Rebel Millionaire

Here’s something they never tell you when you first start out: I always thought people who had made it had dealt with the inner shit. I thought people who had made it had “sorted their shit out.”

Here’s the thing: even the successful people deal with overwhelm, resistance, all of that. They deal with it ALL. It was a HUGE eye opener. It taught me that these things are NORMAL. They’re called BEING HUMAN!

You never get to a point where you’ll want to do everything all the time. The secret? JUST BEGIN.

• Just do something!
• Even the most successful people are human
• Momentum is KEY, gorgeous!
• Become automated with the successful habits you KNOW you need to do!

Today's ASSKICKERY Action Task:
What’s something you keep putting off? DO IT NOW!

If you enjoyed this episode of ERTV, you can sign up here ( and receive my FREE book: Multi-Passionate Woman: FOR THE DRIVEN WOMAN WHO WANTS TO BE, DO AND HAVE IT ALL, IN BUSINESS AND LIFE!

Direct download: Just_Begin_Podcast_93.mp3
Category:entrepreneur -- posted at: 4:01pm AEST