Rebel Millionaire

Good afternoon. Hi beautiful people. Hello to the people of the world, come onto me there, come hither to me, I can't just sit here on a big rock all by myself talking into space. Well I could, it would be nothing that's completely unusual. Oh hi people who are jumping onto Join Me. Check it out, I'm on a rock. I'm sitting on a rock. I'm a lizard on a rock. Good morning from Canada. Holler! Holler or Hola? I'm going to go with Holler! Hey Lana, hey Claire, hey Sarah Ashley. I love how Facebook randomly invites me to bring some people on, but not others. So Facebook's invited me to bring Sarah Ashley on.
So I'm sitting here on a rock. Where am I? I'm in ... what's country is this? America. And it's the state of Florida. Okay I do roughly know where I am. I don't know. I don't always stay on the human earth, I write about that last night. Sometimes my body might be here, the physical me is here. The rest of me, you just don't know, you don't need to know. I know you would know what I mean, who read my blog post last night? It was pretty fucking huge for me to release. I was like you know when you've unleashed some art that is just next level powerful and you kind of like spent ... it's the best word for it.
Diana says, "Just read your blog and oh my God, so me right now! I'm dealing with all of that."
If you didn't read my blog, I think I even going to go get you that link and pay sitting here so ... Nadia, right. Thank you Emma.
So the blog was about I get anxious ... what did I called it? I get anxious ... and I don't think I said bitchy, but that's definitely true. And agitated a lot of the time in how ... I'm sorry I'm just looking at my computer while I'm sharing the post ... in how I kind of hate people a lot of the time, which is not typically something that you want to say on the internet when you're talking to people. But then I know that you guys get it, right? And so I want to give you that link now. I don't want you to obviously go read it now, but if you did miss it, I feel like it's going to be pretty powerful. Oh here we go! "I'm sensitive and anxious" ... I called it. "I'm sensitive and anxious, easily agitated and kind of really hate people, a lot of the time."
And so I'm here at an event. I'm hiding. I'm hiding from the event although presumably if anyone at the event wanted to see where I am, they could just put Facebook on and find me. But this is where I'm at. It's kind of beautiful. So it's actually a Disneyland resort where they're hosting this event at, cause it's like three and half thousand people here. I did not in fact go to class today at all. Today was a day for me to recharge my soul batteries.
And so I want to talk about that a little bit. I want you to go read and read that blog like I said later if you not had chance to read it yet. So here's the link for it right now, it's coming. There it is. Because I think that this is really important for us, for people like us.
Yeah I'm at ClickFunnels.
So I went yesterday and attended. And it was fantastic. I got so much value out of it. I will write and share my thoughts at some point, no doubt. I really just enjoyed the sessions and I really just allowed myself to be open to being inspire by other stories, and I find it super inspiring to hear other people's stories. Today I look at the schedule and it's more Funnels and that sort of [inaudible 00:03:41] stuff. And my brother who's the chief operating officer of my business is here with me and he got to go today.
And you know I looked at the schedule and I was like, "I know that if I went along, I would get epic value out of being in the room." Because I always get value from what I chose to do. So it's no doubt that I would take what I needed from the sessions and if there were any sessions that didn't resonate with me, I would just sneak out the back door as I do ... it's why I have sit near the back. But when I tuned in I was like, "What is it that I'm meant to do today?"
Am I meant to go sit in that room because obviously I flew and travelled in theory from Australia to be here all day ... many other things I'm here for on this trip. And come to the event, and paid for the event. And one of the things that I have long ago, given myself permission for and that I want to talk, is to just follow whatever is actually needed for me. Right? So little people would come along to something like this and they're like, "Well I paid to be here and I want to get my money worth." Or "I want to get my value."
And for me it was never about that. It was actually more like, I thought for my brother. It would be cool for him to come because he's relatively new, I guess, to the online marketing world, well a couple of years in. But newer than me. And my best Kylie is here as well and so I was like yeah, "Cool, you know I'll come along and I'm sure I hang with some cool people. And I'm sure I would get some value out." But I was never like I want to come to the event and be at the event the whole time. That wasn't my intention.
But even had it have been, I've long ago given myself permission to do whatever I need to do in any situation and time. And it's worked out really, really well for me. And that's what I want to talk about, so I did the title for today, "Either way you were born to win no matter what." Or I think it wasn't that long, but my title is essentially, "You were born to win no matter what, so why don't you just do what you want." Right?
So for me, like from these perspectives now, from my perspective on the rock, I know when I look at my business, some of the results that I have with money. Building a multi-million dollar [inaudible 00:05:29] business online ...
Hey Mandy! We're going to be hanging very soon at my event! Did you guys know I'm doing a one day VIP, very intimate high level soul shift and soul creative flow money making event next week one day in New York? It's going to be next Tuesday in New York. And then one day in San Diego. Then a week after which I believe is also Tuesday, either way it's April 3. Message me over on my personal Katrina Ruth page if you would like the details to be at those events. There are filling quite fast, so there's only a few places left. They're very small, high level intimate one day events. Super excited about that. And I just thought of it cause Mandy just signed on and she just said, Hello, on the live stream here.
So yeah when I look at my business now, when I look at ... okay my business makes more than seven figures per year. It continues to grow. I truly believe I have one of , if not the most [inaudible 00:06:18] fucking tribe on the internet, right? Like I just, I mean, okay. If you want to be internet markety about it, my conversion numbers and my engagement tells that story. Right? Actually the income that my, the revenue that my business makes for the size of my email list and my following is quite astonishing. And it's kind of unheard of whenever I talk to normal internet people.
But like putting that aside, you fucking see it and feel it, right? And whenever I'm in a room with my clients and my clients get to meet each other for example like at an inner circle events or over the [inaudible 00:06:46] event in New York next week and San Diego the week after, the clients and my tribe when they interact with each other are always kind of astonished but not. But just kind of blown away at how instantly every single person in the room connects with every single other person in the room. You know I have been in business for nearly twenty years now, and have been marketing online for twelve years of that. And I've never experienced this before. You don't go to an event or retreat or seminar or hang out in a group online and every single person adores every single other person and is like a soul sister friend.
So I know that I've done a pretty damn good job of building my tribe and calling in the correct alliance of people. And that post last night and the resonance that came through from that and the feedback that I had of messages and comments is just like, I think I've actually going to extend it to a book. Cause I just really feel that this is such a powerful topic. And I think that's what I'm going to do today, is really dive deep into writing a big piece of that book instead of going to the event.
So yeah, I know I've done a good job of calling my tribe and it's reflected in energy that I have in my online audience. It's reflected in how I feel. It's reflected in how much genuine joy and love and utterance I have for my clients. And it's also reflected in the fact that I love spending time with my clients as suppose to my hating people thing that I write about on the internet last night. I've truly allowed myself to call in and create. I've a soul tribe of women and some men who are exactly the same sort of person to me. And who get it. And who were not born for this world and we're born to dance between the realms [inaudible 00:08:23]. Like we travel in our sleep and even during the day to other worlds and other places. And then we create new worlds inside of us.
And if we put ourselves into an environment with people who are not ... like whatever you want to call it, astro travellers, indigo children, magical light workers, healers, like you know, the ones who are sent from other places. Us. If we hang with the other people too much or if we just around like noise or a load of city type stuff or electro magnetic stuff or just a load of energy that's not ours or it could be just being really busy. That's going to deplete us. And I'm not just talking like introvert depletion, well that's part of it.
Cause I'm a big ass introvert and I know most people here are. But it's going to deplete us. Just on all possible levels. And what would happen is if you don't respond to what your soul needs, not just in like that moment, like what do I need right here. Okay I need to get out of this room. Or I need to go sit on a rock in the sun and live stream to my people, because right now ... here's a little secret for you guys, right. I'm already playing hooky on the whole day. There's a very specific reason why I just went live right now. It's because everybody just went to lunch five minutes ago. You can start to see them walking pass.
Three and a half thousand people just went on their two hour lunch break. I know that from the schedule. I don't want to talk to them, so I'm live streaming here, so not only am I avoiding the event, but I'm going live to make sure that I don't get caught up in a conversation and then I have some client calls starting at the next hour. Like at the top of the next hour, so I'm super I know what I fucking need and I'm creating my life around it. I'm literally on a rock right now, because I'm pretty sure that my brother or some of the people that I know is going to walk pass me soon cause this is like somewhat near our room and I'm like, well shit if I go back to the room, they're going to want to talk to me about the event. And tell me what happen this morning. I'm not available for that right now.
I'm in Florida, I'm at the Funnel Hacking event.
I'm not available for that right now. And I want to hear about the event. And I hear about it at dinner. And I'm excited to hear about what was covered and what my brother learned out of it. And that sort of thing. But energetically I'm not actually available. Like I would not cope right now with getting into a conversation and having an update about what happened in that room. My soul is not recharge yet. We've been with people non stop for the past week or ten days like nonstop twenty-four hours a day, travelling with people. And people who I love and I adore. And doing a load of stuff, which I consciously have chosen to but having a bit less time to myself of the normal. And it's just like ... no, Kat if you don't take today and recharge your soul batteries, you're going to start next level bitch on everybody's ass, which started to happen last night.
It was not [inaudible 00:11:07] I was turning into a sly asshole and I write about that a bit in my post. But it could be something else. It could be like binge eating, right? Or whatever it is. And I just know what I fucking need. And here's what else, and here's why I'm doing this livestream on this topic, I don't have fear of scarcity around missing out.
This waiting for me to start talking about these things even more than usual. I think I've talk about them a lot before. Cause all this stuff comes in phases. Like if I went back through my blog posts, I've definitely written posts about not liking people and like similar sort of stuff I think I might go and find those posts. And even include them in this book that I'm writing.
So yes, I don't have fear of scarcity, right. Like as I was saying, a lot of times if people would travelled to an event ... and like I said my intention was to never that I had to attend the whole event anyway. But regardless people would be like well, isn't it kind of stupid that people think it's stupid or irresponsible or they will actually think that it's a sabotage to them playing hooky and not attend at all. And it's not an ego thing, I'm fully aware that I'll get value from being in the room, there's amazing speakers at this event. There's many, many speakers whose businesses have grown far beyond mine. And you know what, I kind of don't care because I know that I'm going to do it anyway. And I know that I'm going to do it in my own way. And I know that I'm going to have the perfect alliance, support, or learning, or growth, or inspiration just come along exactly when I need it.
So yesterday afternoon, it was so align and perfect for me to be in the room. And I was so happy to be there and I got incredible value out of it. Today if I would have gone along, because I look at the speakers and I was like well there's some good sessions there that I think I would enjoy but have I gone along, that would have been coming from fear. That would be coming from FOMA, right. That would have been coming from well what if I missed out on that one weird thing that's going to hack my freaking funnel and make me another million or the next million or ten more million or whatever. And I just tune into that and I was like, but I'm going to win no matter what. I was born to win. I was born to succeed. I was born to do something extraordinary in the world. Just like each and every person here.
And I also know that I always make the right decision, because I chose that as a belief. So therefore it's true, cause I chose it and I've locked it in for long enough now that's it fucking true. I know that everything always work out perfectly for me. I know that I always choose the correct action to take. I always am moving forward perfectly on my path. I know that all things are coming together for my greater good. I know that I'm building a multi-hundred million dollar empire. I fucking know that I'm not going to look back in ten years and say. "Well gee I was here to change the fucking world and share my message and create amazing art and build a multi-hundred million dollar empire, impact millions of people, but you know I played hooky that one day on March 21 at that event back in Florida and I guess if I have just have gone along, I could have live my destiny and live my purpose." Right? Like doesn't it sound ridiculous when you put it that way.
But year every single day, we all make choices to do things ... well actually I don't anymore. Well maybe I do and I catch myself, but I certainly don't do it as much as I used to. Make choices to do things that are not aligned. Right? That are not feeding our soul, because we're scared. We're scared ... well what if do miss out on something that could have completely change my business or something that I just had to know that I didn't know. Or meeting the right person or whatever it is. Right. And it's like well what if you miss out on living your fucking life? Because you responded your entire day in and day out through all decades of your life from fear and from a scarcity mentality that says do what other people tell you. Go along. Follow the crowd, just in case.
The only thing that you need to guide you is soul flow. And I'm quite certain I'll be guided back into that room at some time over the next few days. And I'm quite certain that if that doesn't happen, I won't even go back in. And I still am in massive gratitude and appreciation for the event, for the organisers of the event. For the people who are here, and for being here, and I'm glad I came. I'm enjoying the environment and I'm enjoying sitting on this rock. And I'm enjoying speaking to you. And there's a great gym here, so that makes me happy. And I'm exactly where I need to be. I'm exactly where I need to be and everything is perfect and everything is where it's meant to be.
And what I want to, I guess, pass onto you is well what if you chose to feel that way. What if you chose to feel always that you're exactly where you need to be? That you always make the right decision. That everything always works out perfectly for you. That you're moving forward on your correct path with beautiful perfect alignment right now. That you were born to win. And that nothing can stop you. And so therefore, you get to do what you want. Now getting to do what you want, really what I mean about that, following soul desires. And soul flow. And I want to talk about that a little bit more, but let me see what comments you said.
Zuckerberg, what did Zuckerberg do? Cause ... don't even tell me now, I'll read it in the news later, but I saw something about him and then I ignore it.
"This is my mantra from my coffee this morning, stop comparing. Yes oh my God, thank you. ", says Keyona.
"One of my current [inaudible 00:16:12] kiss ass and why don't you explore resistance around that. You must be missing some soul [inaudible 00:16:17]. I'm like oh okay.
Right like I just think that one of the most powerful shifts through people like you and I who are very different like we're the ones who ... for example, I can be in a room with three and half thousand entrepreneurs, which I was yesterday, and I in that room feel like, well you guys are the normal ones. And I'm the weird crazy one in this room, cause I'm the one who travels to ... I know there are others who are like me but I don't necessary know who they all are or where they all are. But I know that ... like I look at that room, and I go well you guys are the normal ones, right? And then it was funny cause they did like a slide on being the crazy ones and the misfits and the rebels, and the not normal ones. And I was like, no you are the normal ones. You're the internet marketing people. And then I'm like, oh but I guess, it's a room of entrepreneurs so technically the whole room is the not normal ones.
But then I think that we, you and I. This kind of person is super sensitive person who reads and feels energy. And who is highly psychic, highly intuitive who does travel to other worlds, who does work magic, who does create from within, who does need to be within a very high majority of the time, we are the not not normal ones in a whole different way and I don't mean better, worst, anything, at all. I just mean I know who I fucking am and I know who you are. And I know that it's an extraordinarily rare thing. And I don't even know what my fucking point was right then actually. It was something about being normal. What was it?
Oh! We always know what we actually need for ourselves. I mean that's kinda my big message, right? So when somebody's like, well you know you have resistance, like this being many things that I've ever had resistance to over my business journey, where coaches or I guess other people that I maybe did follow online at the time before I fully kind of figured this out and got on my own path. Or when I would have come to events that I would've been thrown off my path, because I would have bought into the stories. Right. It would have been like well shit maybe I should do it that way and maybe I should change what I'm doing because my way is like pretty fucking messy and chaotic and so on and so forth. And i did, I fought that battle for some many years, I fought a battle against being me.
And eventually it got to a point where I was exhausted of that but where additionally I started to look back through my success history in my business and in my life and I was like well shit. All this success that I've had, which was significant but all the real flow [inaudible 00:18:51] success had not only been like an amazing result but that I've found easy is when I just completely created from inside of me. When I just reached in and ... well reach in and grab my audience by the soul actually. It's one of my favourite blogs that I wrote of mines, it called "Reaching and Grab them by the Soul", on how to build a cult following.
But when I reach in and grab hold of my own soul and responded to that when I kind of heard what everybody was saying or doing and then was just like, yeah, I'm not going to do that. And even long before I prove myself with my results and business to where I can now sit here and say this is what I think and by the way I've got the fucking results to back it up so don't try to me that I'm wrong. I don't care if you do anyway.
But long before that, I would go to events, even like twenty years ago, right, when I was like 18 years old, 17 years old, even yeah like 20 years ago, or like when I first got into personal development in a big heavy way was when I was 17, so 21 years ago. But really I started when I was about 11, reading books and that sort of thing. And I would go to events, like I went to Landmark when I was 20 for example, and I walked out at like 11:00 am on the first day. And I'm not saying Landmark is no good. I'm just saying I knew I didn't need to be in that room. And I did not have the results to back it up either. Right. And I remember that to this day and I remember that they gave me an exit interview, they wouldn't actually let me out of the room. They kind of barricaded me in and made me answer a bunch of questions about my life before they would allow me to get out.
They were like, "Well do you have any problems with your father?" And I was just like, "Nope." And no matter what they asked, I was just like, "Nope, my life is perfect." Cause I just wanted to get out of there. And then I remember walking out and I was like, "I'm free! I'm free at last!" And I think I went to the art gallery or something. And it's always been that way for me, I can remember so many freaking seminars ... like NLP stuff, and personal development stuff, and two days stuff, and one day stuff, and you know selling stuff, and marketing stuff, and I would go with my friends well before I had this business. Even before I started to build this business, even before I was online, I was always going to personal development seminars and I was always fucking leaving, right?
I was just always leaving my friends. My friends would stay, I would make it through like a day tops. And I would just be like, "I can't be here. I'm just going to go." Because I would feel like claustrophobic. And then all the people. And then all the noise. And then, I don't know you get your value but you get to a certain point where you're like, now my value is going to be me being along, doing what I need to do for me. Going within and creating from that place and space. Because ultimately that's where all my success comes from.
"Yeah going to [inaudible 00:21:30] conference this summer, I make sure to take solitary time for me."
Right, well another thing that I've learned is that when I run my events and retreats I never start the day until 10:30 or 11:00 am because I know how my clients are and I know they need to get their morning shit like done and take care of themselves before they come and hang with me. So even our events start ... the New York one day next week and Sunday the week after starts at 11:00 for example or if I do like three day things, which I do on occasion. Or two day things like in my inner circle then I always give a break in the afternoon from like 4:00 pm through 8:00 or 8:30 pm because I use to think that people would want me to just go straight through because then it's like more value or something and then when I started really truly calling in my soul alliance clients, I noticed they were all just getting ... or just straight up telling me like getting completely depleted. And it was actually higher value to give a massive gap of time in the afternoon for them to go and do their thing.
And then when I think of how I've shown up even in events or masterminds where I did want to be there the whole time and I did stay in the educational side of it or the seminar side of it or whatever the whole time, that I definitely skip out on as much elements of stuff that I could. Not cause I didn't think it was going to be good or fun, but because I knew that I needed to go and do my stuff for me and I've always wondered how people can maintain that energy of being around other people the whole time and I just think like I wrote about in my blog last night, of course you can chose that. Of course I could chose that. Of course I could be like, I'm going to bring it and I could, but at what cost? Right. The cost could be some short term binge reaction or sabotage reaction or dealing with anxiety or whatever it is. Well I'm not available for that shit, but also ultimately it comes down to, I'm no longer available for that shit. I just choose what I know I need.
But also it comes down to well in the end, do you believe? Do you believe that you are born to win? Do you believe that you're going to achieve your goals? Do you believe that you're going to successful? Do you believe that the vision inside of your head is going to come to life? Like actual question right now. Type it in to the comments. Do you have that faith? Do you believe that what you see inside of you is real? And that your vision is coming to life? So say like something. Give me something. Or give me a [inaudible 00:23:39] if you believe that. Or give me an amen, right.
Because here's what real, when you believe that the vision inside of you is true and you just have that faith and don't forget that faith is a choice. When you believe and you have that faith, guess what? You can do and you should do and you must do, whatever the fuck you want, which is fabulous. And I don't even mean it in the sense of being a rebel, or a black sheep. Like I just think I'm like black sheep or rebel but that's just because I was following my soul. I never set out to be a black sheep or a rebel, right. That was just always me doing what I knew I needed to do for me. And then we end up labelled that way. And then you know I kind of use the labelling cause it's like cool or whatever. I think it's fun. But it's like, yeah my intention was never that. My intention was never to be a black sheep. It just kind of happened because it's how I am.
Well doing whatever you want, just means you can't screw it up. You can't go wrong. It's literally impossible for you to screw it up. You know that vision inside of you is real. You know that it's going to come to life. So what you gotta do to bring it to life? Keep focusing on it. Keep sending that intention, keep tuning into it through your through your [inaudible 00:24:45] through your journaling and then your task, as far as what action to take through your day, through your business, through your life is to tune the fuck in and listen to what your soul is telling you. And this is the biggest thing that I come back to repetitively. It's the number one piece of advice or conversation that I come back to repetitively with my private clients. My hiring clients who pay me a significant amount of money obviously to work with me.
This is the biggest thing I teach them and we come back to it over and over again. I actually wrote about in another blog, which I've not published yet, which I put up later today which I wrote this morning. And it just makes it so easy, right. Because I know that I'm going to succeed. I know that my entire vision is coming to life. It's always been that way. And I know that system [inaudible 00:25:25]. So all I need to do is to tune and to follow soul flow. That's it. There is literally nothing else required. And isn't that just the most beautiful glorious thing in the world, because it means that when you are somewhere and you suddenly feel like you need to be there, you not going to screw it up by leaving. It's going to be perfect.
I'm not going to like limit my growth or limit the value that I got by spending the day tuning in, being in my own space and place, being with you. Doing what I need to do for me and that is true on day [inaudible 00:25:55] basis for every single area. Every area, not just business and money, but even how you chose to exercise and eat. How you take care of your body. Whether you should travel, whether you should stay in that relationship or not, whether you should say that crazy thing to that person you're in love with. Like you can't screw it up. This just makes it so easy.
So fucking easy. And there's so many examples, even recently, and from years back where I just feel like I continually go against the grain or go against what people tell me is the right way to do something or what's going to work or what makes sense or what the supposed proven method is but in the end I know that if I follow what's coming through my soul, it is impossible for me to get it wrong. Like impossible. And to the contrary, if I don't follow what's coming from my soul. Like even to the point of what I've explain for how I spent my time today. Had I've gone against that, what I would be saying is, that I don't trust. That I don't have trust. That I don't trust that the vision inside of me is going to come to life. That my belief is I need to make sure I have the right external influences in order to be successful.
So how do you think that carries on? There is carry on effect to every choice that you make. If we continually make choices to go against our own soul or just the soul flow and to show that we don't trust, we're going to rewarded accordingly, which is to say not with the things that are actually available to us in infinite balance and flow. So if you want it all, if you want it on your terms, if you want to bring every element that vision inside of you to life, you know that that's available to your impossible. And it's only going to happen when you say yes to your soul.
So for me, it's become a daily practise. And for clients it's become a daily practise to run everything through this [inaudible 00:27:41]. From the smallest, tiniest decision about any different thing in your life to the biggest things in your business and in your personal life and in your finances. And whatever it might be. And it just makes it fucking easy. It makes it fucking perfect. And it makes it fucking flow.
So that's what I wanted to share today. Thank you so much for the comments. I'm going to come back and read them a little later, probably while I eat my lunch, please do leave me a comment, if you didn't already. I love to see your thoughts and hear if this resonates with you. And if you in New York or would like to be in New York and spend a day with me next Tuesday, April 27th, I'm doing a one day VIP intimate high level event. We're doing deep dive soul shifts and identifying where your massive wealth and impact is going to come from based on being all of the chaotic, crazy, other worldly person that you are. I can send you forward written details or if you even go over to my personal page. And ... or I think it should be even on this page, click on my blog post from yesterday.
You're going to see a full description at the end of that blog, but you can just message me on my private page, Katrina Ruth. And I'll send you details and we'll go from there. So it's New York, April 27th, next Tuesday. And then I'm doing the same thing again in San Diego on April 3, which is the Tuesday after I believe ... I think it's the Tuesday after. So both of those events are filling, there are very limited numbers. If you would like to jump into that or know more about it message me now, also it's coming up quickly obviously. I'm going to go and get some amazing food and I might even talk to some people, now that I've done what I needed to do for me. Have an amazing rest of the day and don't forget, "Life is now, press play."

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