Rebel Millionaire

Fuck niching. I don’t stick to an ‘industry,’ I don’t focus on being #1 on a Google search… I brand ME. I brand Kat Loterzo. Everything you do in your business needs to be an EXTENSION of who you are, and what’s happening in your life. Let go of what people expect from you, and start HONESTLY SHARING what you do, what you BELIEVE IN, and how you overcome your problems. People WILL listen. 


  • When you look outside of yourself for the answers, it’s not WHO you are.
  • Whenever you’re figuring out what to sell, look within. YOU have all the answers.
  • FUCK niching. Be YOU

Today's ASSKICKERY Action Task:

What was the last thing you questioned? What could you do RIGHT NOW that would let you SHARE who you truly are, what you’ve been through, what you believe in, etc? 


If you enjoyed this episode of ERTV, you can sign up here ( and receive my FREE book: Multi-Passionate Woman: FOR THE DRIVEN WOMAN WHO WANTS TO BE, DO AND HAVE IT ALL, IN BUSINESS AND LIFE!

Direct download: Screw_Niching.mp3
Category:entrepreneur -- posted at: 11:32am AEST