful right there, I think.

Katrina Ruth: Thank you.

Patrick Grabbs: I think it's powerful.

Katrina Ruth: I think these comments are going a little crazy.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, they are. What are they saying?

Katrina Ruth: Everyone wants to talk about sex. That's always true. People are scared. Okay, I'm here for the [inaudible 00:52:22] business talk. He's pretty fly for a smart ass guy.

Patrick Grabbs: She must be talking about Brandon cause he's a spiritual smart ass.

Katrina Ruth: Sex has no room for Friday nights. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. That's really your concern. Okay, I missed a whole tonne of interesting comments I think, but they've disappeared now. We'll come back to them later.

Patrick Grabbs: Okay.

Katrina Ruth: I think that if you're like, "I don't know whether to do this or this," you do know. Depending on the situation and the era in life, you might have to pause for a little longer, to kind of tune in and figure out what it is.

Katrina Ruth: Okay, Brandon wants us to sell him ... Can we auction these pillows on this livestream? We're gonna do it. Did you see when the couch auction people took over my stuff, did you see that?

Patrick Grabbs: No, I did not.

Katrina Ruth: Oh. Have you-

Patrick Grabbs: I gotta see first on your stuff. I thought I had you see first.

Katrina Ruth: How can you not have me see first?

Patrick Grabbs: I have to see forget.

Katrina Ruth: You have to manually go to my page every day, [crosstalk 00:53:16]. So, you have to manually go there and read my blog every day? Or just ...

Patrick Grabbs: You call it your blog, but it's a post on Facebook. It's a Facebook post. Do you copy your Facebook-

Katrina Ruth: Do you go and look for it, or do you wait for it to appear in front of you in your News Feed?

Patrick Grabbs: Well, I have this thing on my laptop, it's called News Feed Eradicator-

Katrina Ruth: Yeah, I know, I've seen it.

Patrick Grabbs: It blocks all that shit up.

Katrina Ruth: Yeah, but you read my posts.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, I do whenever I'm on my cell phone, you know what I'm saying, so mostly on the shitter, on the john-

Katrina Ruth: Oh. That's lovely.

Patrick Grabbs: It's very lovely. It's where my best thinking comes from.

Katrina Ruth: It's probably where a lot of people read my posts, [crosstalk 00:53:49].

Patrick Grabbs: They're watching it right now. Taking a very long one. Your legs are gonna be asleep if you keep doing what you're doing.

Patrick Grabbs: I don't know.

Katrina Ruth: What?

Patrick Grabbs: That went over your head? (laughter)

Katrina Ruth: Yeah.

Patrick Grabbs: If they're sitting on the shitter their leg is gonna go to sleep. You ain't never sit on there too long, your watching a livestream?

Katrina Ruth: No, I don't. I'm very efficient.

Patrick Grabbs: You get up and go. You just drop and go. Drop and move.

Katrina Ruth: I'm fucking focused and efficient in all areas.

Patrick Grabbs: She doesn't waste time. I like to sit for a while and enjoy myself.

Katrina Ruth: I only sit in there for if I'm hiding from people, like at a party.

Patrick Grabbs: Do you really?

Katrina Ruth: Yeah.

Patrick Grabbs: Fucking introverts.

Katrina Ruth: On occasions.

Patrick Grabbs: I come from the kind of place where you used to have to look at a fucking air freshener can on the back, and read the instructions. Now, we have phones. We can watch whatever we want. We can watch whatever we want. We can watch cat videos, we can watch Kat videos.

Katrina Ruth: That's the whole story. What else do you wanna watch? Well, you can start watching Patrick's stuff as well.

Patrick Grabbs: You can watch Pat videos now. Yep.

Katrina Ruth: Yeah.

Patrick Grabbs: Very interesting, if you [inaudible 00:54:58]. Perfect time. I'll help you flow better.

Katrina Ruth: Do you have Brandon see first on your News Feed? You should have Brandon see first. He's [inaudible 00:55:04] amongst the most entertaining on Facebook.

Katrina Ruth: But, let's come back to this crossroads question. Why? Why that question?

Patrick Grabbs: Which one?

Katrina Ruth: You said-

Patrick Grabbs: Oh. Because I have occasionally, it's a thing, it's one thing, I've got flaws, and I think about them, and think about you know, that's one of them. One of a very, very few that I have and so-

Katrina Ruth: Short list. It's on a post-it.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, it's a very short list. A very short list. I'm getting it all out right now.

Katrina Ruth: It's on a post-it note. It's on a business card.

Patrick Grabbs: Right here.

Patrick Grabbs: This is like half of them. There's just a couple right here.

Katrina Ruth: It's a circle business card. One of the small ones.

Patrick Grabbs: I'm just trying to get them knocked out while you're here.

Patrick Grabbs: That's the one. You come to the fork in the road, and you're like, these are two forks. But what if they're both ... You say you can have it all, that's cool, I've got two. That's fine. And they're both hell yeah decisions, okay cool. I'll just take them both. But, obviously if they're both maybes, then that's a hell no, right?

Katrina Ruth: They're both hell no's.

Patrick Grabbs: They're both hell no's. Back to the drawing board.

Katrina Ruth: But then a lot of people would feel like-

Patrick Grabbs: They had to take one.

Katrina Ruth: Correct. Like let's say it's client conversation. Let's say you're doing sales calls. Firstly, I just had a small, minor heart attack by using the term sales calls, because why would you do a sales call, when you could just sign them up over Facebook chat?

Katrina Ruth: But secondly-

Patrick Grabbs: I like sales calls. You don't like talking and hearing their voice?

Katrina Ruth: Yeah, I like talking, but I don't like sales calls. I clearly like talking.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah.

Katrina Ruth: Well anyway, if you like them then do them for that reason. But most people, we definitely don't wanna be doing sales calls, that's for sure. And you should join the high ticket sales workshop. The Katrina Ruth show dot com forward slash high ticket sales workshop, or something. I don't know, just go find it. I don't know the URL. And I'll show you how to do it without the sales calls. But if you like them-

Patrick Grabbs: I saw that and I was like, no, I was like cool. But, I haven't gotten there yet. You already know your audience-

Katrina Ruth: Actually, this is a great point. This is a very good point. I'm really glad you just said that actually.

Patrick Grabbs: Hmm.

Katrina Ruth: Hmm. Maybe I should bring you on as a guest [inaudible 00:57:24]. That is a very good point. Because there's no fucking way you should be imagining to yourself that somebodies gonna come along and text you on Facebook and wanna sign up with you high end, in one or two minutes. Which is what my high end clients do. They come to me, they're like, "Hey Kat. I need to mentor with you now. I don't care how much it is. Tell me." And then I tell them, and then they sign up. And that's like, up to an $80K plus sale, right? That's what I do.

Patrick Grabbs: Well, well, well.

Katrina Ruth: And I'm gonna teach that in my workshop. But part of what I'm going to teach you is, really, really, how do you get to the point of it being like that? Well, you know your fucking audience, and they know you and there's many things that go into that. But I'll tell you something that I did. Which actually I think would be a good exercise for everybody. In 2014, I was transitioning my business. I was kinda caught up where I was teaching a lot of internet sales and marketing, which as we all know, I just so fucking don't like teaching. Even though I could, right?

Patrick Grabbs: Definitely.

Katrina Ruth: And I knew I wanted to talk like alignment and ass kickery, and that sort of stuff, and I felt like a lot of people feel. I felt like, but who wants to listen to me talk about alignment and ass kickery and living your dream life and pressing play and all that shit? I was like-

Patrick Grabbs: I'd like to press play.

Katrina Ruth: You're always pressing fucking play. Who am I to do that, and who would listen? I had all that stuff. I decided that I would do 100 calls with clients, or with people in my community, and I would call it an alignment and ass kickery session, and I did 100 calls.

Katrina Ruth: However, they weren't sales calls. I actually sold a programme for $97. It was called The Alignment and Ass Kickery Toolkit. It was a two week programme. They got audio and stuff, it was very good. I should just sell it right now, but I don't have a link, which is annoying cause I like to sell. But anyway, in the programme, I said, $97 you get these two weeks, and you get a one-on-one call with me, which was like crazy cause I already had a pretty big following, but it was transitioning. So people jumped on it, and I think 120 people bought it in like two days.

Patrick Grabbs: How many?

Katrina Ruth: 120.

Patrick Grabbs: Holy shit.

Katrina Ruth: Because I was already established. So when it was like you're getting a one-on-one coaching call for $97, people just jumped.

Patrick Grabbs: So, one-on-one call. So, you get the one-on-one call-

Katrina Ruth: And the course.

Patrick Grabbs: And how long is the call?

Katrina Ruth: 20 minutes.

Patrick Grabbs: So, you have 2,000 minutes worth of calling to do?

Katrina Ruth: Well, I was in London. I was at the W in Leicester Square, London, by myself for two weeks, and I was running a one-day event there that one day, and then I was there the whole other two weeks, and I literally just remember standing there, they didn't have a desk in this hotel room, but they had this bar. Like a standup bar. I can remember standing there at the bar, and I just ... I got up every morning, you asked me earlier what's my morning routine. I got up, I had my coffee, I did my journal blog. Workout, whatever. And then, I would stand there from like 11AM til 6PM, just doing these 20 minute calls back to back. And I did it for two weeks, or roughly two weeks.

Patrick Grabbs: You did the two weeks-

Katrina Ruth: With no [inaudible 01:00:28]. And then it was all done. And by the end of that two weeks, I was so fucking empowered. I knew exactly my audience. I knew all of their fears, and insecurities, and doubts, and I had also empowered myself into knowing that I could help these people with my [inaudible 01:00:44].

Patrick Grabbs: How big was your audience?

Katrina Ruth: No idea. I don't remember the numbers. I don't really think in numbers. But I had a following already because I'd been online for years already. I had a decent following, but I'd been positioning myself as, "I'll teach you sales and marketing." Rather than positioning myself as, "I'll teach you to press fucking play," and all that stuff, whatever it is I actually do. Which I still-

Patrick Grabbs: And you went fully with the press play?

Katrina Ruth: Well, that was where I transitioned into I'm about alignment and ass kickery. It was from that. So, when I say, "Fuck sales calls," I'm coming from a place of, I kind of did that damn thing, and I don't really wanna do it anymore.

Katrina Ruth: Shout out Sarah Dan, my amazing client and friend, Sarah. I'm just shouting her out cause I saw her jump on.

Patrick Grabbs: But, there is much power to be known in the sales call.

Katrina Ruth: It's great point. If you don't know your audience. If you don't fully know who you fucking are, and why people should want to work with you, maybe you should be doing sales calls. See? I told you. He's like the one person that can actually me to change my freaking mind.

Patrick Grabbs: Well, you know this though because you know, I've just started running ads. I just started running ads, and I'm trying to fill up a group, and so I wrote a message, just like you taught me. I wrote a long ass message, and I attached it to an ad, and I ran the ad to people with interests that would fit the mould of my perfect client. Well, I got like ten people ...

Katrina Ruth: Travis. We tagged you ages ago. We were talking about you 20 minutes ago, you show up now.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, we were. Yeah, you gotta go scroll back.

Katrina Ruth: You're gonna have to watch the replay later.

Patrick Grabbs: Also, follow Travis too, because he's gonna be doing some big things, yeah.

Katrina Ruth: Oh, you gotta go follow Travis. He just jumped on.

Patrick Grabbs: He's a very handsome man. He's probably the most handsome man that I've ever seen.

Katrina Ruth: But he's also a killer sales pro.

Patrick Grabbs: Killer sales people, got it going hard. You gotta replay, go all the way back and figure this shit out dude. I was talking about you, some things you need to adjust, okay?

Katrina Ruth: He was preaching at you.

Patrick Grabbs: I was preaching at you.

Katrina Ruth: So, you're running your ads-

Patrick Grabbs: So, I ran my ad, and I pulled about ten people into my group, I got ten leads. It was only around $10 a day, because I wanted to do an experiment, and I pulled this guy and I started looking ... I mean, everybody that came through, I started looking through their profile and looking at all their stuff, you know what I mean? I put in the Pipl. This is a little tip you guys can use. Pipl. P-I-P-L dot com. This is a good sales tactic for you. If they only give you their name or their email, you can use their email and you can find them if they have a Facebook, a LinkedIn, or whatever. We use it in the sales game all the time.

Patrick Grabbs: So, I looked them all up, and I kept looking through people, and I found this guy, and he just glowed. Just glowed.

Katrina Ruth: Jesus?

Patrick Grabbs: Like Jesus. He totally looked like a guy who was mowing my yard. I have no yard actually, that was a fucked up joke.

Katrina Ruth: You've got the whole of Dallas. You should see the view right there. Like, it's actually quite rude that we haven't shown anybody the view.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, it is.

Katrina Ruth: We can wait til it goes a little bit darker.

Patrick Grabbs: It's gonna dark, it's gonna get a lot better as the time goes by.

Katrina Ruth: It's like the best view in Dallas, for sure.

Patrick Grabbs: I'm already kinda buzzing.

Katrina Ruth: It's the spirits coming through.

Patrick Grabbs: It's the spirits. I shouldn't be having spirits at this time of day.

Katrina Ruth: The spirit comes through anytime he wants to.

Patrick Grabbs: But, I saw this guy, right? And he popped out to me. Out of these ten people that signed up to be leads, this one guy popped out to me, and he had this glow about him. You just looked at him, and he wears like chains, you know like, black like I do. And he had a chain on like I would wear, you know, I wear some little foo-foo jewellery sometimes. And he had the style. He's an older dude, he's like 40 or so. He's divorced, he has a kid. And I just looked at all this stuff about him, and I've told you about this, but I just reached out to him.

Patrick Grabbs: He joined my group, and I reached out to him, and I just talked to him for hours. I said, "Dude, I want you to know, the reason I'm asking you this stuff is because you seem like the exact prototype of what I'm looking for to be back here. I just want to ask you a few questions just to get to know you more." That's all I said, I wasn't trying to have a sales conversation or anything with him. I just wanted to get to know about him and his life. We just talked pretty much all night, just back and forth, back and forth. Actually, we've been talking for about three days. I'm just asking question after question because I'm brand new to this, and I wanna know. I really do. This is the most important thing that I feel like I should be doing right now, is figuring out about him.

Katrina Ruth: That's true. And then, I guess, my counter to that, but I fully agree, but then my counter at the same time is, well, what I do, and what I teach and what we've been talking about is, I'm communicating with my audience all day every day. That's 90% of what I spend my time on in my business, is connection and communication. So, I don't do sales call because I already have that fucking conversation 100,000 times, whether it was on a livestream or wherever. I'm very accessible over private message as well. I feel like I'm a lot more accessible than a lot of people at my level maybe are.

Katrina Ruth: I'm always talking and so I know my people already. So, I could do a sales call, but actually, well I choose not to. Actually, Reagan and I had this conversation a while back, we were like, if we wanted to hire somebody and then they said, "Let's jump on a sales call."

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, that would be weird.

Katrina Ruth: We would instantly eliminate that person because we're like, "Oh, really? Okay." My people totally do not wanna get on sales call. Actually, I'll tell you something. Somebody pitched me yesterday, and she's sold me now as well. Which is very rare. And don't everybody fucking start pitching me shit on Facebook, by the way.

Patrick Grabbs: Pitch. Easy sell.

Katrina Ruth: This has happened two times-

Patrick Grabbs: I'm never getting brought again.

Katrina Ruth: This has happened two times and that's it. Two times total where people have pitched me over Facebook and I've bought.

Katrina Ruth: But it happened today. I said yes today while I was on the plane on the way here actually. But she pitched me, and she made a proposal to me, and I liked her energy and her vibe. She said, "Can we jump on a call, and I'll tell you basically about my offer." I was like, no, I said, "I'm not gonna get on a call, I don't do calls." Like, obviously, I do calls when I wanna do a freaking call, but I didn't wanna get on a call. I'm like, no, I don't wanna hear the one hour version or even the 30 minute version. I said, "Tell me about it in a way that feels good for you." And she sent me a three minute video. I'm like, boom, done. I watched it while I was on the cross trainer at the gym. I didn't have to get on a freaking call to be sold to. I watched her video. I'm like, "Yeah. I really like your vibe." I liked her, I like what she was saying. I said "Okay, tell me more about how you do it." She told me on Facebook. I'm going, cool, what's the investment? She told me. I've gone okay. I said, "Okay." She writes back and says, "Well, let me know if it gets to hell yes." I'm like no, no, I meant yes by okay. I just wrote okay. And that was it, right?

Katrina Ruth: I signed myself up. And that's what my clients do. They sign themselves up with me. They don't wanna be on a sales call with me. But, I definitely think that's super valid. If you are transitioning in your business-

Patrick Grabbs: I'm starting. Yeah, I'm beginning.

Katrina Ruth: You are and you aren't. Because you have so much more ... Like, you have more actual internet marketing experience than anybody who I personally know. And then you've got the powerful messenger and leader thing at the same time. So, you're starting I guess, with it being your business and presenting your message to the world, and it being about you and your message, but you're certainly not fucking starting on internet marketing and building a business. You've done that in a huge way, and you're not starting on actually the whole message or communication thing anyway, cause you do that all the time, whether it's with me, or other people, or whatever. It's just that you haven't done it to the world yet. So, if you think about it, all you've gotta do is switch into that place of like, I'm already there. Rather than being, I've gotta figure out how to work my way there.

Katrina Ruth: Varian says, "So true. I don't want to be on sales calls with people if I'm inquiring, I'm basically already sold." Totally. If I would inquire with someone, I'm sold already, I definitely don't wanna do a sales call.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, you wouldn't on the call, right?

Katrina Ruth: Right. But do you know what I mean, you're starting, but really, you're not starting. And actually, I would just eliminate that script from your vocabulary and be, I'm already there. Because if you're saying, "I'm starting" then you're creating it as reality by saying it, do you know what I mean?

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, I'm gonna take myself back and then have to go through it ... I understand. We actually eliminate people in the sales call with our meeting apps be it by saying, if you're not fully 100% certain about what you want in life, if you aren't there yet, all your material's there for anybody to go read-

Katrina Ruth: Yeah.

Patrick Grabbs: Then why would they even be reaching out. Why? Why would they be reaching out unless they were already sold.

Katrina Ruth: Right. Exactly. And that's exactly what you're now gonna be doing as well. Just messaging and showing up and giving value, and then people are going to be sold on you.

Patrick Grabbs: Just worried that it's going to take a very long time before somebody finally buys in-

Katrina Ruth: That's a choice. No, that's a choice. That's a mindset, but it's good to acknowledge the uncertainty or the fear.

Patrick Grabbs: I am acknowledging the uncertainty and the fear. There you go.

Katrina Ruth: On the couch.

Patrick Grabbs: That's the meat and the taters of this whole situation here.

Katrina Ruth: That's good. Bring it out.

Patrick Grabbs: This is the meat and taters. I am uncertain.

Katrina Ruth: You can have that fear and then you do the damn thing anyway.

Patrick Grabbs: And I'm gonna do the damn thing anyways. Fuck it. I'm going to do it. It's not a big deal. I'm not gonna fall, I'm not gonna fail. Never gonna fail at this.

Katrina Ruth: It's not possible.

Patrick Grabbs: It is impossible. Everybody here is inside my mind. You're inside my reality. I've created you, welcome.

Katrina Ruth: I'm sure they're thrilled to hear that.

Patrick Grabbs: You're welcome.

Katrina Ruth: Just drop that in there at the end.

Patrick Grabbs: It's brand new. It's brand new. I know this is news to you.

Katrina Ruth: Just so you know.

Patrick Grabbs: This is what I've done.

Katrina Ruth: If you have that level of ownership over the actual freaking people, then you can have ownership over your own message.

Patrick Grabbs: I have that. I own my own message. So, I am owning you.

Katrina Ruth: There we go. You heard it here, ladies and one gentleman. Which is think is Brandon. But I'm sure they'll be a couple of other guys come along-

Patrick Grabbs: Brandon's more in touch with his feminine side than most of those females, I assure you of that.

Katrina Ruth: Well, he knows exactly what's up. He's a wise and profound man.

Patrick Grabbs: Is Brandon in any of your programmes?

Katrina Ruth: Brandon has a special place on the wall of ... When you actually become a high vibe mastermind member, and you first get your welcome, your initiation. There's a warning. And it says, "This is Brandon Marshall. Most irreverent member in the group. He is gonna fuck with every serious thing you say, but then he's gonna drop profound knowledge the whole way through as well." Brandon is actually the silent heartbeat of all my programmes, I'm pretty sure. Like, really.

Patrick Grabbs: Brandon's a fucking troll and I will tell you that. I see Brandon's shit all the time and I'm like, I should've blocked this motherfucker, I'm like, no, I'm not gonna-

Katrina Ruth: Oh, come on.

Patrick Grabbs: I'm not gonna allow Brandon to out-troll me. I know what you're doing Brandon, I know you don't believe half the bullshit you say, that you troll with. I know that, I know that.

Katrina Ruth: That's exactly what he's doing.

Patrick Grabbs: Yes, he does. So, I'm like you're not going to out-troll the troll master. Okay, sir?

Katrina Ruth: Super smart. Master entertainer.

Patrick Grabbs: Yes.

Katrina Ruth: He's a master entertainer.

Patrick Grabbs: It will not happen sir.

Katrina Ruth: He's in high vibe, yes. And he's in a lot of my programmes. He brings the energy and the entertainment.

Patrick Grabbs: She said, "I did an experiment last night to a small list. Idea came from flow. Sold four spots without any calls, which is what I normally do. Yay to no calls."

Katrina Ruth: Yeah. You can totally do it any way. You can do it anyway that you wanna do it, that's the truth about anything actually.

Patrick Grabbs: You can just do it any way you wanna do it.

Katrina Ruth: You can actually do whatever you want.

Patrick Grabbs: I like the sound of that.

Katrina Ruth: There's a revolutionary idea for life. You can actually do whatever you want all the time, in life.

Patrick Grabbs: It's that old saying-

Katrina Ruth: It's just giving yourself permission to do it.

Patrick Grabbs: We had this burger place here in Texas.

Katrina Ruth: Look at my shoes.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, I saw those. I was like, damn. I normally don't check out chicks shoes, but, you know-

Katrina Ruth: They're pretty amazing.

Patrick Grabbs: They're pretty nice.

Katrina Ruth: I just feel a little rude that I never showed them.

Patrick Grabbs: Kat always has on some dang shoes. That's why I'm like, I wanna see how-

Katrina Ruth: You like me for the shoes.

Patrick Grabbs: That's it. That's the whole thing.

Katrina Ruth: There we go. It's good to know. Glad we got that out.

Patrick Grabbs: I know Kat goes hard, and I know her style is always on point, so I'm always like if I wanna know what chicks like about shoes, then I'll just check out Kat, cause she's got some badass fucking shoes.

Katrina Ruth: Look at them.

Patrick Grabbs: Just look at it. Look at it. Just look at it.

Katrina Ruth: You should feel the shoes.

Patrick Grabbs: Are those red bottoms? Is that Louboutin?

Katrina Ruth: Yes.

Patrick Grabbs: Okay. You got the red bottoms. Red bottoms.

Katrina Ruth: Did you see those thigh high rose gold boots that I had on the other day?

Patrick Grabbs: I think I might've saw those. I might've picked those up.

Katrina Ruth: You picked them up. There's some amazing shoes over there, that's why I have so much luggage.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, she's got a whole fucking cart.

Katrina Ruth: Anyway, sorry, I just realised it was really rude of me that I hadn't shown my shoes on this livestream.

Patrick Grabbs: Travis said, "They do go hard."

Katrina Ruth: What the shoes? Or me?

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, the shoes.

Katrina Ruth: These shoes are so comfortable as well. Would you believe that these shoes are comfortable to walk in? Because they are.

Patrick Grabbs: You don't look comfortable. That's how I started noticing because I saw you like, wobbling around here, trying to set stuff up, I was like, I had to see those shoes cause I think maybe you might be about to break your leg over fashion.

Katrina Ruth: They're super comfortable.

Patrick Grabbs: You might be about to break your ankle in the name of fashion, and I wanted to see what kind of shoes you would be doing this for. It had to be good.

Katrina Ruth: These are comfortable ones. I got some in there that I actually can't walk in, I would have to be carried.

Patrick Grabbs: I'm a very strong man.

Katrina Ruth: You're just gonna carry me around from place to place.

Katrina Ruth: You don't believe that? Helen! Okay, this is the most important moment of this livestream so far. Hang on. Let me demonstrate this to you.

Patrick Grabbs: She said, "I don't believe it." I don't believe it either. It's bullshit.

Katrina Ruth: Can I explain the engineering of this to you?

Patrick Grabbs: You ever bullshit your audience because this seems like the perfect time?

Katrina Ruth: No! Can I explain the engineering part of it?

Patrick Grabbs: Go ahead.

Katrina Ruth: Just have a look.

Patrick Grabbs: Okay, what did they tell you. Because I know, I've been to Louboutin, they don't tell you shit.

Katrina Ruth: Why do you go there? Look about this logically.

Patrick Grabbs: Your foot looks very, very uncomfortable.

Katrina Ruth: No, no.

Patrick Grabbs: It looks like it's caged.

Katrina Ruth: Look at the engineering of the shoe. Stop looking at my foot.

Patrick Grabbs: Okay. Here, here, down-

Katrina Ruth: Pay attention.

Patrick Grabbs: Very bad shoe.

Katrina Ruth: What do you see there that is not usually present on a Louboutin shoe? I don't know how much attention you've given to Louboutin shoes.

Patrick Grabbs: I do not pay that much attention to it. I don't know. It looks all the same to me.

Katrina Ruth: Okay, okay.

Patrick Grabbs: What is not present?

Katrina Ruth: This is super important, people.

Patrick Grabbs: Is it not supposed to have a platform for her heel?

Katrina Ruth: Hang on, I'm gonna show you something that's gonna help you to understand.

Patrick Grabbs: They look very uncomfortable, that's all I gotta say.

Katrina Ruth: Okay, let me show you another example.

Patrick Grabbs: I know what uncomfortable looks like.

Katrina Ruth: Look, I just walked a whole metre with no falls.

Katrina Ruth: Okay, it's an unpacking livestream now. Check this out. Did you see this shoe? Now this shoe is a work of art.

Patrick Grabbs: Okay.

Katrina Ruth: Right? This is an amazing shoe, ladies and gentleman. Two gentlemen. You being one, and Brandon being the other.

Patrick Grabbs: Oh, I'm a gentleman.

Katrina Ruth: What do you see about this shoe, that is different from this shoe, which will help you to understand why one is comfortable and one is not?

Patrick Grabbs: Can I even touch this shoe, is this-

Katrina Ruth: You may. Thank you for asking though.

Patrick Grabbs: Okay, so the difference is-

Katrina Ruth: So, this is fucking painful to walk in, but it's purposeful pain, obviously, for the result of you look fucking amazing.

Patrick Grabbs: What I see is ... This is like one of those weird things where you're looking at the picture and you're seeing what's the difference. They both look exactly the same.

Katrina Ruth: There's a distinct obvious difference that makes one shoe comfortable ... Exactly, Alexa, she's on it.

Patrick Grabbs: Well, I guess, okay. All I can say is, I guess the birdcage? Is that what it does?

Katrina Ruth: Look here. Look.

Patrick Grabbs: Oh! You actually have a sole.

Katrina Ruth: There's a little platform. The girls are on it. There's a little platform on these.

Patrick Grabbs: Okay.

Katrina Ruth: And, it doesn't mean I won't still fall down-

Patrick Grabbs: This has been my goal. To learn about women's shoes.

Katrina Ruth: It doesn't mean I won't fall down a random hole, if one encounters me, but these shoes ... I don't know how we got on to shoes, it just happened.

Patrick Grabbs: Does this happen many times?

Katrina Ruth: No.

Patrick Grabbs: This is new, this is new. Welcome to shoes.

Katrina Ruth: This is you live streaming.

Patrick Grabbs: Do not screen capture this and post it on my wall.

Katrina Ruth: Okay, I feel like this is a moment where everybody needs to have just a moment of silence, please.

Patrick Grabbs: Them apple bottom boots with the fur.

Katrina Ruth: If you didn't see these shoes, I mean, I really don't know what you think you're doing with your life. But I wore these shoes the other day for 14 hours straight, when I ran my New York event. So, I was standing most of the day, and running around. And these shoes look fucking amazing-

Patrick Grabbs: This is what I don't understand about fashion. This seems like the stuff that you look at next year, and you're like, "Oh, I can't believe I wore that shit."

Katrina Ruth: What?

Patrick Grabbs: You know? That's the stuff, right?

Katrina Ruth: Why would I think that? Because I looked incredible.

Patrick Grabbs: No, I mean, isn't that what ... Do you think people from the 80s look back on the stuff they wore in the 80s and they're like, "Oh, no."

Katrina Ruth: Definitely happy.

Patrick Grabbs: Really? Okay, cool.

Katrina Ruth: They're definitely happy about that. But these shoes have the platform as well you guys. So, they look freaking amazing, and they're so comfortable. You can't get those shoes on you anyway. Where is his off button? Whose off button? Brandon's. No, Helen, I was fine. Okay, I will admit that the toes on my right foot were completely numb. Numb and devoid of feeling for 24 hours afterwards. But it was a small price to pay.

Patrick Grabbs: What's the price to pay for this? A broken heel.

Katrina Ruth: Put the shoe in his mouth.

Patrick Grabbs: Damn, somebody has a foot fetish. Did she say put the foot-

Katrina Ruth: She said put the shoe in his mouth.

Patrick Grabbs: Put the shoe in his mouth. Oh my god.

Katrina Ruth: I've actually never tried that.

Patrick Grabbs: That was extreme.

Katrina Ruth: We'll discuss it off camera.

Patrick Grabbs: Off the topic, off camera.

Katrina Ruth: Okay, I feel like we went down a weird place.

Patrick Grabbs: We went down to the [inaudible 01:19:16]. But I like that, I'll go down that-

Katrina Ruth: We'll go anywhere.

Patrick Grabbs: Yes. We'll go anywhere with that. But it does like a shoe that you might want to put in your mouth, you know? This is the type. If one were to put a shoe in his mouth-

Katrina Ruth: Hang on. Did you say that you had a bondage blog?

Patrick Grabbs: I had a bondage blog, yeah.

Katrina Ruth: I feel like we could go down that path.

Patrick Grabbs: Well, let's go down that path.

Katrina Ruth: I actually got ... I was more curious about the trumpet blog, than the bondage blog, cause I feel like I understand the bondage thing, but I don't understand the trumpet thing.

Patrick Grabbs: How the hell are you more curious about the-

Katrina Ruth: Well, cause I'm familiar with the bondage thing, but I'm not familiar with the trumpet thing.

Patrick Grabbs: So, the trumpet ... Give me a couple likes and I'll bite it.

Katrina Ruth: Don't bite it hard.

Patrick Grabbs: This is a very expensive shoe.

Katrina Ruth: I only bought it two days ago.

Katrina Ruth: We said we were going to do a livestream on unconventional relationships, we ended up doing one on stagefright, and now we're doing one on shoe fetishism.

Patrick Grabbs: Oh, shit.

Katrina Ruth: But, we'll do the you conventional relationship one maybe tomorrow. Now, we're just doing bondages and shoe fetishes.

Patrick Grabbs: It's all sixes and sevens now. Sixes and sevens. I'll put some barbecue sauce on this bitch and eat it right now.

Katrina Ruth: Okay, tell us about your bondage blog that you've never previously mentioned to me, that you just casually dropped into a Facebook post today.

Patrick Grabbs: Okay, so yeah, I just casually dropped that in there. So, I did have a couple of bondage blogs.

Katrina Ruth: A couple? Why do you need more than one?

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, actually it's like 100. You need 100 of them.

Katrina Ruth: Why do you need more than one bondage blog?

Patrick Grabbs: You need more like 100.

Katrina Ruth: Yes, Alexa. This is why you waited that whole time. We just want to wait and see who our true audience is before we get into the really good content.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, yeah. We wait til their gone.

Katrina Ruth: Wait til all the flakers leave, and now the real shit's coming out.

Patrick Grabbs: The nasty nasties are still here, you know.

Katrina Ruth: Alright, let's hear it. 100 bondage blogs.

Patrick Grabbs: So, 100 bondage blogs. That's a tongue twister.

Patrick Grabbs: So, the thing is, when you're starting out on the internet, if you don't wanna pay for shit, if you wanna just do shit for free, you'll end up down all sorts of rabbit holes about things that you should do, that you can quickly do to make money. To quickly come up with a buck or two. And one of them, actually, two. I'll explain the first one is make affiliated trumpets-

Katrina Ruth: I'm sorry, you're using the shoe as a gesture.

Patrick Grabbs: I'm using the shoe as a gesture. It's the most odd and weird shit you can find. Like, somebody recommended to me that I just write reviews about trumpets and like affiliate those, and I just like was all in. I was like let' go. Let's go.

Katrina Ruth: Do you play the trumpet?

Patrick Grabbs: I know everything about trumpets.

Katrina Ruth: Do you play the trumpet?

Patrick Grabbs: I played the trumpet when I was a kid.

Katrina Ruth: Okay.

Patrick Grabbs: Don't make fun of me, but I did play the trumpet when I was a kid, and so, it's cool. I got first chair one time. That means I was the best. But anyways, I didn't give a fuck about trumpets. I did it like one time for like a year, and I had a trumpet. I didn't now anything about trumpets. In fact, I was like, okay whatever. It's just the first thing that I read where they're like, you can make some money off affiliate trumpets if you just write blog posts about trumpets all day.

Patrick Grabbs: So, I was like, fuck it, that's what I'm gonna do. I didn't think about anything, I didn't think about all this woo woo crazy shit about calling in your perfect clients-

Katrina Ruth: It freaking works.

Patrick Grabbs: Talking to yourself in the fucking mirror, and people start giving you money and shit like that. I didn't think anything about that. I think maybe somebody in the back might've commented and said some shit about that, but I was like, fuck that. This trumpet thing is gonna work.

Patrick Grabbs: I got onto this next thing where this dude was like, you could do these Tumblr blogs where you put bondage on there, bondage pictures, and you can set them up to where they just automatically pull the pictures of bondage, of chicks in bondage tied up and stuff like that, and it posts them automatically every day, and you just put affiliate links on there, and you get the affiliate links from the porn site, and it automatically posts that stuff all day, every day. He said, if you do enough of them, you could make like $100 a week.

Katrina Ruth: $100 a week?

Patrick Grabbs: It was something outrageous-

Katrina Ruth: How long ago was this?

Patrick Grabbs: This was like five years ago. I was trying to make a quick buck people. A motherfucker didn't have Louboutin's.

Patrick Grabbs: I was trying to figure it out. I just didn't have it.

Katrina Ruth: Can somebody start screen-shotting while he's just waving around the shoe as an emphasis? Just screenshot the waving-

Patrick Grabbs: Bondage. Bondage.

Katrina Ruth: Say bondage a few more times.

Patrick Grabbs: So, I had a bondage blog. I had like 100 of them, and needless to say, I think I made like $0.28 from that shit.

Katrina Ruth: Brandon wants you to do your Ryan Stewman impersonation.

Patrick Grabbs: Oh, right.

Katrina Ruth: It's so good. I was like, where is he?

Patrick Grabbs: What can I say? What could I say? How does Ryan do it? It's so easy, and now you all got me to where my mind doesn't work.

Katrina Ruth: Well, you did your me impression earlier well enough.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, I did my best impression. Let's see here. What would he say? He says ... Now y'all got me on the spot, I can't do it.

Katrina Ruth: Come on. This whole livestream is about stagefright.

Patrick Grabbs: It's about stagefright.

Katrina Ruth: For those who do not know what's bondage, can you please do a demonstration?

Patrick Grabbs: Okay, we gotta get some rope. We gotta get a lawn dart.

Katrina Ruth: It's fairly early on in the evening for a bondage demonstration.

Patrick Grabbs: We have had some wine. I'm gonna refill my wine, and I'm gonna come up with my perfect Stewman impression.

Katrina Ruth: You're gonna go into your ...

Patrick Grabbs: Would you like some more wine?

Katrina Ruth: Yes, please. Shall I show people your view because it's fucking amazing.

Patrick Grabbs: Oh, yeah. Yeah, definitely.

Katrina Ruth: Do you guys wanna see the most amazing view in Dallas? Why would you not. Hang on. This is gonna be tricky to navigate.

Patrick Grabbs: Watch out. Yeah, especially with those shoes.

Katrina Ruth: See. Did you see how I did that? Check this out. Oh, by the way, look at this cool art. Side note.

Katrina Ruth: Look. What! What! How amazing is that view.

Katrina Ruth: Brandon played the clarinet. That's a random comment that I feel is not relevant to the view-

Patrick Grabbs: That's kinda like the skin flute.

Katrina Ruth: Look how good that looks. Come here.

Patrick Grabbs: It's an amazing view.

Katrina Ruth: That's an amazing-

Patrick Grabbs: You gotta put it up a little higher, so they see that.

Katrina Ruth: If that was a photo, it would look like we made that background up.

Patrick Grabbs: Look at that. Boom.

Katrina Ruth: Screenshot. Okay, you can't see me anyway. But it looks like it's fake. It's pretty amazing.

Patrick Grabbs: It looks like we're standing in one of those pictures.

Katrina Ruth: I know.

Patrick Grabbs: Yes, that's beautiful.

Katrina Ruth: I feel like we're just gonna stay here tomorrow and-

Patrick Grabbs: Look at that moon though. You gotta get that moon in there.

Katrina Ruth: How do we do that?

Patrick Grabbs: Bam. That's good shit. That's crazy. It's like a futuristic city, huh?

Katrina Ruth: You do have probably the most amazing view in the world, definitely the most amazing view of Dallas.

Katrina Ruth: Bondage and trumpets dot com.

Patrick Grabbs: If you love that [inaudible 01:26:24], go to bondage and trumpets dot com.

Katrina Ruth: Are you ready for your-

Patrick Grabbs: It's a wonderful mix.

Katrina Ruth: Actually, I do have to show you guys one more pair of shoes cause it's just important. And then, are you gonna do your Ryan Stewman accent?

Patrick Grabbs: I'll do my Ryan Stewman-

Katrina Ruth: Okay. Let me show you these one other shoes that I ... Wait til you see this. Okay, we're just ignoring them now. They're there by themselves.

Patrick Grabbs: I'll go back, I'll go back. I'll hold it down.

Katrina Ruth: Okay.

Patrick Grabbs: Wassup? Y'all remember this? Is your audience from Australia, do you think they might remember wassup?

Katrina Ruth: They're 60% US. My audience is 60% US.

Patrick Grabbs: Oh, shit. Wassup?

Katrina Ruth: Yeah, I remember that. Look at these shoes.

Patrick Grabbs: Beautiful. That's what I'm talking about. That's a shoe.

Katrina Ruth: Look at it. It says, "Fuck, Love, Rock, Roll, Kiss, Plein."

Patrick Grabbs: That's very depressive.

Katrina Ruth: I know you're in Dallas, Lauren. Do it out the window and she can hear you, she said. Lauren's one of my private clients in my inner circle. She's next level badass. She's here in Dallas.

Patrick Grabbs: Oh, wow. Well, shit. She's next level?

Katrina Ruth: Oh, yeah.

Katrina Ruth: I feel like that shoe is just the most blinged up shoe in the world. I've got so many shoes.

Patrick Grabbs: That's what you have in that bag. That's what I was wondering.

Katrina Ruth: How many different places are we gonna go, cause I've got eight different pairs of shoes.

Patrick Grabbs: I don't know.

Katrina Ruth: I'm travelling for like eight weeks, so anyway.

Patrick Grabbs: At least we know you have hot shoes.

Katrina Ruth: Yeah, I've got plenty of them. I feel that's the important part out of the way, now we can do the accent.

Patrick Grabbs: Okay, well I was trying to think of something to say, but I got distracted by the shoes.

Patrick Grabbs: So, what would Ryan say? What would Ryan talk about now? He would say ... I don't fucking know.

Katrina Ruth: I've gone blank as well now.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah. We were talking about it earlier.

Katrina Ruth: [inaudible 01:28:23] and y'all come over. Yeah, we're just gonna all quickly come over to New Orleans tonight. Alright, can we just do a quick trip to New Orleans for dinner.

Patrick Grabbs: Let's go, let's go.

Katrina Ruth: Oh, it's so cool there. Have you been there?

Patrick Grabbs: Where, New Orleans?

Katrina Ruth: Yeah.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, fuck yeah. I've been there a few times. It's like the quickest little trip you can take. It's like the first trip.

Katrina Ruth: Oh, really?

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah. I never thought I would ever travel in my life.

Katrina Ruth: Is it close to here?

Patrick Grabbs: It's like right out ... Six hours, probably eight hours away.

Katrina Ruth: Oh? We're on our way.

Patrick Grabbs: This is Ryan right here, you want to make more sales, you need to quit being a little bitch. You need to get after it, and you need to do what it takes to make millions. If you sit around ... Oh, I got the perfect one. If you don't have $10,000 in your bank account, you are a fucking pussy. You need to quit sales right now. Why? Fuck your excuses. Fuck your excuses. That's what you have to do. You have to quit being a little bitch, you have to step up to the plate, and you have to quit [inaudible 01:29:16].

Katrina Ruth: I'm dying. It's so good. It's like very fucking accurate.

Patrick Grabbs: He would think that was horrible.

Katrina Ruth: It's really good. Who follows Ryan? Shout out love hearts if you follow Ryan.

Patrick Grabbs: If you don't have $10,000 in your bank account and you're a salesman, you fucking suck. You fucking suck. You're disappointing your family. You're letting your Friends down. You're letting yourself down. You fucking suck. Go back to the drawing board. Quit sales forever. Go to Mickey D's. Start working right now, and start flipping burgers. Put a patty on the fucking grill, and start cooking that bitch. Start flipping it, start getting used to it. Get the action going, and go. Get the wrist motion. Flip, flip, flip, bitch. That's gonna be the whole thing.

Patrick Grabbs: He doesn't go that hard. That was me. That was me putting in a little of myself.

Katrina Ruth: Yeah, but it sounded believable though. Oh my god.

Katrina Ruth: So, basically you can have a side hustle and the side hustle is impersonations. Oh my god. That was amazing. That was so-

Patrick Grabbs: But, by the way, fuck your excuses.

Katrina Ruth: I've got those chips everywhere. There's one right there in my wallet.

Patrick Grabbs: I'll tell you all this. I'm gonna give you the game right quick, okay?

Katrina Ruth: Let's do it.

Patrick Grabbs: I will give you the game.

Katrina Ruth: We did the shoe game, now we're doing-

Patrick Grabbs: This is some free shit for you, okay-

Katrina Ruth: Value. Drop your value.

Patrick Grabbs: This is million dollar advice. Value, real quick.

Patrick Grabbs: So, with your clients. Most of them have clients, right?

Katrina Ruth: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Patrick Grabbs: Okay, cool.

Katrina Ruth: Mostly.

Patrick Grabbs: With your clients, these are little trinkets, or a gift, that you can use instead of business cards, okay. You go to disc dot com. D-I-S-C, I think is what it is, fulfilment. And you get these, that you hand out. Put your website on the front. They'll see the website from here, on the front there. It's on the bottom, you can't really see it. On the back is your logo, phone. You give these out.

Patrick Grabbs: I took over Dallas. I went recently, was trying to get more of my communication skills in order because I had spent so much time behind the computer, that I wanted to get out there more and start getting out, engaged with more people, and more social. I took these out, all I did was take a stack of these out, and befriended ... If you give these to a bartender, I actually gave these to all of the bouncers, bartenders, anybody on the staff. You know, you go to the bar a little bit early, you give out your little trinkets, you give out these things. There's something psychological about giving a gift like this.

Katrina Ruth: Yeah, it's true.

Patrick Grabbs: I actually had a dude who's worth millions of dollars, and I gave him one of these cause he bought all of us bottle service, and I was like, dude, I don't have ... I was trying to pay him for actually letting me hang out with his bottle and stuff, and he's like, "Don't pay me, man. It's all good, but I appreciate the gesture." I gave this to him, and he almost teared up. To get a gift ... Some people don't get gifts. If you give one of them to them, they think it's like the best thing in the planet. You'll see, if you give people stuff like this, they'll try to give it to you back, you know, and no, no, no, no, it's yours. It's yours. And they're like, "Mine?" It's yours.

Katrina Ruth: That's true.

Patrick Grabbs: It's profound. I don't know, it's psychological. It's something about these things. And even though, actually I'm not working with Ryan anymore, I work with him to a degree, but even so, I'm not working for him, I'm still gonna pass the fuck out of these things cause they go hard.

Katrina Ruth: You need to get your own ones maybe.

Patrick Grabbs: I'm gonna get my own ones, yeah.

Katrina Ruth: I want some. Get me some.

Patrick Grabbs: What would yours say?

Katrina Ruth: Life is now, come on.

Patrick Grabbs: Life is now. Press play. Maybe a little play button.

Katrina Ruth: Yes. Alright, I feel like we're getting into the super rambly zone.

Patrick Grabbs: Okay.

Katrina Ruth: But we're still hilarious.

Patrick Grabbs: There we go.

Katrina Ruth: We could go all day. Well, we already-

Patrick Grabbs: That's what she said. I am hungry though.

Katrina Ruth: Yep.

Patrick Grabbs: We should get something to eat.

Katrina Ruth: Should we all go get [inaudible 01:33:03].

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, bring it with us.

Katrina Ruth: Should we go to New Orleans?

Patrick Grabbs: Let's go to New Orleans. Let's go.

Katrina Ruth: We're going to New Orleans for dinner.

Patrick Grabbs: That sounds like a plan, let's go.

Katrina Ruth: But maybe tomorrow we're going to livestream for you on unconventional relationships. If you're lucky.

Patrick Grabbs: That's a good one.

Katrina Ruth: That will be an interesting conversation.

Patrick Grabbs: How many do you think, how many of your clientele ...

Katrina Ruth: My tribe, my people. My squad. My posse.

Patrick Grabbs: Gang. How much of your gang do you think is in an unconventional relationship right now?

Katrina Ruth: Definitely that one right there.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, Brandon is in an unconventional relationship with his fucking palm. Motherfucker.

Katrina Ruth: He's in an unconventional life.

Katrina Ruth: A lot, a lot. I know this for a fact.

Patrick Grabbs: Cool.

Katrina Ruth: I'm not guessing, we talk about it all the time.

Patrick Grabbs: Gang, gang. Oh, I like Kiana.

Katrina Ruth: Kiana's the one who sold me.

Patrick Grabbs: Gang, gang. Nice.

Katrina Ruth: They're all messaging.

Patrick Grabbs: What're they talking about?

Katrina Ruth: I don't know. But, Kiana is the one ... I just told the story about you earlier, I said there's only two times ever that people have pitched me on Facebook and been successful. And Kiana was one of them. And there she is with her gang, gang.

Patrick Grabbs: You say that we've been rambling, but we still got 22.

Katrina Ruth: Yeah, cause we're mesmerising and engaging. What is that dance?

Patrick Grabbs: I don't know. I've had too much to drink.

Katrina Ruth: It was a very interesting dance.

Patrick Grabbs: And I might've micro dosed a mushroom earlier this morning, and it may or may not-

Katrina Ruth: Did you? You didn't even have that much to drink. You've had like half a glass of wine.

Patrick Grabbs: I know, but I'm a lightweight. I am a lightweight.

Katrina Ruth: Hi. That's a love heart shout out for Ashley O'Donnell. Ashley O'Donnell is definitely unconventional. Patrick just said how many of my audience do I think are in an unconventional relationship, or are interested in that. And I'm like, a lot. I've found it's a kind of, let's just be honest. Okay, Ashley, you literally have come at the end. We're about to drive to New Orleans for dinner.

Patrick Grabbs: She came at the end.

Katrina Ruth: Oh, god.

Patrick Grabbs: I get a little fucked up-

Katrina Ruth: Well, yeah.

Patrick Grabbs: What up, RJ. I know RJ. What's up, big dog?

Katrina Ruth: A lot. My audience are in to all sorts of interesting shit. I have all the conversations with my clients. In fact, predominately what my inner circle clients talk to me about is sex and relationships.

Patrick Grabbs: Freaks.

Katrina Ruth: Well, if necessary.

Katrina Ruth: I would say 15-20% of our conversation is about business, 15-20% is about shenanigans, 50-60% is about sex.

Patrick Grabbs: Really?

Katrina Ruth: For sure.

Patrick Grabbs: Sounds like I'm in the place to be.

Katrina Ruth: Yeah, well. That's just how it is.

Patrick Grabbs: We're all freaks.

Katrina Ruth: We're all freaks, yeah. What did Ashley say?

Patrick Grabbs: This is like the all-

Katrina Ruth: Well, I gotta introduce you properly to Alexa, and then you'll understand many things that you don't understand right now.

Patrick Grabbs: Okay.

Katrina Ruth: Well, you probably understand them, but anyway.

Patrick Grabbs: I'm sure I'll get more value out of y'all from that-

Katrina Ruth: Well, anyway, it's an interesting conversation. This is a moment where I'm no longer complaining of lack of sex. Well, there's no need to shout about it and tell everybody.

Patrick Grabbs: Yes, there is. Yes, there is, though. She has to brag.

Katrina Ruth: Yeah, that's true. Celebrate.

Patrick Grabbs: Cause you're on here talking about how your life is so easy, and you can't believe it, and oh my god, it's so easy-

Katrina Ruth: That's not exactly how I said it, but okay.

Patrick Grabbs: That is how she said it.

Katrina Ruth: Can everyone send a love heart shout out for Ashley O'Donnell who's supremely sexually fulfilled? Well, I'm happy for you because we've only been talking about it for so long, and it's good to get the updates. I'm sure I can get a more detailed version just Vox me about it. Send it to me on Voxer. Send me the whole story, I'm gonna need to know the entire story.

Patrick Grabbs: Details. Don't leave out anything. We want some 50 Shades of Grey shit.

Katrina Ruth: It's all we talk about. Okay, if you join the inner circle, I will help you with your business, that's actually easy ...

Patrick Grabbs: There's a bonus sex module in there.

Katrina Ruth: There's many bonus sex modules, there's not just one.

Patrick Grabbs: Oh, shit.

Katrina Ruth: It's honestly a huge part of our conversations. Here's why, can I tell you why?

Patrick Grabbs: Tell me why.

Katrina Ruth: Because we let the business be easy, and then we just have fun. I'm just saying.

Patrick Grabbs: Oh, y'all have so much room for fun.

Katrina Ruth: Right. We have room for life and fun. And so then, even when I'm talking with my clients, they know they can ask me anything about business, but I help them get results from a place of ease and flow. Okay, I'm starting to sound slightly wanky. But it's still true.

Patrick Grabbs: It sounds fine to me.

Katrina Ruth: So then, we can just talk about sex and shoes.

Patrick Grabbs: There's Ryan.

Katrina Ruth: Ryan.

Patrick Grabbs: Ryan's probably telling me, he's like, hey, motherfucker, answer the fucking ... I've got your chips.

Katrina Ruth: He's been promoting you the whole way through. And may have done an interesting impersonation.

Patrick Grabbs: I did an impersonation of you. It's great. You won't like it. But it's great.

Katrina Ruth: It was very good, it was actually hilarious. I really enjoyed it. Hang on, I forgot something.

Patrick Grabbs: I'll see what Ryan's been messaging me.

Katrina Ruth: Can we get the domain name sex and shoes dot com?

Patrick Grabbs: No.

Katrina Ruth: Why?

Patrick Grabbs: I know a domain that's taken when I see one, and that one is definitely-

Katrina Ruth: Imagine if it's not taken, can you check? Cause I feel like that'd be an amazing domain name. Let's check it out.

Katrina Ruth: I make out with women with [crosstalk 01:38:16].

Patrick Grabbs: Oh, okay, so Ryan just sent me some shit.

Katrina Ruth: What does he have to say?

Patrick Grabbs: Ryan, I'm gonna message you back on that one, brother.

Katrina Ruth: Okay, sex and shoes dot com. Is it ... Oh.

Patrick Grabbs: Done. It's already taken. I told you, I know this shit. I've looked at so many fucking domains. Ryan's lucky he got [inaudible 01:38:34], cause that shit shoulda been taken.

Katrina Ruth: See? I figured it out. The real [inaudible 01:38:38].

Patrick Grabbs: Oh, you can get that one. You can get it.

Katrina Ruth: Just went a little random ... Alright, anyway.

Katrina Ruth: What are we up to? After hearing your tagline for your book, he looks like a man who knows how to fuck. I've been thinking [inaudible 01:38:52] and thinking that. That was a while ago.

Katrina Ruth: I wrote an erotic fiction novel and the title of the book was ... The title, or the tagline, I don't remember. But it was, "He looks like a man who knows how to fuck."

Patrick Grabbs: It sounds like it was based on a true story.

Katrina Ruth: I published the first two chapters right here in this group, actually. If anyone wants to read it, you would find it there. It was very intense, everybody got very ... It was probably the most interested anybody's every been in my writing. It was out of control on the comments, actually. That book's only half finished. I should finish it off. I was getting a little carried away with it. Every time I sat down to write, I was like, this is going to an interesting place.

Katrina Ruth: I had to be psychologically prepped every time-

Patrick Grabbs: You know the thing about this wine is it does open doors, doesn't it? No, I think we still would have this conversation. Of course.

Katrina Ruth: Definitely.

Patrick Grabbs: Of course.

Katrina Ruth: Definitely. Alright, 24. What now?

Patrick Grabbs: 24, what's that?

Katrina Ruth: I have no idea.

Patrick Grabbs: What's 24?

Katrina Ruth: How long we've been talking for, 24 hours.

Patrick Grabbs: That's some Jack Bauer shit right there.

Katrina Ruth: Last time we did a livestream in here, we went for 90 minutes, and I think we're up there right now. That livestream was super long last time. Alright.

Patrick Grabbs: Alright, so we're gonna wait until next time to give them the shit.

Katrina Ruth: Which shit?

Patrick Grabbs: The shit.

Katrina Ruth: Which shit?

Patrick Grabbs: The main shit.

Katrina Ruth: What's the main shit?

Patrick Grabbs: The shit. The fucking monogamous relationship shit.

Katrina Ruth: Oh, yeah. So, tomorrow we're gonna livestream on unconventional relationships. Specifically, our thoughts on monogamy, and other things.

Patrick Grabbs: And other things.

Katrina Ruth: You're gonna have to be there. We can't give you a time though, cause how do we know what we're gonna be doing.

Patrick Grabbs: We don't fucking know.

Katrina Ruth: We don't know. We'll be there when we're there.

Patrick Grabbs: We gotta hang out with Ryan tomorrow, too.

Katrina Ruth: Go to your notifications and set see first to all things Kat and Patrick.

Patrick Grabbs: Go set notifications.

Katrina Ruth: It's gonna be good. Bring your questions. We may or may not answer them, cause we'll be too busy having fun.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah.

Katrina Ruth: Alright.

Patrick Grabbs: You're in Dallas, so you might as well have fun.

Katrina Ruth: That's what we're gonna do.

Patrick Grabbs: You might have a root-tootin good time out here.

Katrina Ruth: We're gonna go have some fun. Have an amazing rest of the evening, or day, or morning if you're in Australia. Shout out Aussies. Have some Vegemite for me.

Patrick Grabbs: Don't have it. It's disgusting. It'll kill you.

Katrina Ruth: Press fucking play.

Katrina Ruth: Do you have a sign off? Have you got a new sign off?

Patrick Grabbs: I don't actually have a sign off yet.

Katrina Ruth: Maybe for the monogamy livestream.

Patrick Grabbs: How do you come up with a sign off? A good sign off?

Katrina Ruth: I channelled it.

Patrick Grabbs: Channel it. I have nothing.

Katrina Ruth: Maybe for tomorrow.

Katrina Ruth: Where does the drought [inaudible 01:41:35] the sex story? The storm will come. No doubt.

Patrick Grabbs: Yeah, I have no sign off yet, so ... Maybe I'll come up with one and have it ready for tomorrow.

Katrina Ruth: Alright.

Patrick Grabbs: Even more intense, the pressure's on.

Katrina Ruth: It's gonna go extra hard.

Patrick Grabbs: Yes.

Katrina Ruth: Goodbye.

Patrick Grabbs: Peace.

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