Rebel Millionaire

Katrina Ruth: Scary? Why is it scary? I thought I looked mystical and fabulous, like a fairy in the garden, in the night.

Katrina Ruth: Hi Melanie. Hi Megan. Melanie, who says I look scary. Hey Sarah. Hey Kelly. There's many things that we could discuss. It's quite likely that we'll discuss none of them.

Katrina Ruth: Hey Mandy. You're such a breath of fresh air on my newsfeed, all the time. I just want to let you know that. You're always so positive and uplifting. Quite commonly, I unfollow people left, right, and centre on my newsfeed just for being fricking boring, or annoying, or I don't know. I unfollow people. Do you guys do this? I unfollow people. Hey Claire. Hey, hey to everybody whose names I didn't see. Hi Brittany. You know, sometimes it doesn't tell me that you jumped on, so if you feel like I said hello to everybody else and then not to you, I'm not trying to blank you out. It just randomly tells me some people and not other people.

Katrina Ruth: What was I saying? Do you unfollow people for being annoying? Why would you not? Or do you just let them be annoying on your newsfeed and then kind of be like, “Ugh. You're annoying,” but then you keep them there? I unfollow people Hang on, let me share this over to my group. Hello from the mystical gardens of Bali. That's where I'm at if you didn't know. I will unfollow a bitch. What's the male version of a bitch or is it a bitch as well? I don't know. Shanshera, I'm sending you love and a shout out cause I didn't know what was going on with you and I saw that on my feed not too long ago, a day or two ago.

Katrina Ruth: You've been MIA on my feed. Sometimes people just go missing in action on my feed. It doesn't mean I unfollowed them, they just went missing in action. But I will unfollow a bitch or, I was going to say bitchette, but that's kind of the female version, as well. What's the male version of a bitch, Christine? Still a bitch? Christine says still a bitch. She's the expert. Appointed just then, by me.

Katrina Ruth: I will unfollow somebody for putting some bullshit post up. I would try and give you an example except I unfollowed all the examples that I already saw this evening. Let me see if I can find my ... No I can't go reading their post. What if the person was on here? I don't know. You know, people put up like kind of “Woe is me" ... not woe is me. What's the word? I'm going to call it a hoity-toity post. Kind of vague. A hoity-toity post is something like, "Did you know that blah, blah, blah, blah blah?" I don't know. I've got no good examples but I saw one earlier today. I was like, "You know what? I'm done with your boringness on Facebook, person" and I unfollowed them. Cause what I want to see on my Facebook, what I want to see, what I want to see is value. Value. Value, which could be entertainment. It could be randomness and shenanigans. It could be something raw and real. Here's what I don't care for.

Katrina Ruth: People try to be raw and real. You can tell when somebody's written a post ... I definitely want to see bleeding mother fucking purpose, Christine ... You can tell when somebody's written a post where they're like, "Now I'm going to be raw and vulnerable, and I'm going to share my struggle, and then people will know that I have a bleeding heart, and here is this special bleeding heart that I packaged up for you, to present to the world as a bleeding heart. So that you know that I'm raw, and vulnerable, and real." And I'm like, "No, bitch. You just wrote some shit up that you hoped would get engagement, and we can all tell, and it's embarrassing for you."

Katrina Ruth: So then I unfollow them. Why were we talking about that? Why did we start talking about that, what was it? I don't know, but I nearly didn't go live cause I sat here, I stared at myself for some minutes ... Which is a confession that I do pretty frequently ... I put the livestream on. I was like, "Will we do this thing? Yes or no? No or yes?" I felt that I have nothing of interest to say to anybody. But then I reminded myself that, that's often when the best live streams happen. I did want to talk about what I said the topic was ... Let me refer back to it ... because one of my clients had asked me on a Voxer, which I answered, not so long ago. Something around she notices she's becoming an influential leader and building a following. Of course, cause that's what my clients do.

Katrina Ruth: I was asked if I unfollow people, or did I initiate that conversation? I felt like I jumped in there. Did I ask myself? Was it higher self Katrina asking current less conscious Katrina? I like it when people make jokes about conscious versus unconscious, because is anybody actually unconscious, then they're dead? But at the same time, I love to be surrounded by conscious, hot as fuck, sexy people. I started talking about it because he said, ... Oh right it was all about Mandy, that is right. Thank you Mandy.

Katrina Ruth: Because, you go through Facebook, and when I'm putting my kids to bed is a time when they're drifting off to sleep and I'm still in the bed with them, that's kind of the key time of day I would say when I do a bit of Facebook scrolling. I tend to avoid doing it otherwise cause it's a ghastly, ghastly fricking quick sand of a rabbit hole to fall down, if you're not careful. If you're not careful, your whole life will fall down the rabbit hole of Facebook. And I was on there earlier tonight, when I was putting ... I was like, "This is so much bullshit." Which was very judgemental of me and judge not lest you be judged, so judge me all you like, judge away.

Katrina Ruth: You could judge my greasy hair, it's quite interesting what's going on up in there. You could judge that I do have no bra on, that's true. You could judge whatever you like. You could judge the fact that you could stay on here for an entire hour, and it's pretty unlikely that I'll ever get to the point, but it will probably be amazing. You can judge whatever you want, cause it's true, I do judge from time to time. But then I saw Mandy saying something about something. I don't remember what it was. I'm going to go look it up now.

Katrina Ruth: I was like, "Well at least Mandy's always very positive and uplifting on my newsfeed." Is it too dark and pixelated for everybody or just for Rachel? Let me turn up my screen on my computer. No, it's already all the way up. Too bad, you're going to have to deal with it, but it looks good on my screen. Mandy has a brightly coloured question here on her page, which I found to be delightful. That was basically the entire story. Odd to see that my hair is greasy. Well that's probably better for everyone. That's fine. That is totally fine.

Katrina Ruth: It doesn't matter anyway, it's Bali. There's no need to wash, or get dressed in Bali. You can just walk around looking as you will, like a vegan hippie who eats a lot of meat. That's me, I'm a vegan hippie who eats a lot of meat. I love a good vegetarian diet with steak added. All right, I'm going to try and get on point, cause it's actually a really good point. So, I was talking to my client, I was replying on Voxer, and she's noticed that she's becoming an influential leader, of course because that's what happens with all my clients.

Katrina Ruth: She said, "Now the only next thing to figure out is how to monetize that". And I was like, ... well, well, I gave her an answer relevant to her particular situation and examples from her life. So, that won't necessarily apply for everybody, but essentially I was like, "Well, because you just fucking decide to." As soon ... Everybody loves a good vegetarian diet with steak added, it's the healthiest thing for you. Now I'm going to lose a hundred vegan followers. Do I have a hundred vegan followers? Don't worry, I have vegan friends. It's not unheard of.

Katrina Ruth: Say what you will. I just said, "Judge not lest you not be judged." I just called it in. That was probably a foolish mistake. So, have you ever noticed that those people who have like two hundred thousand followers on their fan page, or I don't know if you know people, but I know a few people who have a couple a hundred thousand people on their email lists, or even more. I'm gonna let you in on something which may not have occurred to you, and then I'm going to tell you the fastest way to make all the monies that you want to make.

Katrina Ruth: There's people have a massive fucking following who make no money at all. So, if you have some kind of idea in your head, ... or they make a small amount of money, that seems like a lot smaller than what it really fucking should be for the size of their following, in my opinion. And I've seen many people at that. Good examples often, comedians and entertainers who have really funny Facebook pages, but they clearly know nothing about monetization or marketing, and it's a very sad thing. But I've seen it with entrepreneurs as well, have massive followings and they just, I don't know, they must be going for a numbers game, quantity over quality or something. I can't be bothered talking about that cause it's just not interesting.

Katrina Ruth: But, because why would you do that, it'd just be weird? My point is, or my ... I'm already bored with myself. I get so bored with myself when I try to stay on topic. I'm like "What is this? Am I trying to teach a fucking university lecture here? Do I need a slide show? Should I've made some fricking notes?" Somebody once told me that they make notes before they do a livestream. I felt like I needed to pray for them. Does anybody here make notes before they do a livestream?

Katrina Ruth: Do you make notes before you go to lunch with a friend? Do you make notes before you go on a date? Do you make notes before you go for coffee? Do you make notes before you sit down and have a conversation with your children? Because if you make notes in those situations, there's many things that I could say about that, which I choose not to, but I probably would walk away backwards from you slowly if I saw you in person. But if you make ... in case I caught it, nothing against you, just in case it was contagious, but if you make notes when you're going into lunch or coffee or a date, then you probably should make notes before you go on to a livestream, since that's your way of being.

Katrina Ruth: How do I stop going off on a tangent? I am definitely not the person to ask that of. Rosie asked me "How do I stop going off on a tangent?" Do you guys realise that so many of my clients say to me, or so many random people as well, not just clients, will say to me "Imagine you made notes on a date. Imagine then you got caught with the notes. Maybe you called in the right person and they wanted you to make notes, maybe they wanted a slide show, maybe they wanted a PowerPoint presentation." That's it, next time if I ever go on a date I'm gonna make a PowerPoint presentation, I'm gonna pull it out, I'm gonna say "Here's all the ways that I'm fabulous and entertaining" cause that's basically what you're fucking doing if you're making notes for livestream. Just saying, all right?

Katrina Ruth: On the odd occasion of my notes, I completely ignored them. Well, one should definitely only make notes for the purposes of ignoring them, whether they're mental notes or bullet points on a Post-It. Technically, I did make a note, I made one note, which was the topic title of the livestream, in fact, I'm sorry. I should pay some kind of penance because obviously I'm making fun of people for making notes, but I always make a note, I make one note. I make the title of the livestream and then I typically forget it by about ten minutes in and have to ask what it was.

Katrina Ruth: So people will often say to me "Kat, I'm just so rambly all the time, I don't ever get my point across to people, and I don't feel like I'm making any sense or being clear." And then they say to me "You're so clear and concise" or something like that. I'm like "Aaaaah, have you heard me? Are you talking to the wrong person?" I go off onto seven thousand tangents. "Yeah, I still go off on a tangent even when I've made notes" says Rachel.

Katrina Ruth: Well, I'm gonna admit that back in the day, I'm not sure which day it was cause I don't keep notes on the day, but back in the day, one day, once upon a time, many, many moons ago, I would make notes when I did presentations of any kind, and then I would typically ignore them or forget them. Or, alternatively, probably give the most boring fucking seminar/workshop or whatever it was in the history of the world cause I was looking at my notes instead of looking at my soul. You have a choice in life which is that you can look at your notes or you can look at your soul.

Katrina Ruth: Okay, let me just clarify the topic of the livestream, it was something about just cause you have a following you're not gonna make money. Well, the whole answer to that is just fucking decide to make money, okay? That's actually the answer to all of it. There's nothing more that can be said about it. But if you wanted more detail on it, I suppose you could join me in Rich Hot Empire, and then I teach you all the things, but I don't want to talk about it right now. You can message me about that, and I'll give you the overview of how it works.

Katrina Ruth: Rich Hot Empire, six weeks one-on-one with me, it starts next Monday. It's actually very fucking structured, despite all the fun that I poke at structure. It's structured purely, purely so that you can take the structure and throw it off the penthouse balcony; which is where I'm at right now, in my Bali Airbnb penthouse. They call it a penthouse, so I think they're just trying to market it because actually you went up one flight of stairs, so it's technically one level above ground, but it says penthouse on the front door. I'm like "Hmm. I feel like this is an interesting appropriation of the word penthouse, but I'll go with it".

Katrina Ruth: So when I was a kid my dad had a book called Nonsense Omnibus, it was a very hilarious book. Nonsense Omnibus, and in it had the recipe to make a nonsense omnibus cake. Let's see if we can find it, it was hilarious. Nonsense omnibus cake. This is going to be important. This is what you should do with notes, let me read this recipe to you. I can't believe I just found it. Did I find it? No, that's bullshit. They're just making shit up, hang on, let me try one more time. Edward Lear's Nonsense Omnibus. Okay, so basically you made the cake and then once you've made ... it would be more funny if I could find the actual recipe.

Katrina Ruth: Does anyone know it? Is anyone's family as odd as mine? Then once you've finished making the cake, and it had all these really specific instructions about how to make the cake and then at the end it said "And promptly throw it out the window". And I don't remember why, but it was definitely hilarious as a child. That's pretty much what notes are for, you should make all the notes, you should make a PowerPoint presentation about the notes and of the notes, you should definitely put some pie charts in there. People love pie charts, for sure. If I could procure one right away, I would, but I have a bottle of Bordeaux, similar, same type.

Katrina Ruth: And then you should make all of the notes, with the pie charts, and with some graphs in there, and then right as you're going in ready to present, you should throw it somewhere, quickly. Then maybe burn it, as well, just in case you get some sort of scarcity mindset and think that you need it back. That's what notes are for. To say it again, if you are the kind of person who likes to make notes before you like to go to coffee with a friend or on a date with a person, certainly you could make notes for livestream. Otherwise, I feel like you could just turn on the camera and have a conversation. I mean, I'm sure nobody ever built a fucking business based on conversation and communication, imagine that sort of horrific idea. It would be bizarre, it would be next level bizarre.

Katrina Ruth: Imagine if anybody ever thought that they could build a business by communicating with people and listening to them, and engaging in like a real, sort of normal, human person, everyday fashion. Imagine if some moron thought they could build a business without 26 pre-written sales emails, and a Facebook ad. I don't know what people are thinking out there in the world. It's similar to if you want to make new friends, which is another topic that I was discussing with a client earlier this evening. She said maybe we could start like a, in the email client group, that they could start some group threads or conversations, I don't know, an accountability thread.

Katrina Ruth: What's up, savage? John's just in there, he's like, straight in, commenting calling me a savage. I'll go with it, thank you. Okay, so I see this happen a lot right? I'm gonna call you guys out on this. If you join my client groups on my programme, my high ticket programme, whatever you do, and then you go "Let's all make an accountability thread so that we all have to check in with each other once a week and that way we can all become friends or something" I just want to remind you that in a normal friendship, a real friendship that's a genuine friendship, ... I like the savage part of me too ... you don't typically say "We're going to have an accountability thread in a friendship and we must check in with each other once a week".

Katrina Ruth: You're definitely not the first person. I've seen it happen repeatedly. It always happens, and then people tell me about it. "We made an accountability thread" and I'm like "Cool." I don't care, do whatever you want, but that's not actually how friendship works, right? And it never lasts, they never last, and then typically people start messaging me and they're going like "Oh, I feel like I want to quit the accountability thread but I feel bad" basically. I get those messages a lot, cause it's kinda becomes like a chore. Imagine you had a friend who said to you that you've got to check in and give them an accountability update every Tuesday or any sort of timeframe, and that you would have an accountability friendship thread. I'm just saying.

Katrina Ruth: The best way to do it is to act like it's already real, and actually that brings us right back to the topic at hand, right back to the topic at hand. Yes! Sometimes we go back there. So the best way to do it, the best way to make money from being a leader, let's say you already have some sort of influence, you might have an influence over four people, or four hundred people, or four hundred thousand people, well done. Maybe, you're fricking hilarious, and you've got millions of people following you already, and you don't know how to make money from it. Maybe you have done some sort of something and you've somehow managed to get people into your list by giving them free PDFs, that definitely does it, always give free PDFs, people love to get a free PDF. Give it to them, they will join your list for sure.

Katrina Ruth: If you got into the fricking DeLorean and went back to 1989, I would say that definitely join your list for sure. Now, you're welcome to test it out. But maybe, maybe, maybe you did build the list in 1989 and you still haven't figured out how to monetize the fuck out of it. The point is, you just act like it's already done. Same as with making friends. If you want to make new friends on the internet, and who doesn't, it's a gross place to meet weird and interesting people, then you should act like you're already friends with them because people do like friendly people, it's a true fact.

Katrina Ruth: People like to have new friends approaching them, they genuinely do, I'm not even trying, it sounds like I'm being a smart-ass for some reason, but I'm not. Everybody's out there ... I think it's just because it's my nature ... but everybody's out there wanting new friends, for sure, entrepreneur friends. How many people don't want new friends? If they're total badasses, like none of us want flaky friends who talk about PDFs and think that you've got to make notes before you can go to coffee together.

Katrina Ruth: I don't have that many friends myself, but I'm always open for amazing new friends, and I'm growing my friendship base all the time. Maybe I've hundreds of friends at this stage, I don't know. A few years ago, I had no friends at all, or I only had several that I'd kept leftover from my previous life, and how I made new friends was I fucking decided to turn [inaudible 00:21:37] in my journal. Now, if you want new friends, if you want badass, entrepreneurial friends, which I would say that 99.99% of people here would desire that for sure because it's pretty normal to feel quite alone, kind of lost in the wilderness, not this particular wilderness necessarily. If you were lost here you'd have me and a bottle of bordeaux, you'd be totally fine.

Katrina Ruth: There's a spire over there too, so we'd have the best time ever. Anyway, I think I might have made my point. There's nothing else I need to say about it, but it's the same with making money online. If you ... exactly, Kellie wants more friends ... everybody wants more friends, but don't all of you go friending each other off on the comments thread by offering an accountability for it thread. That's not how friendships work, you guys, you can offer a shenanigans thread, I've seen that done very successfully, and somewhat disturbingly. Don't offer an accountability thread for your friendships. Nobody wants that, I don't know why that became a thing on the internet.

Katrina Ruth: I don't think people even want that from their coach. Do you want me to give you an accountability thread? Cause I give you a kind of shenanigans thread, which is my private client message channel and then you can say, you can ask for things for accountability there, as an official, but I don't think anyone wants me fricking knocking on their soul door every Tuesday morning asking for a check in. Your vibe attracts your tribe. Hey Amanda. Great advice about the PDF. I'm full of great advice about PDFs. I've many things I could say about PDFs, I've many PDFs, also. I've made many PDFs.

Katrina Ruth: What is that? Accountability thread is when I run a programme, like even Rich Hot Empire which is my six week, one-on-one which starts, again for, open until next Monday. And it's fucking amazing, and people form connections, but they're not necessarily create like a real friendship in six weeks, but they obviously see that they're aligned and the same sort of person and then people want to keep in communication with the other people in the group and they want to make friends. And so then some bright spark says "Let's all do an ongoing group thread together so that we can all stay in touch with each other and be accountable" and the words be accountable are where you just moved out of the friend zone and into some kind of ... I don't know what zone that is because it's not being a mentor because, to be perfectly frank with you, people don't want a mentor with the people that they see as being on the same level with them as friends.

Katrina Ruth: Even though, of course, we all coach our friends in some way, cause we're mainly fricking coaches of some form, so that's fine, that's normal, but you know what I mean? Like, delete the word accountability, if the intention is friendship. If the intention is accountability, well, good fucking luck with that, cause I'm gonna let you know most people just don't want accountability. What do I think about accountability? Well, pretty much what I just said. I think that people think that they should want it, but in the end, who wants to answer to anybody. Well, if you did, I'm gonna tell you there's a name for you, and it's called non-entrepreneur.

Katrina Ruth: That is largely the problem with accountability threads. So now that we've cleared that up, the money making thing. How do you make money as an influential leader. If you have a following of four people or four hundred or four hundred thousand or four million. Well, it's actually going to happen because you decide that you're going to make money from it. It's not gonna happen because you build a fucking funnel, it is not gonna happen because you make a fabulous offer, it is not gonna happen because you made the best PDF in the history of PDFs and you gave it to your people for free ... they're gonna love you for that. They do love the free PDFs, the people, they don't really care what's on it, it's just the word free with the word PDF, people get very excited about it. You're gonna build your email list like that, hopefully nobody thinks I'm fucking serious right now.

Katrina Ruth: People are looking at me like "Okay, must make a PDF, doesn't matter what's on it, Kat said so". Nontrepreneur. Exactly, a nontrepreneur. A person who legitimately wants accountability as opposed to a person who just thinks that they want accountability cause they think they should, person who actually wants accountability is called a nontrepreneur, and you should hire them to work for you in your business as your assistant. You should not try and be accountable because if it works then you have a problem which is you're a nontrepreneur.

Katrina Ruth: How've we never thought of the word nontrepreneur before? People love free. People freaking hate free. The wrong people love free. Who wants a free PDF? I would unsubscribe forthwith if somebody sent me a free PDF. As if, I have no tonal inclination to be clicking on downloads in my Gmails. In my Gmails, sounds like my underwear. If you want to send me something in my Gmails, paste it into the email so that I don't have to open any fucking stuff up. I will not open stuff, not even from my own staff, I make them send it to me in a pretty format in WhatsApp, so that it looks visually attractive. I make them put it into something that's visually sexy, like literally, my weekly report that I get that I largely don't look at, but it's called Katrina Ruth's Sexy Stats and it has pie charts, for sure, and it has definitely some pretty graphics on it, which I look at and I go "Ah, looks pretty. I guess we made a lot of money" and then I ignore it.

Katrina Ruth: No, I do look at it, kinda briefly. So, the making money thing, did we cover it already, do you feel like we've covered it? Do you have questions about the making money thing? Because honestly it's a very serious topic that's very serious and important which makes it hard to talk about cause I'm not so good with the serious at the moment, I've noticed. But it is a serious topic, people do tend to assume that if they have this following, they're gonna automatically make money, but then there's many people out there in the land of the internet who have a big following, or a reasonable following, and they're not making any money at all because nobody ever fucking told them that if you want to make money you gotta ask people to pay you money. That might just blow your mind, right then and there.

Katrina Ruth: Actually, it took me like two or three years of marketing online back in 2006 before I came to terms with the fact that I wasn't making any money online and that it was largely a result of the fact that I hadn't been asking people to pay me, and it was kinda like "Hmm. Probably should've thought of that". I think for a lot of people here if you're not making the money you want to be making, at some point you might want to check in on how much fucking sales activity you're doing, how much promotion you're doing, how much you're putting yourself out there and actually telling people to buy from you, and it might be a little bit of a case of "Well, if you make more money, you may, in fact, have to be selling more often". And maybe you should just chose that that is a daily part of your business.

Katrina Ruth: And honestly it's about getting over it, right? Guess we're going to go into preacher mode, I'm warning you, I'm just letting you know. I can feel it coming through me like a flood, like a Bali sweat flood. I think that people think that the people who are making a fat load of money online, such as myself, and a load of my friends and clients, I think that maybe people think, and maybe you think, that we just kind of always got the confidence game going or always know what to say. Even one of my clients did say to me tonight "Do you ever not know what to say? I'm sure that never happens to you Kat" or that we always are like just waking up like ready to sell.

Katrina Ruth: What you might not realise, is it's not actually true. I did not feel particularly inclined to press "go live" on this livestream tonight. I didn't want to go to bed though, and it's, what time is it? It's midnight right now, midnight oh five. I was sleeping for like two hours in the car today, I was on a road trip back from the jungle and, you know when you're in that zombie state, where you're not quite asleep, but you're not awake, and your head keeps lolling down and you're definitely probably snoring in the car? I was doing that for an hour and a half. I was like "Am I awake? Am I asleep? There's a temple, there's a cow, there's a goat. I was asleep. I'm awake", it was kinda like those ones for a couple of hours so, long story short, I'm not tired right now at midnight.

Katrina Ruth: But, so I didn't want to go to bed, I did all my stuff, I emptied my inbox down to no new email, two motherfuckers have already emailed me again since I emptied my Gmail. One of them was me cause I send myself a load of email notifications for my coder. The other one was Tim Ferriss, I don't mind Tim emailing me but I'm gonna delete him. Now my email's empty again, as of right now, this moment. I've already answered all my clients, I've done everything that I wanted to do today, which was roughly a full 75 minutes of work, so it was somewhat arduous day. And, basically that's the whole story of running a multi-seven figure business at this point in time, which is exactly what I'm going to teach you in Rich Hot Empire so you definitely should fucking message me about Rich Hot Empire.

Katrina Ruth: By the way, I'll give you a comment about it because I haven't told you much about it. [inaudible 00:30:51] video break down is the title of my file that I need here. Right, so I was like "well, if I don't go to bed right now, what am I gonna do? I'm gonna sit around and probably read Facebook and then unfollow a bunch of people cause, I kind of, I don't know, you know when you feel like "I'm really good, I've really done everything that I desire to do for today, I feel like in a flow and at peace with the world and myself and life". And I'm not going to go to sleep though, so long story short, here I am. I decided, well, I will livestream because I'm not a selfish person even though I can appear to be that way at times ... there's a comment for you, it's a pinch now, you can read it later, it's all about Rich Hot Empire. I might refer to it later.

Katrina Ruth: Work with me six weeks personally, to grow your perfect cult tribe, perfect cult tribe, like this one right here that's happening on this livestream, create and launch your Low through to High End Empire and set up multiple recurring incomes streams to take you to seven figures and beyond doing what you love. And there's a little break down there in the comments. So read that, that is my six week one-on-one, it is super fucking badass. I would love to talk with you about whether that's for you. You can private message me over on my personal page, Katrina Ruth, and I will get you all the details.

Katrina Ruth: Anyway, so I decided to livestream. However, I really didn't feel any message or power coming from me. You gotta understand this, you've got to understand this cause I know that people look at how I do business online and that people want to learn from me or find a way to emulate, you know, in their own way, what I'm doing and how I make my money, and people know I make a lot of money and people also know that I live a really cool lifestyle and I just really honestly do what I want. And that I've reached that entrepreneur holy grail where I have put the work in over the years, and I've been marketing online for years, and so now, it's kinda like "Well, I make money doing what I love and I do what I want, and ease fricking flow and ease" and I teach other people how to do that, aka Rich Hot Empire, right?

Katrina Ruth: But, a lot of times people are missing out, or just not aware of, or maybe even kinda don't believe me, I think on the fact that, that doesn't mean that it just comes like automatically all of the time. I guess it comes automatically in the sense that I'm committed to being this person and it's a conscious thing that I choose into on a daily basis. But at the same time, I don't really think about it, like it's just very natural that my mind or my heart or my soul or the voices in my head would say to me "Well, if you're not tired, then what does a normal person do at midnight?" Obviously what a normal person does at midnight is [inaudible 00:33:30], it's perfectly natural, like legitimately in my world, I'm not even trying to be funny, right?

Katrina Ruth: So, that's normal that it comes up inside me, like "Well, okay, if you've kinda done everything and there's nothing you really feel called to do, well, obviously we'll do a livestream, right?" But that doesn't mean that I feel inspired to do it necessarily or that I have content that feels like it's coming out and also for whatever reason I felt like a little bit clunky in my head. You know, when you feel a bit clunky in your head?

Katrina Ruth: Because I didn't do much of anything all day, I had a real like chilled out rest day, I was staying out in the jungle last night with one of my amazing self-made millionaire clients, Amanda Frances, and another amazing self-made, all the badass things clients, I'm just gonna list off like twenty things at once, Katy Henry, and we stayed there overnight last night. Me and my kids and my nanny, and just had a super fun night and a sleepover, and then built a floating yoga studio in the swimming pool this morning. Got so many Instagram stories, you can go watch it. It was very funny.

Katrina Ruth: And then, you see, it's like a three hour drive back from there to where I'm at here in Bali. And so really, I didn't do much all day, and so I felt kind of disconnected, I didn't feel that the power, or the spirit, or the flow, or the angel inside ... I was gonna say devil inside but that doesn't seem necessary ... was coming through me. I definitely didn't really feel the vibe of selling or of showing up or of being on this livestream at all, but at the same time I was like "But I kinda want to do a livestream". And so what do I do? Well, I did sit here, I did type in my little title, I did put the camera where it is now on the tripod, and then I looked at myself for a longer than probably reasonable or professional amount of moments to decide whether I felt like actually going live and to reposition my hair forty-nine and a half times.

Katrina Ruth: And then I did what I always fucking do, which is that I just press "go live", and it's like "Well, too late. 3, 2, 1, you're live". That's how Facebook live works, right? You hit the fricking button, too late, it's gonna be live, gotta think of something to say. And honestly, 80-90% of the time, that's how I do my livestreams. I'm like "Eh, I'm not really sure if I'm feeling it" and like there's times for sure when I'm like "I'm fucking feeling it, everybody needs to listen to me right now", but like, somewhat contrarily, if I think that I've got amazing fucking content coming out and that it's gonna be gold is when it will tend to be a bit more random or like, not connected and awkward, and if I think that I've got nothing to fucking say and then I just press exactly [inaudible 00:36:02] I did and press play, then that tends to be when it's better.

Katrina Ruth: I have no idea whether this one is like rambly as fuck or of any value at all. And do you know what? I'm not saying that's [inaudible 00:36:16] people like "Oh, it's full of value" or whatever. Cool if it is, but actually it doesn't fucking matter, right? This is the point that you've got to understand if you want to make money online, especially you wanna make serious money online, not just a few dollars here and there. You've gotta understand it doesn't fucking matter. It doesn't matter what content comes out today. It doesn't matter if it was rambly and random, it doesn't matter if a hundred people got value or nobody got value. It doesn't matter if you feel like you brought the gold or not. It doesn't matter if anybody bought your thing or not, it matters: did you show up?

Katrina Ruth: So, if you want to be an influential leader online, and/or you just want to get your message and your art out into the world, number one, show the fuck up for your message and your art. Share it with people on a day to day basis, let what's inside of you out, and like people are doing that. There's people doing that, but then if you also want to make money from it, you're gonna need to sell stuff, right? Unless you're relying on pure, you know, manifestation which is not the worst thing at all to rely on. But manifestation also includes practical motherfucking action, all right? So if your thing is "I will just show up and people will send me donations via PayPal or just offer to pay me" well actually that happens to me all the time. Not the donations bit, I've never energetically decided that people would send me donations. I suppose I could experiment with it but I don't really care to. It doesn't feel interesting to me.

Katrina Ruth: But people do just ask me how they can send me money, so that really does happen, so I'm not really proving my point particularly well. But actually the reason why people just ask me how they can send me money, and like what do you, I don't even care how much it is Kat, like tens of thousands of dollars, right, to work with me at the high level, how can I pay you I know I need to work with you, that's how 100% of my inner circle clients sign up by the way, no joke. I don't do anything to sell my highest level stuff. The reason is, though, that they've seen how I've shown up, through all the areas of my business, which includes that I freaking sell a lot.

Katrina Ruth: The point I was trying to make, and then I kind of undid my own point, cause of course you can manifest anything, however the point I was trying to make is well, what would showing up fully look like for you is actually what matters, because maybe legitimately for some people here showing up fully would simply be getting the art out there and pure solid gold intentions setting that people find, do just come to you and offer to pay you. That legitimately fucking works, that is how all my inner circle clients sign up. And there's people out there for sure who do business that way, they just trust fully in their art and people show up.

Katrina Ruth: For me, it has to at least be in aligned to know that I'm going to sell, and I actually enjoy selling when I get the fuck out of my own way and stop making [inaudible 00:38:59] drama in my head, and that it's part of my day to day flow. That I like to make shit up and I like to sell it. And I've been doing it since I was a little kid, we've all been selling since we were kids, in some way, shape, or form.

Katrina Ruth: For the entrepreneur who is not currently making the money that they feel they should be making, a very simple action to take could be "Well, I'm just fricking going to make an offer each day in some way, shape, or form". And of course most people won't do it because they feel like "But I'm not really quite sure yet what I'm going to sell or how to put it out there" or "I tried that and then nobody bought my thing and so now I'm kinda feeling bad or walking away with my tail between my legs" ... what's my favourite book about sales? The Bible, for sure. That's gonna teach you everything you need to know about sales.

Katrina Ruth: Seriously, I'm not joking. I don't know, I don't read like sales books off the business sales shelf, I learned everything I need to know about sales from Church, from watching all the preachers and my grandfather being a preacher. And I think I read maybe like maybe two sales book in my life to be honest, but I just practised it the whole time, since I was a little kid.

Katrina Ruth: I don't really read business books, I will read them and I have read them, I don't tend to make it through them. I get a bit hoity-toity about it, actually. Actually, no more than this, this is how I feel about it to be perfectly frank with you, and it's not like me the human form, it's my higher self and my soul is like "I'm very good here, like I fricking know that if I tap into source energy and higher self I don't need this shit because I just don't want to hear a fucking system or a plan or a script or a I don't care". I don't want to do it even if it works for a hundred million other people. I know that I access everything that I need to access that's gonna make me money, get me results from when I'm connected to soul and higher power and God and source, and whatever, right? All the stuff that most people don't really want to think about or believe in it, even though they actually fucking know that it's real and true.

Katrina Ruth: So, for me, I almost find it detrimental or kind of just plain, it feels very two-day old boring to read something that would teach like how to sell or how to do marketing or business strategy or something like that. It would either be detrimental to me cause it will sway me from my purpose if I'm, you know, kind of not grounded state, which happens from time to time, or it's just fucking boring cause my higher self is just sitting there twiddling her thumbs going "Yeah, okay, cool, sure, you can apply a sales strategy. Or, you could just reach into your soul and decide that you're going to make money, and then you do". And you put an offer out there from flow.

Katrina Ruth: Maybe I should start a Kat church. Well, I do say Kat church all the time, well, I say Purpose Church with Kat or Money Church with Kat, I've had that hashtag for years. And I've got a couple background banners and stuff and even, you know how I've got the Katrina Ruth frame at the top of this? So, I've got frames that say Purpose Church with Kat and Money Church with Kat, I just always use the Katrina Ruth one, but I can switch them out actually. Cause I do go into full preacher mode, the problem is that I don't really go into preacher mode on command. Like if I say to myself "I'm gonna go into full preacher mode", then I'll probably end up being really irreverent and just funny, which is great cause I like being funny and irreverent but then it's like, then I'm not preaching.

Katrina Ruth: But if I say that I'm gonna try and be funny, then I'll probably end up in serious preacher mode, like basically you've gotta let the message be the message. I'm using my AirPods case for emphasis for some reason today cause I don't have a sceptre handy. I do have a bottle of wine, I could, I don't really want to use that for emphasis I'll probably accidentally tip it on to the laptop. So let's move right along, we did that, it's about my favourite sales book.

Katrina Ruth: But what I prefer to read is stuff that's gonna help me to ... ooh ... Hello. It's a small person that's arrived. Can you not go to sleep? It's like the middle of the night. What I prefer to read is ... you can sit on my lap ... is higher purpose stuff, like soul, I don't know, I prefer to read stuff that helps me access my beliefs and kind of reaffirm for me my beliefs and what I already feel and what I already know is true inside of me. That's the sort of stuff I like to read, so kind of woo-woo manifesty, mystical, spiritual stuff. But I'll definitely pick up books, especially if people recommend them I guess, on the other things, and then largely I'll throw them out the window much like the cake in Nonsense Omnibus, except you can't really throw a book on Kindle out the window. You just have to leave it on the Kindle.

Katrina Ruth: You can't even seem to actually delete a book, fully, off Kindle. I don't know what that's about. Like I've tried to do it and it's like "Too bad. For all of eternity and all devices that you ever buy from here on out, the world is gonna know that you downloaded this fricking book". And there's definitely some books on there I would prefer to remove from now. I'm sure there's a way. What do you think, are you awake? No, not awake. People are saying hello to you.

Katrina Ruth: So, I think I'm gonna go. You want me to come to bed? I'm gonna go, but we said many things about many things. I've no idea if I made my point at all, but roughly the whole point of the entire livestream was if you want to monetize your audience, then you probably should start asking for money. It's just an idea, right? But you can do that asking energetically or you can do it in a practical and physical sense, or you can do both. I like to do all the things, try everything out, everything, everything, everything.

Katrina Ruth: And then the other point of the matter was, Rich Hot Empire is my six week, one-on-one, private client intensive, it is amazing. I've been running it since 2016, it is incredible stuff that we do. You have completely unlimited one-on-one access to me through that six weeks, so as a one-on-one mentor, I give unlimited access to my clients. So we talk pretty much every day in some way, shape, or form. We do a lot of audio messages, obviously we have one-on-one call time as well, but then you also go into private client master mind with my other Rich Hot Empire clients and typically some of my inner circle clients come and play in there as well.

Katrina Ruth: And what we're doing over those six weeks is looking at how you can build your soulmate cult tribe, build a low right through to high end online empire just like I've done. I've taken my business to multi-seven figures, per year, and continuing to climb each year. With products ranging from like $47 through to tens of thousands of dollars and based all on following what I love doing, I'm following my flow and that's what I teach you to do in Rich Hot Empire. So take you behind the scenes of my business, show you exactly what to do and exactly how to do it. There's some info here in the pinned comment, and really just give you all the insights into what we do do in my business. You get to access that content for life, so you get to keep it all for life.

Katrina Ruth: So that's the structured side of it, and then in our one-on-one work we're doing a lot of actually soul trips, inner work, and do transformational stuff that you specifically need. We also do ... Where are you going, are you going to sit down?

Alyssa: I'm sweaty.

Katrina Ruth: I'm sweaty. We also do ... yeah, I'm sweaty. It's Bali. We also do Hotseat Masterminds and a whole bunch of other stuff. But it's all here in the pinned comment, you can have a read about that. I know I was extra rambly tonight, but I do go all in with my clients when we really just get into the core of who you are, what you want to put out there into the world. And the intention with Rich Hot Empire is, in a six week period we're doing more, and bringing to life more than what most people do in two years, and that's exactly what happens so have a read if it's speaking to you. Message me over on my Katrina Ruth personal page and I'll get you all the details and we'll go from there. I hope that you got something of value from the livestream today, tonight, where ever you are in the world, whatever time it is for you, have an amazing rest of the day, and do not forget: life is now -

Alyssa: There's no part of the rest of the day.

Katrina Ruth: There's no ... Alyssa says there's no part of ... I thought you were gonna say press play when I said life is now, and she said "there's no part of the rest of the day". Well, sorry everyone in America, the day is over, Alyssa just said so. All right, bye. Love you guys.

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